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Abyss Last Night!!! Amazing!!!

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Anyway it was my first time to Abyss ever and we choose the perfect night to go, Mike Bugouts and Paulie Feva's combined B-day... We got there at around 11:00 and the bouncer said things like "Can I please see your ID's" and "Mike, please dont drink respect the establishment" I was in culture clash... So we get inside and Mike gets all of us in for 10$, Except me of cource cause im not on the list! The music is slamming, the girls even more so and the sound system is off the hook (Phazon). The highlight of my night of cource was Rdancer getting kicked out for buying some kid that was Codicas friend a drink and Mike threw his weight around and got him back in with minimal effort. Of yea and the chick on stage who pulled her pants down, her shirt up and took her thong off and flashed everyone her incredible ass and bent over giving everyone a great look at her shaved... legs :eek: ... All in all CP represented, Me, Rdancer, Godfatherbam, Lina Bina, Codica, Bugout and Feva. It was a blast even though the place closed at 2!

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I def had a great time last nite...thanks to all your guys/gals who came out--some of you even came out, got thrown out, and came back again-- (I wouldnt say a minimal effort, they almost never let people back in.) but nonetheless it was a dope nite....I'll post more of a review later on..

Mike BuGouT

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Err.. I didn't think it was funny when rdancer and chilljf got booted outta the club.. that shit was wack.. I was all stressin' and whatnot.. I felt so bad!! Afterall, I was the one who was like: hey rdancer come buy me shots :D I at least got to take mine (after spilling some of it all over gofatherbam, my bad!!) but that shit sucked!! It kinda ruined my mood for the whole night.. didn't get to practice many of my moves on the floor.. plus it was weird dancing there.. it always is weird for me to dance in Jersey clubs.. they just aren't the same groove as the city..

Well, I got there in time to hear a little of Bugout & Feva's set.. wow they are amazing!! (Bugout I officially want to marry you AND you made it into my CHECK IT list *kisses*). Manny the Greek was decent (I think he overused that damn train siren thing.. err..) but he spun some really god shit.. reminded me kinda of a Roxy set.. all in all, very good music.

Oh, and the girls on the stage were crazy.. um.. I guess that's how us Jersey girls are (LOL).. but I didn't think they were anything special (trancerxn is overexagerrating!!) :laugh:

Oh and thanks so much Bugout for somehow getting the evil law breaking people back into the club!! Much love.

Oh yeah.. funny that you mention what the bouncer said to you Mike.. I was the first to go in & he told me: "Now no drinking for you, be safe sweetheart." Heh.. I guess they think if they tell you that in the beginning you'll have a little unconscious guilt feeling going on.. not I.. :laugh:

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DEF. a nice club the music was hot, I agree the sirrens were used a little to much throught the night, Kind of made it easy for idiots of house to know when the kick was coming, but made the kick rather unenjoyable for elites. Most of the tracks that were dropped were known, Moonshine was looped, Dj Opas pressure, Catch, the end, final chapter, those were among the few tracks we heard. Manny the Greek is a pretty Decent DJ. Mikebugout and Paulie Feva had me jumping for the first few minutes of entering the place. The highlight Def. was me getting kicked out, last time I buy drinks for anyone, although the Expirience was much more fun than anything. Felt like I was a star at that place, the only Drawback was having Codica run around all worried, although she did look cute ;) Def. going to check this club out again if I get on a Guest list, nice sound system, music, Girls were nice too, and the overall the crowd was nice. Well Mikebugout till next time. :idea:

P.s Sucks Lin you and your girlie has to bounce early we didnt even get to dance ;)

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Originally posted by codica3

Err.. I didn't think it was funny when rdancer and chilljf got booted outta the club.. that shit was wack.. I was all stressin' and whatnot.. I felt so bad!! Afterall, I was the one who was like: hey rdancer come buy me shots :D I at least got to take mine (after spilling some of it all over gofatherbam, my bad!!) but that shit sucked!! It kinda ruined my mood for the whole night.. didn't get to practice many of my moves on the floor.. plus it was weird dancing there.. it always is weird for me to dance in Jersey clubs.. they just aren't the same groove as the city..


You looked good hun :idea:

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I was gonna do this in a sep topic but theres no need so I'll just put it here...

