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How many of you are Gay friendly?

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i wonder wut ay friendly is i mean if u mean like are u cool with haveing gay friends yeah i'm cool with that i mean most gay people won't hit on stright people any ways so its chill any 1 who is chill with me gets me being chill with them back if they gay,blue green u chill with george ,george is chill back

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Originally posted by northnjguy21

i wonder wut ay friendly is i mean if u mean like are u cool with haveing gay friends yeah i'm cool with that i mean most gay people won't hit on stright people any ways so its chill any 1 who is chill with me gets me being chill with them back if they gay,blue green u chill with george ,george is chill back

Bro....are u lost for words?

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Well, first off... everyone who replied to this question DEFINATELY HAS A PROBLEM WITH GAY PEOPLE. How are you going to ask (and respond) to such a question. What if I asked... How Many People here have a friend who is Spanish? I bet a whole lot of heads would be pissed off. It's just a stupid question. Or to say, um ya, I have a friend who is black, so that means I like black people. C'mon give me a freakin' break. Gay people are no different than anyone else. We are all people made up of different cultures, societies, ideas, thoughts, religion, and yes... sexual preferences.

Oh, and to automatically assume that all Gay people hit on all straight people is a TOTAL IGNORANT thought. You think because you hang out with a gay guy, that he is automatically going to try and hit on you? C'mon, be for real! I am 100% MYSELF (I do not label anyone nor myself), and I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH ANYONE AS LONG AS THEY ARE COOL. If they can hang, they have no problem hanging with me, and we get along... I COULD CARE LESS who's your daddy, where you came from, and who you fuck. As long as your cool, we're cool. SO as soon as people stop putting neat little labels on everything, and then tyring to justify that they are different from everyone else, because they actually have friends that fall under these categories, is ok. WELL IT'S NOT!

This is the problem with this world today. All of these damm classifications for everyone. We are not a bunch of books, that need to be placed in certain rows and filed under certain sections. We are people that need to be treated as individuals, and not as groups or categories. Why do you think all this terrorism shit is sooo outrageous. Because one "group" doesn't like the other "group". That's It. NO OTHER REASON. There is a word for that.... IGNORANCE.


- Optic




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I have no problem with gay people, but I don't know...for some reason, I just can't really accept the fact that being homosexual is genetic, as it was supposedly proven by a study done a few years ago. Each case is unique, though. I have a friend who says he is gay but he definitely is not (one can tell by the way he looks at girls and who he hangs out with..he never bothers meeting other gay men but rather hangs out with girls 24/7). All in all, everyone can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't harm anyone else, that's my opinion.

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Hacker's got it right as usual :)

on the slightly different topic some of u commented on: i'm very flattered when a guy hits on me. Gay guys tend to have really good style and taste, and since most girls aren't that straight forward about stuff...:)

Sassa - do u think they are actually better looking? or just better style and taken care of themselves? just curious....

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Originally posted by barvybe

Hacker's got it right as usual :)

on the slightly different topic some of u commented on: i'm very flattered when a guy hits on me. Gay guys tend to have really good style and taste, and since most girls aren't that straight forward about stuff...:)

Sassa - do u think they are actually better looking? or just better style and taken care of themselves? just curious....

A bit of both perhaps. :) Not saying there aren't any good looking straight men out there though....I just don't see many myself ;)

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Originally posted by sassa

A bit of both perhaps. :) Not saying there aren't any good looking straight men out there though....I just don't see many myself ;)

that's cool.

in general i think u'r right btw.

i'm straight but guys who can't tell if other guys are good looking or not are just foolin' themselves IMO

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Originally posted by northnjguy21

i wonder wut ay friendly is i mean if u mean like are u cool with haveing gay friends yeah i'm cool with that i mean most gay people won't hit on stright people any ways so its chill any 1 who is chill with me gets me being chill with them back if they gay,blue green u chill with george ,george is chill back

Gay people are chill, people talk in the third person however.... JK :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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One of my very good friends is gay, he's one of the nicest people I know.. not because he's gay though, just because he's a good person.. and he's not like the obvious flaming gay, I was surprised at first.. he's a perfect example of how stereotypes are so not fair. :)

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I have to agree with OPTIC on this one. As a man who has been working my whole life to get rid of labels and being singled out by people because of labels that others have put on me, I hope that someday we'll get back to being Tom, Lisa, blah, blah, blah and stop being "my gay, black, friend ________."

Just because a guy is into guys, doesn't mean that he's into gay culture and all of its stereotypes. He may not get along with most GAY people. He may choose his friends based on interests, etc. Sometimes, that gets that guy in trouble because he sometimes falls for guys who aren't gay/bi, but we can't help what we feel as humans and we have to learn to enjoy being ourselves, no matter how much it hurts sometimes or alienates us from certain groups. As was once said, when they put us in the box 6 ft. under, it will be by ourselves, so ourselves should be the only ones whom we have to please because no one else will have to live with us as long as we do.

Ok, enough of my rambling. I only wanted to thank OPTIC for the positive message.


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