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Used and disused...

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Boy, Come into work today thinking everything is going to be a nice normal day... To my dismay I find out im getting canned in two weeks... I worked for my company for a year and half and now im going to tossed aside like a used condom....

I know your all excpecting me to FLIP out, But im not going to. I just want to know who'se coming with me, WHO is COMING WITH ME... ????

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:laugh: :laugh:

i dunno about food stamps...but i will tell u this~~>the COINSTAR machine is a wonderful thing!!...when i was a lil buga using my lunch money to go out and party with the big people, that $25-$40 a week just wasn't cuttin it!! great for admission but...well anyways.....my dad had this HUGE thing of change(((yes yes...some of u may look at this as stealing...but hey,i didn't until i got busted!(whole different story))..anyways i digress..needless to say..u'd be shocked to shit at the amount of green u can get from a small bag of coinage!!! point being~~u will find a way to go out....change is all around u...next time u see that penny on the floor~wait till no one is looking THEN pick it up!:laugh: :laugh:

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THAT IS FUCKEN RAW, That Boss of yours, is an asshole,

well atleast u can post more on CP and Get up to 4,000 post lMao


nah it aint funny ur right :(

shit bro thats not cool, they knew about you getting fired before the new year and they made you come into work, WHy couldnt they call you. :D

on a serious note though, it is for the best, cuz you were driving 100 miles a day, an wasting all that Gas and money fucking up your car mileage,

and you wanted to get Xbox, :rolleyes:

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shit bro that SUCKS.

i got fired last november and fo shizzo my nizzo it BLEW CHUNKS - especially considering i was one of the few people holding that place together amidst too many clueless project 'managers' (aka "masters of deadline and requirements deception") and information 'architects' (aka "Visio document drag-and-droppers")... sure enough the following march they went under... the evil management that remained until the end at www.t3media.com will surely rot in hell...

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Originally posted by doubtness

I told you not to sleep with the Boss's daughter, now you see what you got yourself into.

Here's a thought....

Why don't you take some un-used hardware, Sell it on E-bay, and make some extra cash, Bro!!! :D

Geez you and arty... I already got some nice stuff :D

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oh yeah

and when i finished my internship at Compaq (summer 98)

everyone was out at a conference on the west coast so i walked right into the computer lab, grabbed the infamous Compaq-tool (with all the star and hex bits you can only get from compaq - they do this to prevent anyone from servicing their own pc's) and walked right out with the thing in my pocket. sweeeet.

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Originally posted by rdancer

Boy, Come into work today thinking everything is going to be a nice normal day... To my dismay I find out im getting canned in two weeks... I worked for my company for a year and half and now im going to tossed aside like a used condom....

I know your all excpecting me to FLIP out, But im not going to. I just want to know who'se coming with me, WHO is COMING WITH ME... ????

aww hun..I'm sorry to hear that...But obviously you are not too upset...So whatever...it sux to start the new year like this...but fuck it your young and you can definitely find something 10 times better;)

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