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Does It Bother You When....


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u know someone doesnt like u? like, do u actually get this feeling in ur stomach when u know someone u considered a friend, or were cool with, doesnt like u at all.

i just found out that lina's brother doenst like me at all, and never has. he thinks im disrespectful and have a lot of growing up to do. this was all out of his mouth too, over the phone a little while ago.

him and i had an argument last week (he's my boss at the club i work at) and because of it, i dont have a job there anymore. and i think her whole family hates me now too, and im not so sure what she thinks about me. or why she even bothers with me sometimes. :(

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

u know someone doesnt like u? like, do u actually get this feeling in ur stomach when u know someone u considered a friend, or were cool with, doesnt like u at all.

i just found out that lina's brother doenst like me at all, and never has. he thinks im disrespectful and have a lot of growing up to do. this was all out of his mouth too, over the phone a little while ago.

him and i had an argument last week (he's my boss at the club i work at) and because of it, i dont have a job there anymore. and i think her whole family hates me now too, and im not so sure what she thinks about me. or why she even bothers with me sometimes. :(

Bro dont pay attention. People who hate you like that and pretend to be cool with you, are such a small human beings. Just forgive and forget. And as far as your job goes, im sorry that its happened... But im sure you'll find other one pretty quick.

Shit this is depressing time.... Time to turn on "Hooverphonic - 2Wicky" :)

Peace bro

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same situation happened to me afew years ago...i was working for my first girlfriend's dad...the family was very nice to me, always had me over for meals, gave me gifts and things like that...they seemed like they really liked me

then we had some hard times, broke up, and needless to say i was unemployed. In addition, i found out that they didnt like me anywhere near as much as they acted like they did. I wish they would have been honest with me. It would have made things go over a lot smoother in the end.:(


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Originally posted by xtcgspot

u know someone doesnt like u? like, do u actually get this feeling in ur stomach when u know someone u considered a friend, or were cool with, doesnt like u at all.

i just found out that lina's brother doenst like me at all, and never has. he thinks im disrespectful and have a lot of growing up to do. this was all out of his mouth too, over the phone a little while ago.

him and i had an argument last week (he's my boss at the club i work at) and because of it, i dont have a job there anymore. and i think her whole family hates me now too, and im not so sure what she thinks about me. or why she even bothers with me sometimes. :(

Bro I feel for you... I can relate...

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

u know someone doesnt like u? like, do u actually get this feeling in ur stomach when u know someone u considered a friend, or were cool with, doesnt like u at all.

i just found out that lina's brother doenst like me at all, and never has. he thinks im disrespectful and have a lot of growing up to do. this was all out of his mouth too, over the phone a little while ago.

him and i had an argument last week (he's my boss at the club i work at) and because of it, i dont have a job there anymore. and i think her whole family hates me now too, and im not so sure what she thinks about me. or why she even bothers with me sometimes. :(

i dunno, maybe you are disrespectful and have a bit of growing up to do if you're naming names (almost) and specifics online

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Honestly sweety, Its just human Nature to stick up for the one you love. If one of your friends was bothering a family member wouldnt you get protective?

Dont take it so hard. Everyone works itself out in the end. Trust me. And for bina, She puts up with you because Im sure she knows more of you than her brother or anyone else out here.

She a sweety and she knows that you are also.


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I don't know if this is the same thing or not, but a few years ago there was this guy that was like one of my best friends. We were even in a band together and shit. But then one night about 6 of us we're fucked up on e, k and mescaline and having a really good time partying at my apt. Then all of sudden he just flipped out and was convinced that we all hated him which was actually quite the opposite. But nothing we would say could change his mind. Then he left the party and me and another guy from the band chased him down the sidewalk, and I said "Dude, what about the band?". And he turned around with this look like he wanted to kill me and said "What band?" and then just left.

I only saw him a couple times after that night and he still acted really cold to me. I thought it was just the mescaline that had weirded him out on us, but he continued to want nothing to do with us or the band. I was really hurt by the whole thing since I had considered him one of my best friends and I never knew what to think of the whole ordeal.

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Well listen what I have learned this past year how fucking fake people are!!

Sweetie you are still young and this is going to happen a lot more through out your life..

You have to basically take it with a grain of salt...

Hope I dont sound to harsh but its life and the way of the world.

I know some shit just happened to me like that last night but I say fuck it cause they aint living my life only I am!!

Put keep your head up because it is a NEW YEAR!!

Time for new and exciting possibilities!!! :D

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Personally, I would never work with a b/f's family. Simple b/c if you 2 break up...shit gets fucked up. I mean he probably doenst like you with the whole situation with Lina. Who knows. but I don't know don't stress it look for another job. I'll hire you to be my boy-toy..haha:laugh: ;)

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You need to leave that Lina chick alone.

