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Actually sobeton, I DO spend my time reading articles and watching interviews and reports and such about the evolution of the house musi. I am fascinated with sociological trends as they relate to chemical influences, and enjoy watching current trends and such. I don't spend all my time partying in e-tarded drug induced hazes - i watch people, i listen to people, I read, and i learn.

You don't know me, so don't make comments that you don't have the balls or facts to back up.

Besides, I'm not the egotistical maniac who decided to try and lie to an entire board about my reasons for doing something that only furthers my financial goals and illlusions of grandeur. I'm just the one who called him on it.

You don't like it - tough. Go whine elsewhere.

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Noira, you're obviously well-read. But you still act just like you say Louis does, except you disguise your actions under a veneer of flowery rhetoric and obtuse name-calling.

I like some house. I like some trance. Hell, Ray aka DJ Confusion got me listening to some drum n bass lately. But I don't jump on someone because they are not as 'educated' as I may or may not be in music. I'll shoot ya down like a skank whore in New Orleans if you say Coemar can outclass LWR or Martin, but I'm not gonna jump on ya if you prefer house to trance or vice-versa. You rag on Miami clubs for being elitist, but you practice your own sort of elitism with your views on music.

So what if Louis wants to let Power 96 broadcast? If it succeeds, he'll get that new stereo for his 7-series (or whatever he drives), if it blows up in his face, maybe he'll have to skip on the weekend trips to Bermuda, or whatever. It's his club, let him decide what to do with it.

I'll agree with GA2 on that note as well. A lot of the CP board makes Louis out to be the monster of sorts. I'm the first to defend people I've met off this board, and I can say that he is in fact a lot more cultured and urbane than his typing may seem. It's hard to convey an emotion over this medium...that skank whore analogy may just get me bitch-slapped, even though I meant it in jest, for example.

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Originally posted by noira

Actually sobeton, I DO spend my time reading articles and watching interviews and reports and such about the evolution of the house musi. I am fascinated with sociological trends as they relate to chemical influences, and enjoy watching current trends and such.

I enjoy computers, making money, going to clubs, listening to music, and well other things. :cool:
Originally posted by noira I don't spend all my time partying in e-tarded drug induced hazes - i watch people, i listen to people, I read, and i learn. .
hmmm okay.. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by noira You don't know me, so don't make comments that you don't have the balls or facts to back up.
very intriguing. But let us move away from this talk of "balls and facts" .unless you want to talk about the history of balls and the facts related to balls. Pretty boring stuff ,if you ask me.. :laugh: Instead lets foucus on on this :

Originally posted by noira Besides, I'm not the egotistical maniac who decided to try and lie to an entire board about my reasons for doing something that only furthers my financial goals and illlusions of grandeur. I'm just the one who called him on it..
and exactly what facts would you have to support this ? Are you a personal friend of louis? it would seem, that this is more of a presumption; then a fact. :idea:

Originally posted by noira You don't like it - tough. Go whine elsewhere.
okay.. :laugh:

feel free to" hola " at me any time .. :shades:

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

I've had a couple pm's with Luis and to my surprise he was really kewl and very personable. Nothing like the monster everyone on this board has made him out to be.

Could we be antagonizing him a little bit to much?

It's just a question please don't bite my head off people!

the man comes on board, to talk about something he is thinking about doing, and certain members on this board. use it as an opportunity to launch yet, another attack on the venue and the person, they loathe some much. yet, another club owner can come on the board, and offer a similar idea, and is embraced with open arms. seems rather hypercritical; if you ask me. so Loius takes every opportunity, to promote his club; so what. shameless self promotion; seems to be working well, for him.. :) did this statement offend people?"As always...if you do not have something intelligent to add to this post, be kind enough not to grace us with your ignorance." While not the most gracious of statements; I don’t think it was meant to offend anyone. did anyone offer a suggestion, format an idea, structure; or anything related to his original post" space fm/to broadcast or not to broadcast", the responses were few and far between. How in hell can you foster any type of change; if all you can do is sit your arse and bitch.

If you don’t like something say so, "plain and simple". or better yet, put forth a better option.when Louis came on this board he said ,if we have issues with space ; then contact him. I really wonder how many of us have ever take the time to write, and express our views directly to him. be they positive or negative. this board never ceases to amaze me. but, hey it's the miami cp board and that's how we do it..:confused:

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Pod - how am I acting like louis? My wallet is not getting fat off of miami clubbers - in fact some wasted money of mine is padding HIS wallet...

and my name calling is never obtuse - i'm very specific with my abuse.

I'm not ragging on anyone for their music likes/dislikes - well, yea, I find hinrg trance and it's acolytes to be annoying but whatever.

