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vinyl review!!!!

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ok well first id like to thank everyone that forced me into coming...cuz i tried to bail out, but no one let me

honestly there was only like 2 - 3 hours of the music that i really enjoyed....the rest was a little slow for me

but thats not to say i didnt have a good time, i had an awesome time cuz cp people are mad fun to hang out with

and theyre crackheads cuz 80% of them didnt wanna move, just sat in the chill out room

dude, but when he put on "heaven sent" everyone just stopped what they were doing and rushed the dance floor....that was definitely my favorite part of the night

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he was actually very fast for me...i got so used to listenen to danny tenaglia that i'd forgotten how ABSO FUCKING LUTLY BANANAS DANNY HOWELLS IS...he was non stop...every damn track was wicked and on point..it was truly insane

i don't even wanna think about him bein here once a month

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Originally posted by trancend

oh yeah and that champagne tasted like shit

. . .(wading through my own crackheadedness to talk) . . .

. . Hey, at least the champaigne was fee. . . but I agree, it was nasty stuff . .

. . Being a breaker, I was a bit apprehensive about this show, but I said what the fuck and signed up . .

. . What I got to say is this . .. Danny Fawking Howells RAWKED!. .

I agree the set started out slow, but it built (as it should) over the course of the night . . by 3 he was hittin it, the room was going off, and it only got better until it culminated (for me at least) in breaks from 7-8. . now that was a treat :). . Great beats, and a lightshow that was second to none. . ahhh . . I love strobe lights . . . . .

. . . I danced harder last night (this morning) than I had ever danced in my entire life . . . Thank you Danny Howells . . :)

. . I am the master of the Robot Shimmy-Spaz!!! . . . :laugh:

. . . LOL, the heaven scent thing was classic. . I was helping another partygoer get over a case of the queazys at the moment I heard the breakdown/buildup in the song and I just left . . I'm like "could you take care of this one for me for just a sec" . . then I ran back into the main room. . Bad phunk!!! . . .

I'm gonna eventually put up a whole bunch of shout outs, but I gotta remember what happened correctly before I do . . magically, as I got off the train, I can't recount most of the people's names I was with . . does this happen to you?. . . lol

. . peace out. . . love you all :)

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Originally posted by tjdj

what time did vinyl close couldn't make it there nobody to drive

Closed at like 10AM.....

Music was fuckin off the hook, but i was sooo tired to move anywhere. I met some of CP people, and everybody is mad cool, i happy that i came to Vinyl for after hours. It was nice meetin' y'all. Lets hope we spend rest of the year, just like we started it... partying ;) As for everybody being "crackheads" as trancend said.... well i dont think that... hm... Well shit i should now shuddup, cause i dont even remember how i ended up in Vinyl in a first place.... ;)


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Had a great time at Vinyl last nite. Unfortunetly I missed the meetups because I got blasted at my friends house before we got to the club and I completly forgot about them.....But anyway...It was my first time hearing Danny Howells live and I must say that he kicked ASS......I wish I could have stayed longer but I was in no shape to do it.....:blown:

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Well I had fun with all of you. God was it me or was the whole CP board rolling?:confused: Everyone was in the corner of the chill out room. Damn if I had only remembered my camera. Damn this NYE was classic....Did anyone take pictures?

Well until next NYE or the upcoming shagfest? We can all get drunk and merry.....woo hoo and maybe we can actually have an orgy. hehe

BTW, not enough of you spanked me last night :(:cry: WTF is my ass not ripe and tender anymore :rolleyes::tongue:

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Originally posted by vision

he was actually very fast for me...i got so used to listenen to danny tenaglia that i'd forgotten how ABSO FUCKING LUTLY BANANAS DANNY HOWELLS IS...he was non stop...every damn track was wicked and on point..it was truly insane

i don't even wanna think about him bein here once a month

same here. DT always has those little breaks with some funky tune but howells is relentless! my entire body is pretty much mush right now, but it was all worth it. biggest surprise was that it wasnt totally packed, hell there were more people on friday. Im not complaining though room to dance = good. Howells once a month is definatley gonna be crazy

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all i can say is wow!!!!!!! music was off the hook!

i had a great time. I was just drinking left about 10 or so.. took a power nap during the night for like 20 mins to get my energy back. Great vibe and great energy on the dancefloor especially late night. met mad cool people.

phuturefunk good to meet you bro good times

trancend always a pleasure

fireydesire good to meet you too sorry i didn't make it back to the apartment

aztec good to see you again as well we had a nice little late night dance session goin...

so many more people, sorry i am too lazy to type right now but it was great meeting you all :D

oh and a big thanks to all the people who made sure nobody fucked with me while i was napping ;)

and that champagne was nasty but as bocc said whatever its alcohol :drunk: :drunk:

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Well, we came home to find BarMenace passed out under the table with 3 empties of Dom....Friggin' kids drinking us outta house and home :)

Well, I (BarVybe) arrived around 3 after a bitterly cold walk from 14th street (no cabs) with Tiffany. But, nothing warmed me up more than the shouts of "Petey!!! Petey!!!" as i was buried under hugs from Shannon, Joe G, Kristy, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Rosie, Joel, Carl, Diane, Jon, Dave, Justin, Christian, Mist....Ok brain's foggy...that's all i can remember. All of u had wiggly damn eyes and big ass grins - didn't know i had that effect on you all ;)

Well, Tiffany and i caught up and i gots to say i had a great time with her all night. Sitting, smooching, dancing, talking - all that shit.

