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The Only Good Thing About Roxy...

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

significantly lower juicehead/hoochie to other ratios exist at:




filter 14



even centro

and a whole bunch of other places I cant think of at the moment.

100% TRUE!!!! That's Why I haven't even bothered w/ Roxy....WHy go anywhere ELsE when THeRE's A LUNATARiUM!!!:D

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

i like the music that vicious spins, but his last 3 sets sounded too similar to each other

why not play some xpress 2, tiesto, riva, PVD and the like? mix it up a little bit!

its starting to sound repetitive.......

yea bro i was saying the same thing to a few other people....i think hes feeling out the room....im waiting for him to start briniging in the nice trance and the vicious sound with all the hums and the bass drops....his mixing is flawless as always but hes gotta change it up this week!!!!!

but other then that the venue is sick, i like the crowd, there are a lot less drugs and CLUBNYC owns the place....

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Originally posted by glowdancer

yes u are

i'm not feeling the tracks he's been playing

maybe in total about 3 from this past fri

and he didnt do much with them either

i agree...its just thump thump thump all night....why does music have to be so angry to have a good time?

and WTF was he doing throwing Trippin in the middle of his set???? dont play a song just because people like it..trippin does NOT belong in the middle of a pounding 140 bpm set, especially if youre gonna go right back to 140 afterward...there is no point!!!


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Originally posted by msoprano13

yea bro i was saying the same thing to a few other people....i think hes feeling out the room....im waiting for him to start briniging in the nice trance and the vicious sound with all the hums and the bass drops....his mixing is flawless as always but hes gotta change it up this week!!!!!

but other then that the venue is sick, i like the crowd, there are a lot less drugs and CLUBNYC owns the place....

shit music and no drugs? 18+ party? uh oh...

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

i agree...its just thump thump thump all night....why does music have to be so angry to have a good time?

and WTF was he doing throwing Trippin in the middle of his set???? dont play a song just because people like it..trippin does NOT belong in the middle of a pounding 140 bpm set, especially if youre gonna go right back to 140 afterward...there is no point!!!


. . . Well . . . I believe it's because of what this city's mentality towards beats is . . People expect to hear Thump, thump, thump thump when they're out on the down in NYC . . . Playing off color tracks and trying to be creative is a massive gamble in this town . . I do believe that the fear of non-acceptance is what keeps many big names in this city from spinning more creative and expansive sets . .

. . . I asked a DJ at a private hip-hop party one time if he had Peter Piper by Run DMC . . I didn't ask him to play it . . just if he had it . . He replied with yes and then very quickly " . . but it would clear the floor . . " and then he frowned . . I told him that I understood and he nodded in a kind of defeated way . . .

. . THAT is the problem . . This guy knew, as I'm sure JV does as well, that creativity is best left for A) the places that hype individuality ( . .Vinyl, The Lunatarium, Baktun [so I've heard], etc . .) B) Special events that pull a different crowd than the normal venue regulars (except in the cases noted above . . ) . .

. . Roxy is a "bar" mentality club . . With that mentality comes a certain set of constraints on what a DJ Can and Cannot get away with . . . so record selection becomes a critical part of the process, as to not turn off the crowd, who in turn will continue to buy obnoxious amounts of alcohol . . . I could get away with throwing "curveball" by Elite Force ( a mildy undergound record) but not "Funky As. . " by High Prime ( a very dark, dirty, twisted undergound record . . ) . . It's all about what the crowd can stomach . . Now at a place like the Lunatarium I could throw Funky As without a problem, cause it just fits the venue and the crowd mentality better . .

. . . On top of the venue/crowd fittablility . . the mentality of the Owners is an issue as well . . Most residents are under a certain amount of pressure from the powers that be to play what the crowd wants to hear. . I'm sure JV has more freedom in that department, but there's still an expectation by management that you keep the crowd entertained . . and that, more often than not, translates into "no surprises" . . . Which, in turn leads to a self-stifling of creativity on the DJ's part . . sux, but it's life . .

. . Just a thought . . .


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Originally posted by xtcgspot

i soooooooooo disagree. i mean, the venue aint great....but from my point of view...T&A is fuckin cool!!! there were mad hot girl there..but im not even there for that. roxy is def my favorite place now....and its because of one man....JOHNNY FUCKIN VICIOUS!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D


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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . THAT is the problem . . This guy knew, as I'm sure JV does as well, that creativity is best left for A) the places that hype individuality ( . .Vinyl, The Lunatarium, Baktun [so I've heard], etc . .) B) Special events that pull a different crowd than the normal venue regulars (except in the cases noted above . . ) . .

. . Roxy is a "bar" mentality club . . With that mentality comes a certain set of constraints on what a DJ Can and Cannot get away with . . . so record selection becomes a critical part of the process, as to not turn off the crowd, who in turn will continue to buy obnoxious amounts of alcohol

. . . On top of the venue/crowd fittablility . . the mentality of the Owners is an issue as well . . Most residents are under a certain amount of pressure from the powers that be to play what the crowd wants to hear. . I'm sure JV has more freedom in that department, but there's still an expectation by management that you keep the crowd entertained . . and that, more often than not, translates into "no surprises" . . . Which, in turn leads to a self-stifling of creativity on the DJ's part . . sux, but it's life . .

. . Just a thought . . .


i agree and understand 100%....i work at an actual bar at Rutgers, with normal lighting and a shitty sound system...people go there to hear hiphop, and cheesy hiphop at that...it is without a doubt, the most mainstream of crowd possible...

but im sick of hiphop...i stopped caring so much, and every week i play a little more house music...if they leave, they leave, but moreoften they dont and lot of people appreciate it..the owner, as you said, sucks and doesnt want people leaving (obviously) so if he is in there he usually tells me to play "singalong" music as he calls it

if roxy goes to Vicious and offers him a residency, they obviously respect that he has a following and that his fans want to hear that music...that leads me to believe that it is more Vicious, and less the owner who is choosing the format of the evening...

im sure in time, if vicious can hold down the residency for long enough and prove that he has loyal fans, he will be able to display more creativity and receive appreciation for it, ala DT @ vinyl, JP @ SF, and even me at my cheesy little bar;)


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Originally posted by PFloyd40

yea factory was good.. the crowd the last nite he spun there was perfect..

but i miss tunnel :(


You were a tunnel head....man back in the day that was my shit...Its all gone and shitty now..Back in 98 it was so off the hook:( Those days are gone now

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Originally posted by magilicuti

if you are referring to girls no. some clubs are just known for having better girls then other clubs. and if you were a guy you'd understand that a bit more.

gawd has it really come down to what club has better girls??? what i said was, there is TITS AND ASS everywhere you go, now their face is a diff story....

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