You're missing the point - which is that Louis is choosing to make this venture to make money. But does he say that? NO - he tries to come off as some sort of savoir of dance music and he's the preacher who's going to "educate" us about the scene. The scene however, doesn't JUST comprimise the oh-so joyous sounds of Scott Bond, Taucher and Padilla - and if you're going to educate the masses then you should concentrate on more than just one style, wouldn't you agree??? But I'm applying musical knowledge and logic here, none of which Louis seems to have.

Again, all this is about HIM making money off of US. His club, his music styles, based on feeding the mass populace mass-media generated music in order to make mass amounts of money.

I could give a flying fvck what Louis does with his money. I just decided to actually raise a voice here and ask anyone if they're actually buying this shit that he's forcing down your throats?

Obviously some of you are.

and as for sobeton, Louis' original post - his idea of "educating the masses" doing this for "the people" - THIS supports my idea that Louis is a egostical manic. Who the hell decided HE ran the scene???

Oh wait, I know, the fact that everyone gets raped $$$$ to go to his club every weekend and then gets butt-munched another $100 just to drink, but oh wait, that's not the ONLY option of things to do in Miami, but you know those options are illegal, so, despite the fact he's made drinks prohibitively expensive he's going to hire asshole security guards to make the experience at Space THAT much more memorable, and you're going to thank him for this because he's "educating us".

What - ev - er

If people choose to remain that uneducated about their clubbing, if they choose to remain in that horrid vaccuum of abuse then I suppose that's their choice.

I choose to ask the questions.

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You claim Louis acts like some sort of god to the music scene, and you turn around and act the same way, bashing peoples likes and dislikes, acting as though what you like is somehow a divine mandate. Some of the people on this board may not like house, get over it.

I'm just coming down on you since you seemingly treat the majority of this board as a bunch of pill popping morons. Sure, a good percentage of us would fail a drug test if it came down to it, but we're not the ones sitting inside the DCS2s at Space. Not that you are, either, but you seemingly make us all out to be.

Give us the benefit of the doubt, some of us on here may surprise you with what we know...

Nobody is forcing you to buy a drink at Space or any other club either. If you're merely thirsty you can get a free plastic cup of water at Space. If you're on the beach, leave, get a 99 cent Big Slam of Coke, and go back inside! Either way, it's a dollar. (The Space cup costs a dollar cause I believe in tipping for services rendered...) So don't act like a night out means $100 down the drain.

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Originally posted by staceyg5

it's miami fewl

blah blah blah

really, who gives a FUCK?

LOL I certainly don't. Space can dig its own grave for all I care. Actually, I'm sure this will be somewhat profitable for Space.......it's just a business decision..........everything in Miami is a damned business decision, that more than anything else is what is wrong with this town, in my opinion. Just look around sometime, the detritus of unbridled capitalism is knee-deep around here.

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"sociological impacts on our generation and future generations"

What the hell is this chick talking about? Can someone help me here? Are we back in school again? Is this a pop quiz? Can I please be excused to go the restroom?

I believe the question was...to broadcast or not to broadcast?

I thank those of you who posted constructive comments. Those of you who are worried about how much money I make and don't like money and leaving a comfortable life are welcomed to come and apply for a job at Space. We are always looking for player hatters... I mean employees ... who have no drive and are willing to work for free. Come on you guys chill out! This is supposed to be a fun way of sharing thoughts between music lovers. These are not political or social debates. There is enough shit going on in the world today without you guys insulting each other. Let's try to have fun.

BTW I just realized that since I am all about the money, I will stop charging only $20 before midnight next time Danny or Paul spin. Heck, if I am going to be accused of being a money hungry SOB, I might as well make some money doing it. LOL...Just Kidding!

and now back to the debates...

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Damn Noira.....you seem pretty bitter there.....

I should know for many years I sat at home and bitched about a scene I didnt really participate in also....but I have to tell you , that is the easy way out.

I have been deeply involved in House music and it's evolution on a proffesional level since 1990 and as a fan from way before that. From 1992 till 2000 I was pretty much gone every weekend spreading the gospel of House music all over the world.

In July of 2000 I began recording an album for MCA records....at this time my partner and I decided to stop traveling until we finished the album....coincidently this was around the same time that Louis and Space offered me a Saturday night residency...I was very skeptical (to say the least) because I knew Miami was primarily a Trance town but Louis assured me that he was willing to stick with me through the transition.......

This was at the height of my good friend Edgar's popularity and Friday nights were packed...It took quite a few months....but to my surprise....Louis stuck with his plan to create a legitimate house night.

Beleive me it would have been alot easier (and more profitable) for him to go with the flow and give the masses what they wanted to hear at the time...TRANCE....but for some reason he stuck to his guns and now we are 3000 strong every Saturday....In my opinion THAT IS making a difference.....

