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Danny Tengalia Review

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Well, I don't know much about music and all. I am so glad the my DT cherry was popped...woah I really have been missing out on this native brooklynite's music. That was the first time I ever heard his music and it was well worth it I have been hearing a lot of great dj's and shit. I must say that DT kicked fucken ass last night. Damn I heard some familiar songs, don't know the names of them though. Man for all of you who told me he is the man..YOU were all so right. Shit I love how he talks to the crowd. I was definitely feeling the deep sounds that he spins. I think the crowd was all so well diverse as well. However it was really crowded which kind of bothers me, but it was all good cause I was surrounded by my 2nd family...:love: you guys... It is always a pleasure with chilling with each and everyone of you. You all know who you are;) I think that I will be living at Vinyl fridays when he spins. Well there is my short and brief review.:)

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I knew you'd enjoy it!!! :D I also knew that when DT dropped safe from harm a couple minutes after we walked in, it was going to be a great night music-wise. As usual, great chillin w/you hon. A big happy bday to Carl, you teddy bear! :D Clubkat meow meow you ruled that speaker babes :). Tasty nice finding girls like us...you know what I mean ;) Jon, Kristy, Gabo, Khloe, Andy, Al, Jayme...and everyone else, always good company on the dance floor (and in the chillout room) ;)

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I walked in with Quoth and Legend38 with a song already in progress, but like a min or 2 later, "I feel loved" came on. I absolutely love that song and it was nice to hear after the nights prior events. Stayed only an hour, but I know I'll be hitting up that spot after Roxy sometime soon.

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Originally posted by roninmess

I walked in with Quoth and Legend38 with a song already in progress, but like a min or 2 later, "I feel loved" came on. I absolutely love that song and it was nice to hear after the nights prior events. Stayed only an hour, but I know I'll be hitting up that spot after Roxy sometime soon.

He doesn't even start heatin up till around six or so....thats when he starts throwing down his sick beats.

He dropped Witchdoctor....from like 4 years ago and it fucking blew my mind.....he started pulling out some old time songs that he looped other beats over and shook the place wild.....and for the dark, nasty beats that I don't even know names of, he still amazes me.

Vinyl is dt's house.......plain and simple, and he packs that little non-alcoholic place every single time he plays.

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Originally posted by mimid

I can't believe there are only 2 replys to this thread. If this were the Miami board, we'd have like 3 pages........ All in all, DT is the fucking man...... :D


its only been posted for 30 minutes so far tho....lol

Last night was great..i dont think Danny was as good as the last few times I heard him in Dec. and late Nov.....but he was definitley working it..especially after like 7/7:30am....

Crowd was pretty good, and as it emptied out a little and there was more room to dance...i found myself glued to the dancefloor....

Witch Doctor was defintely my musical highlight, since i havent heard this in years.....just brought on a whole flood of memories...

Finally got to drink a beer in Vinyl, back in the VIP room...doubt that will ever happen again...lol

ahhh too many highlights..lol

my legs are killin me....

but i feel 100% because i got my dose of DT....that should hold me over for about another 2 weeks or so....:)

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okay, I still haven't slept sooooo Yeah! what Jon said! lol it was totally worth staying until almost 10am and going right into work

roninmess weak man weak

msoprano I think I could have watched you with those lights in Roxy for hours and I was sober

To my girls and boys---you know who you are whether it be on the speaker, dancefloor, or chillout room you guys are the best :)

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Originally posted by snoozi8

okay, I still haven't slept sooooo Yeah! what Jon said! lol it was totally worth staying until almost 10am and going right into work

roninmess weak man weak

msoprano I think I could have watched you with those lights in Roxy for hours and I was sober

To my girls and boys---you know who you are whether it be on the speaker, dancefloor, or chillout room you guys are the best :)

I'm not weak... larry had to work today, and I wasn't in a great mood there cause of my car.

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K...I know everyone is ravin bout Danny, but I was a lil dissapointed....I got there late night around 5:30 and the music was dull...my girlie who was there since 1 said that he was spinnin trancey shit...which is so unlike Danny who is a house dj. So then he gets on the mike and announces he's gonna drop some tech-house...which is cool to a degree...so then he drops a bomb which was amazing...but tru to his word...tech-house he did play....too much though...only about 3 "danny tacks" were spun, including a lil tease of "I feel loved"...eh, wasn't impressed @ all....whenever he goes away...he comes back a lil shaky...next week will def be better.

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Definitely had a great time. I liked the fact that he changed it up a bit.....imo lately he hasn't been mixing in some of the other genres and older tracks as much as he used to.

so it was definitely a great to hear some tech-house, witch doctor, the remix of the janet song, that sick track that he used to spin at the tunnel(does anyone remember the name of the track?), and some classics and other songs that I can't remember right now.

oh another song that I thought I heard was strings of life....not sure if it was so if anyone else heard it then let me know if it was the original mix or some other mix because to me it didn't sound like the original mix.

well now I can't wait for the 3yr. annivesary and president's day

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Originally posted by jght7

so it was definitely a great to hear some tech-house, witch doctor, the remix of the janet song, that sick track that he used to spin at the tunnel(does anyone remember the name of the track?), and some classics and other songs that I can't remember right now.

Im almost positive he said it was called 'Instant Moments" when he got on the mic......

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Originally posted by glowsticks

you can.

lmao Def. ;) Music is the answer...to your problems......monkeedance2.gif

Originally posted by ReginaP

A big happy bday to Carl, you teddy bear! Clubkat meow meow you ruled that speaker babes

lmao not ruled, owned!!! :laugh: I was about to beat on a guy that got up there lolz.......itssss miiiinnneeeeee ;)

And my girlies and playboys, the stage lolz...::is that like a trend now?:: :idea::)

I went insane when he dropped ~Free your mind~ ::who's song is that anyway?!?!!::

Fiery girlie, i know u lost your gas at the end of the night but we were in the same boat hun, next friday sweets......no complains or whines from the both of us :D

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Originally posted by msoprano13

i popped my dt cherry to and all i gotta say is SIIIIIIIIIIIICK

me too! i wasn't feeling so great while i was there but i was definitely feeling the music and the vibe, it was really different.

oh yeah and does anyone have any sick dt sets that they could send me through AIM? im fiendingggggg. my sn is Leppas. thankssss :D

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Originally posted by jght7

oh another song that I thought I heard was strings of life....not sure if it was so if anyone else heard it then let me know if it was the original mix or some other mix because to me it didn't sound like the original mix.

i think it was the original mix not sure though. he played it twice once like 4ish and again at 9.

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All i gotta say is that i love the induction of the Double stacked Euro Dollar ;) DT was the shit as usual, havent seen him in a few months, and he Definatley banged shit up! The night seemed to fly, got there at 1ish and left at 8. I agree with Andy, Witch Doctor was off the heezy!! And andy, talk about one of those connections! That memory will forever be embedded in my head :D

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Originally posted by trippintrance64

All i gotta say is that i love the induction of the Double stacked Euro Dollar ;) DT was the shit as usual, havent seen him in a few months, and he Definatley banged shit up! The night seemed to fly, got there at 1ish and left at 8. I agree with Andy, Witch Doctor was off the heezy!! And andy, talk about one of those connections! That memory will forever be embedded in my head :D

and thank u my love...for the ride hump.gif home :tongue:

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I'm with you guys on that "Witchdoctor" remix. DT is the man for dropping that. Great night at Vinyl as always. I lost my bowl when I walked in, tried to retrace my steps, and found it an hour later while talking to Nick(glowsticks) just inside the chill room. It was amazing!!!

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