I always see your posts about how much you like her, how she's always breakin your heart, blah, blah.

Listen, cous, there are PLENTY of other women out there. Don't be so fixated on Lina. Nothin lasts forever, so try to move on.

I am not bashin you in anyway, b/c I've felt EVERYTHING you're feelin and the shit sucks!! From what I've read, she's hooked up with other people, her brother doesn't like you...y'all just ain't on the same level anymore. Sometimes, you just gotta learn when to say fuck it...it just ain't worth it.

You sound like a decent dude, so I'm sure there are other women that will treat you better. It's tough realizing that someone you like doesn't like you anymore like that, but so goes life.

It's a New Year...go out...and meet some new women!! It'll be weird at first, but then you'll realize you think less and less about Lina.


(And Lina -- I'm not bashin you in any way, just tryin to helpin one of my fellow men get his pole back into the water and start fishin again!!))

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Originally posted by greeneyes234

You need to leave that Lina chick alone.

I always see your posts about how much you like her, how she's always breakin your heart, blah, blah.

Listen, cous, there are PLENTY of other women out there. Don't be so fixated on Lina. Nothin lasts forever, so try to move on.

I am not bashin you in anyway, b/c I've felt EVERYTHING you're feelin and the shit sucks!! From what I've read, she's hooked up with other people, her brother doesn't like you...y'all just ain't on the same level anymore. Sometimes, you just gotta learn when to say fuck it...it just ain't worth it.

You sound like a decent dude, so I'm sure there are other women that will treat you better. It's tough realizing that someone you like doesn't like you anymore like that, but so goes life.

It's a New Year...go out...and meet some new women!! It'll be weird at first, but then you'll realize you think less and less about Lina.


(And Lina -- I'm not bashin you in any way, just tryin to helpin one of my fellow men get his pole back into the water and start fishin again!!))

grrrrrrr........ see... this shit bothers me.... cuz everyone starts to think our situation is different than how it really is... but whatever... im just gonna stay out of it....
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Originally posted by greeneyes234

You need to leave that Lina chick alone.

I always see your posts about how much you like her, how she's always breakin your heart, blah, blah.

Listen, cous, there are PLENTY of other women out there. Don't be so fixated on Lina. Nothin lasts forever, so try to move on.

I am not bashin you in anyway, b/c I've felt EVERYTHING you're feelin and the shit sucks!! From what I've read, she's hooked up with other people, her brother doesn't like you...y'all just ain't on the same level anymore. Sometimes, you just gotta learn when to say fuck it...it just ain't worth it.

You sound like a decent dude, so I'm sure there are other women that will treat you better. It's tough realizing that someone you like doesn't like you anymore like that, but so goes life.

It's a New Year...go out...and meet some new women!! It'll be weird at first, but then you'll realize you think less and less about Lina.


(And Lina -- I'm not bashin you in any way, just tryin to helpin one of my fellow men get his pole back into the water and start fishin again!!))

i see where ur comin from bro, and thanks for the support. but i dont think u fully understood what i was talkin about...it really had nothin to do with lina, just her brother...and i was kinda just asking if other people got the same feeling as i did.

lina and i have a sort of unusual relationship i guess. we're not together anymore, but we still talk all the time and see each other. i guess when 2 people love each other as much as we do...its too hard to stay away. and i probably should still be with her, but being single and by myself is just something that i need right now. and if we're meant to be together again, it will happen. and something tells me that someday it will happen again, but right now is not the right time.

but with her family apparently not liking me anymore....that just makes things more dificult for the 2 of us. but love always prevails right? so, no matter what our situation, if we're truly meant to be, it will happen

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  • 2 weeks later...

My best friend one time I later found out that while he was super duper to me, he told all my other friends he hated me, and made up HORRIBLE things I supposedly did, like that I jumped on him one time and he had to throw me off like I was psycho. AS IF! He is like 200 lbs and I'm 110! And he's 36! I'm 19. Hello??? But behind closed doors, he'd serenade me every night, help me get to sleep when I had night mares, he saved my life and, the whole time he couldn't admit to being my friend in public. When I found out the truth and proved it to him, he STILL denied things. Well anyway he hurt me and yeah I guess it will never go away. F*ckin bastard damn you Joe.

Your loss

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We all would like everybody to like us, but it just doesn't work out that way... I'm sorry someone who's opinion you value had negative things to say about you, but try to look at it this way, at least he had enough respect for you and his sister while you were together to keep those opinions to himself... that at least says something... And remember that out of all the people you will never be able to please- your (ex)girlfriend's family is probably number one on that list, because nobody will every be good enough for their little girl...

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