Are you aware that Louis himself was a DJ for many years (and a pretty damn good one at that) Long before his current success he was the resident at one of the first truly underground clubs in this city (the original Salvation in downtown) Are you aware that several years ago Louis opened a club called DownTown which was dedicated to underground dance music, but was so ahead of its time (in musical format and location) that it went by the wayside....

There aren't many clubowners who you walk in and find on the floor replacing speaker components or walk in to the booth every once in a while and mix a couple of records...There aren't many clubowners who build the DJ booth first and then the rest of the club around it (usually it is the other way around)

Love him or hate him (and I have done both at times:)) Louis is the real thing....and before you continue to make accusations and rip him I think you should inform yourself.....

He has just opened a new club with the slogan "Its all about House music" Do you think there is some huge financial gain to be made from this??? Some would say this is a mistake because it is pigeonholing the club into one genre of music....But once again he is standing by his beleifs...and Deep Dish is not too shabby...

Its alot easier to sit back and bitch about the scene....but luckily there are some of us that have decided to do something about it....



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Look Oscar, everyone has their opinions, and are entitled to them. Based on my personal experiences in the music scene, I don't like Space. I don't appreciate the way I was treated there, and I don't like Louis' superscilious attitude. But that's MY opinion, and I realize I'm in the minority.

I DO find clubowners/managers and the like who DO take care of their clubs on a very personal level. Many clubs I've been to ARE built around the dj booths, sometimes designed by dj's the owners know will give it the right touch to make the club that much better. And these clubs don't charge an arm and leg for events, special or not special. They dont charge exorbiant amounts of money for liquour or water. Their security guards are a polite group, ones you'd be willing to go to for help. Their owners don't post messages about how they're going to educate their customers - that's belittiling.

Like I said, everyone opts for their own clubbing experience. I just don't understand why miami, supposedly one of the mecca's for clubbing, would choose to abused in such a manner - I would think that people would demand better treatment. And this is not just Louis' fault - the Miami scene perpetuates this attitude, this callous treatment of its customers.

Lastly, you say its "all about house music" - and I KNOW you're house music, have listened to some of your stuff wayyyyyyyy back ;) but I'm afraid I don't consider Deep Dish house, not since Yoshiesque 1. I think that was their last housy album, and most of the stuff on Yoshitoshi is more of the prog-house or tech-house bent. Not good house. I wish him all the luck in the club, but if he thinks getting Deep Dish is going to entice true house-heads :lol - not in a million years - Deep Dish - now that "ain't" house...

and Louis, when I talk about the impact of the night club scene - You have in your hands one of the most powerful tools to speak to and shape a rather large subset of this current generation. With a modicum of intelligence, thought and the willingness to learn how to use that tool, you could make Space so much more than it is. You're not alone in this waste, but you are one of the larger targets. You choose money and the easy way when running your club. You seem to have no curiousity or thought about anything but the immediate future. THAT's why I don't like Space, don't like what you represent, and choose not to give you my money - but again, it's not totally at your feet. Your customers have chosen this cycle of crap, would rather have the easy way as well, so I guess everyone gets what they want.

Good luck.

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Originally posted by noira

Look Oscar, everyone has their opinions, and are entitled to them. Based on my personal experiences in the music scene, I don't like Space. I don't appreciate the way I was treated there, and I don't like Louis' superscilious attitude. But that's MY opinion, and I realize I'm in the minority.

I totally respect your opinion....

Originally posted by noira

I DO find clubowners/managers and the like who DO take care of their clubs on a very personal level. Many clubs I've been to ARE built around the dj booths, sometimes designed by dj's the owners know will give it the right touch to make the club that much better. And these clubs don't charge an arm and leg for events, special or not special. They dont charge exorbiant amounts of money for liquour or water. Their security guards are a polite group, ones you'd be willing to go to for help. Their owners don't post messages about how they're going to educate their customers - that's belittiling.

where are these clubs built around the DJ??? in Miami???

do you find Space's cover charge or drink prices any higher than its competition????? 20$cover for a 24 hour club doesn't seem that hight to me....not to mention the cover is always 20$ before midnight no matter how special the events is.....

Originally posted by noira

Like I said, everyone opts for their own clubbing experience. I just don't understand why miami, supposedly one of the mecca's for clubbing, would choose to abused in such a manner - I would think that people would demand better treatment. And this is not just Louis' fault - the Miami scene perpetuates this attitude, this callous treatment of its customers.

Did you personally get treated in an offensive manner at Space???

I don't think most people feel abused ??? (I hope)

Originally posted by noira

Lastly, you say its "all about house music" - and I KNOW you're house music, have listened to some of your stuff wayyyyyyyy back ;) but I'm afraid I don't consider Deep Dish house, not since Yoshiesque 1. I think that was their last housy album, and most of the stuff on Yoshitoshi is more of the prog-house or tech-house bent. Not good house. I wish him all the luck in the club, but if he thinks getting Deep Dish is going to entice true house-heads :lol - not in a million years - Deep Dish - now that "ain't" house...