Yo Carl - u r the man - thanks for the sweater (from Tiff) and good times are coming kid!

Lots of other peeps (Trippintrance, Fiery, Mellichacha, Aramis, Steve, Andy, Dahlia, big Dean, Xpander, Petrol, MSoprano, SK, etc. etc.) came and went (HI!), but SLEEPISWASTE fuckin' made my night :) Happy NY brother!

Oh yeah - THE MUSIC! Thought our man started off kinda slow, but i was also buried in my girl's lips so i can't say for sure until about 6 or so. Those breaks were a sick treat and i was definitely feeling 80% of it from then till we split at 9:30. Speaker dancing is always good too :)

THE INCIDENT: Lavender is such a trooper. Broke her freakin' nose at about 4:30 and still had a great time. She's doing ok - nothing a few bananas and Vicoprofin can't fix :)

TottallyOff - u are the man. Took care of my roomie better than i could :) Ice, tender lovin' affection, ER trip, bananas, vitamin water, a straw, and SMOOCHES and chocolate (hmmm...which one is better?)


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Hmm...after a great time at the Russian Tea Room :) we headed over to Vinyl 2ish...it was fun seeing everyone again...and fiery, people were rolling?! :confused:;) And then some I suppose ;). As usual, we closed out the place 10ish...first but certainly not the last time seeing Howells:)

And Dennis!! Thanks for the dances, it was a special treat to see you out on the floor :)

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mmmm..... my legz are still hurtin'.....

yeh, great seeing you people, i was mostly on the dance floor, so didnt chill out with you back there,

but really an awsome night,

Happy New Year Everybody!

P.S. did anybody seen this crazy dude doing this crazy shyte moves on his back on the floor, around 6 or so, siiiicckk..


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i was there from 5-8:15...music was a little too insane for me but i had a good time...i was rolling my face off sitting on the speaker during that whole breaks set, but the people i was with wanted to go so we bounced early...it was eh

all in all, i had a much better time at the classics party with DT...i paid half as much and stayed almost twice as long..Howells is just too relentless for me....i felt like i was in a field surrounded by candy ravers:rolleyes:

oh well...it was still a happy new years even if i am sick as hell now:(


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Damn... my friend went and he said the same things most of you are saying -- incredible fast beats, not too crowded so enough room to dance, started out slow then got harder.

I wish SOOOOO much that I wasn't sick so I could have gone! Sounds like I missed a great party :(

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Did anyone take pictures?

Well until next NYE or the upcoming shagfest? We can all get drunk and merry.....woo hoo and maybe we can actually have an orgy. hehe

i had a camera...but once again i forgot i had it

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Oh My God .. what a freaking night

My night started off with kinda being ditch by my friend so I took the last possible train into the city and had to walk half way to vinyl in the cold cause I couldn't catch the train in midtown to save my life NE wayz.. I get inside and I walk into the chill room and I swear I must have shook hands for 20 mins like everyone was there.. I got a few new faces in the brain box.. tayst Im wanna bone you you little fox.. Nice meeting you it was a pleasure to talk to you.. Klohe my god a not little sex goddess so cute.. bellichacha you were pretty cool thanks for putting up with me Msoprano nice to finally meet you... umm my brain is much so Im gonna miss people it doesnt mean I dont love you .. well yeah it does.. Trancend nice to see you out, Joe G, Trippin trance, Al , Big Lav what a fucking soldier you are, Reginap always nice to see you thanks for providing a place to chill afterwards.. Pfloyd I will see you later man when we are both not so fucked up, sleepiswaste nice seeing you Pa.

As for my all stars first I gotta give it up to

Xpander for trainspotting the orbital tracks with me.

Phuturephunk for kicking a little science with me.

fiery just for being you you know I love you ma

Big JON Stephen I love hanging with you man lots more to come Im sure. Ill be passed out on your couch a whole lot more!!!

Crobra and mist I love you two you guys are awesome just being all cracked out and stuff with you afterwards cro you kept cracking me up. Mist just just dont talk :laugh: :laugh:

Barvybe and Tiff you guys were like big brother and big sister my god I felt such love from you two. no problem about the sweater next time Im gonne bring extra !!! I hope to see you again soon most likely thursday, I also met Joel and rose through you guys so thanks for that too They invited me over for dinner LOL so Im sure I will see those guys soon If I can ever get my shit and graduate !!! anyway

thank you for the best new years ever guys

Dj jon roomate I still dont know your name but good seeing you again you were the most fun man thanks for being there and being you.

Who is coming out for my birthday in a couple days EHH?

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Originally posted by siceone

Barvybe and Tiff you guys were like big brother and big sister my god I felt such love from you two. no problem about the sweater next time Im gonne bring extra !!! I hope to see you again soon most likely thursday, I also met Joel and rose through you guys so thanks for that too

Man, i guess i could see myself as a big brother, but the picture of Tiff being u'r BIG anything is just too funny :)

Yo, Rosie and Joel are the shit - best people around.

When is u'r birthday? Where r we going?

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