We spun from 9-1130, but no one was there until 10 (i think Bouncyball from the Exp Board was the only girl running around the dancefloor which was cool)

We figured we'd play vocals but Manny told us to let loose so I played Aquagen, Children, and a few other trancy bangers, not too hard....

Musically, manny did well....Track of the night was Burning Up (rivera's Dub)....played it 2wice...including the last song of the night with all of us in the booth...Good thing ya'll who didnt like the bullhorn left b/c i dont let he let go of it for the last 10 mins we were open:laugh:

As far as the party....thank you to everyone who came out and made me and paulies party a great time--Its one of the best times I've had at that club and it def was like that b/c u guys/gals showed up...

Mike, Jay, Alan (you're welcome...i still have no clue how me and binoy got u back in)--you guys come support us all the time everywhere--u guys are the shit....

Codica (and friends)--thanks for coming also...Sorry i dont dance much--i just had my drink in my hand and a steady head bob goin--friday@roxy i'll dance a lil more--glad u like the cd--im honored to make the check it list:D

Lina and Lynn?- i couldnt find u girls all nite--but thanks for coming out--i know someone had to work early so its all good....roxy friday we'll chill--

DJ lou Aiese and DJ Deka-- kids gave me some nicee tracks...nice to finally meet u guys--DJ Deka's Strobelite is AMAZING--Lou of course has the bangers (It was his mix of pressure manny played, not Opa's)

and of course to Manny, Kirk and the whole staff at abyss (esp the bartenders :D -- thanks for a great evening)

Mike BuGouT

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Originally posted by rdancer

the only Drawback was having Codica run around all worried, although she did look cute ;)

Aww.. I was so worried & I felt so damn bad!! Ahh!! You think it's funny, I still don't.. glad everything worked out though.. heh I better watch out now.. you might try to worry me all the time just to get the Cody's worried look outta me ;):tongue::)

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Originally posted by quoth

my god i live 10 minutes from there and yet WOULD NEVER EVER walk into that fuckin place...cant belive u guys trekked from friggin ny to come a dirty jersey club. Damn, u guys definitely have balls lol :laugh:

~~~ stop being mean!!! they came for mikey!!!!!!!! sorry mikey bugout!!!!!!!! if i didnt have school id def come:D

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Quoth you dont know what a party you missed sure Manny got a little happy with the Train sirens which scares the FUCKING SHIT out of me (Exit Train Video: Those who know...) but besides that the music was great and the energy was nice... except when he cut a good song to go to the FUCK playing the bongos that man needs to be shot he wasnt even on track with the music... the Midget fucking the fat girls was funny too!!!

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

Quoth you dont know what a party you missed sure Manny got a little happy with the Train sirens which scares the FUCKING SHIT out of me (Exit Train Video: Those who know...) but besides that the music was great and the energy was nice... except when he cut a good song to go to the FUCK playing the bongos that man needs to be shot he wasnt even on track with the music... the Midget fucking the fat girls was funny too!!!

Aww.. I thought that the bongos were cool!! LOL.. but you're right, he was off track.. err.. :rolleyes:

But, um, yeah Quoth, we came out for BuGouT.. well.. I only had to drive like 20 minutes.. but still.. I would have treked to wherever to hear him for his birthday!! :D

Oh yeah, and that fucking Midget was funny hooking up with that "large" chic.. LOL.. she was sitting down and had her legs spread and he was just standing in between on the floor making out with her.. err.. :laugh:

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OMG i no the midget and "XL" chik your talkin about?!?!? Ther were ALLLL over each other when i went to :eek:

I went there once and had a HORRIBLE time (just wasnt feeling the same repetative commercial beats)... but me being open minded am thinking of hitting it up again some time... (off night in the summer i'm guessing --or hoping-- :monkey:)

The night i went the lil guy asked me to show him my ID since I happened to have champagne in my hand...

It wasnt my fault i was being served by guys throwing a bachelor party who "happened" to be cops and didnt "happen" to no i'm only 20... They should have asked b4 handing it over...who am i to turn down a glass?!?!

Soooo being parched while looking for my ID (which proved i was only 20 ;) in my extra long boots I quickly but smoothly drank whatever was left in the fake ass plastic whine glass... placed it down... miraculously found my id which once again stated my age *20* and when he asked me why i was drinking i replied... i'm sorry i didnt no u had to be 21 to drink water... Thank god for the cops who were gentlemen enough to get rid of the evidence once i put it down ;)

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