This is the part of your post that troubles me the most, and I also think it is the most telling of what your gripes stem from....You are obviously a person who likes their house music the old fashioned way (or not at all) I for one consider Deep-Dish very much HOUSE.....House music has evolved tremendously and maybe you have failed to come along on the journey....Since when can't prog-house or tech-house be good house??? or house at all for that matter???

true house-heads??? LOL

I guess since you feel you can determine what real house is you can also determine who the true house-heads are....

Take it from me.....I have known Ali and Sharam for almost ten years....they are TRUE house-heads.....whats next? let me guess......Danny Tenaglia "ain't house either right??

Deep Dish IS house.....and the true house-heads recognize that!

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LOL Space.... I conquer There is too much BS in the world today for people Adults (I hope that post here, could be wrong =) to take this board so seriously. This board is for music lovers not little kid to Spam about stupid shit. I myself have posted here like a child but it I learned that this is not the way to get your point across. Then you wonder why people can not solve things in this world. If we can’t even act like adults on a small subject as music...


Space ...Clubspace is yours Do what u want with it Burn to the Ground or Bring it that next level. IMO I think you are doing a great job no other club down here brings so many Named DJ's.

Let me put it this way When I call my friends in NYC who are going to take a trip here in the summer know what they ask me? How is the Club scene in FLA... One Word Club Space after Ultra

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Originally posted by djoscarg

where are these clubs built around the DJ??? in Miami???

do you find Space's cover charge or drink prices any higher than its competition????? 20$cover for a 24 hour club doesn't seem that hight to me....not to mention the cover is always 20$ before midnight no matter how special the events is.....

No - most of the clubs in miami suffer the same problem as Space. And yes, I personally have been treated in an offensive manner on a few occasions at Space.

Well, the "true-househeads" I know don't recognize the recent works of Ali, Sharam or Danny Tenaglia as anything close to true house. It is just prog house. I like all kinds of house. West Coast is my preferred style, but I like Cevin Fisher, Sandy Rivera, Fred Everything, Danny Howells, Rasoul, Miguel Graca, Garth, Jeno, Mark Farina, Miguel Migs, Gabriel Rene, and Marques Wyatt to name a few. I also enjoy some of the dubbier influences of kruder and dorfmeister, svek, low rez, herbert, rae and christian and the like. DHM rocks my world. I'm open to all sorts of genre's...all sorts of house. I determine FOR ME what house is, and I no longer include progressive house/trance in that genre. Tech-house depends...sometimes techno is techno and sometimes it's more house. Anytime you want to chat with me about this, just email me bonnieereed@yahoo.com - I love talking music with music lovers.

My gripe by the way is that I have a pet peeve - lying. Louis, to me, is lying about his motives. That and he tries to call himself a house lover when I haven't seen ONE house lineup yet at Space.

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ting, ting ting ting ting! end of round and the fight is over. And the winner is...there is no winner!

Noira, keep doing what you do for a living and we will keep doing what we do best. When you are ready to dish out $250,000.00 monthly to run a club (that is what it cost to run clubs like Space, Level, Crobar, etc.) maybe you can give an opinion on what prices we should charge for water or drinks. Do know this however, we charge less than anyone else. Until then stay away from giving unsolicited opinions on things you do not know about, like running a night club. Your comments about house music are very valid and I will sit here and read them all day long. But for you to be making such a big deal about me and the club...are you trying to get a free meal or something? Usually when somebody bitches so much is because they want a freebie. I'll tell you what, we will send you a gift certificate to Betty Ford so you can get over your "hate Space addiction."

As for me I am over this thread and I am out of here. Peace.


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Thanks for the offer Louis but I wouldn't want anything free from you. Nothing is ever free.

I'm glad something of my post made you think. If you ever have any questions about house music, feel free to email me -

bonnieereed@yahoo.com. I know I'm not the most musically knowledgable person out there, but I have an honest opinion and if I couldn't answer your question I'd happily find someone who could. Anything to further the true spirit of house music.

And I'll keep having opinions about anything I like, including how clubs should be run. That's my privilege, as much as it is yours to run your club your way.

Again, good luck with the radio show.

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Macfunk! Be nice. I don't think you needed to go there. I mean if start name calling we will lose the whole purpose of this topic! :( Whether she is or not it isn't the point. Personally, we should drop this completely and talk about something else. Remember there are worser things out there in this world to worry about than to call our dance "partners" a bitch or anything else.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion whether we agree with it or not. :eek:

Personally, I don't care about anything. A club is a club! What matters is who is the Dj! He is what moves the crowd. If you don't have a good DJ it doesn't matter how big or how time it is on the radio it will not work. As long as the Dj is good that's what matters to me! :cool:

Remember Peace - Love & Happiness should be the most important thing!!

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