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OT: What are you NOT good at?

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i used to not be able to get girls phone numbers worth a damn.

now, i've motivated myself to that level...

but have this habit of collecting and not using contact info for people i've met and thought were hella cool and would def. want to see again but some reason don't make it happen even tho it appeared there was a mutual interest in precisely that.

so i guess i'm no good at being a playah.

which is fine by me cuz i don't wanna be.

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Originally posted by thehacker

i used to not be able to get girls phone numbers worth a damn.

now, i've motivated myself to that level...

but have this habit of collecting and not using contact info for people i've met and thought were hella cool and would def. want to see again but some reason don't make it happen even tho it appeared there was a mutual interest in precisely that.

so i guess i'm no good at being a playah.

which is fine by me cuz i don't wanna be.

come on man, i think you just said you weren't good at something about 95% of guys aren't good at including yours truly.

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I'm a baaaaad conversationalist.......I be a man of few words....

can't swim either......(watch all us dumbasses end up on a damn doomed cruise ships or something....)

And I can't give good speeches.....I stutter like crazy.....

And I can't pick up girls......being shy and quiet yet loud and obnoxious at all the wrong times and not being able to speak well makes for a heck of a deficiency......

so many things i can't do....so little time.....:laugh:

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i didn't realize so many people can't swim!?!?!? did u guys not grow up near water? never go to the beach..what?!?! not knockin u...just curious...guess i was dumb enough to think most people could!! i'm sure there is tons of shit i'm no good at...but nothing is sticking out in my head right now...like no ONE specific skill..

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Originally posted by thehacker

i used to not be able to get girls phone numbers worth a damn.

now, i've motivated myself to that level...

but have this habit of collecting and not using contact info for people i've met and thought were hella cool and would def. want to see again but some reason don't make it happen even tho it appeared there was a mutual interest in precisely that.

so i guess i'm no good at being a playah.

which is fine by me cuz i don't wanna be.

i was gonna say the same exact thing before i even read everyone elses posts.

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cant run a mile in under 7 min. bad runner. boo boo!

also cant speak spanish properly, no habla bien porque cuando estudio en la clase de espanol, hay una chica de Sweden, que esta muy bonita y yo no escucho la maestra, yo siempre hablando y mirando a la chica. ay caramba. chicas :rolleyes:

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you guys make me feel better about not being able to swim.

as for things you are not good at, try to think of things that most other people can do with ease. most people can swim and i can't and i think that is what makes it interesting. not being able to fly a space ship shouldn't be an option. no one said that but some are similiar to what i am talking about. so fuck the swimming thing. according to this thread for the most part most of the people on this board are perfect.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

well how are you guys at school? sports? sewing? video games? repairing cars?

. . . First Off . . I can swim like its second nature, never had to have anyone teach me. . they just threw me in the water and I did it . . . How come so many peeps have problems in the water? . .

. . . I suck at repairing cars, although i'll run my mouth about upgrades that you SHOULD put in . . tee hee hee . . .

. . . I suck at sports, since i have the arm of a 14 year old girl . . . which has always baffled me considering my size . . . maybe it's the fact that it's all flab instead of muscle . . . perplexing . . . :confused: . . .

. . . I rawk at video games . . . considering that, when all the other kids were playing outside, I was sitting on my rapidly expanding ass in front of the television set . . . I got the hand eye coordination of a cat on crystal meth when I want it to be though . . .

. . . I was always kind of a brainiak at school, however I realized after a while that I liked 'talking' about the subjects rather than actually learning them . . .

. . . I'm really good at talking fast . . . I can't tell you how many pull overs and shakedowns I've gotten out of because of the talk . . Having City Cops as half the population of my family has helped this ability greatly as well . . .

. . . I suck at picking out clothes that make me look "sharp" . . . and as ZZ Top said. . . Every Girl's crazy bout a sharp dressed man . . which leads me to my next point . . .

. . . I suck with women on a romantic level . . . There are many factors that go into this . . . my crushing self-consciousness being the foremost . . .

. . . I'm a great orator when I want to be . . . I proved it to myself in my speechwriting class in College . . . I gave a speech about the Y2K computer issue . . . and let me tell ya. . . when I was done there wasn't a single person that wasn't terrified in that room . . . even the non-believers at the beginning of the speech . .

. . . I suck at dancing . . . well . . I can tell I have potential . . I just do it differently than all my fellow cohorts . . .

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Originally posted by tribal

cant run a mile in under 7 min. bad runner. boo boo!

also cant speak spanish properly, no habla bien porque cuando estudio en la clase de espanol, hay una chica de Sweden, que esta muy bonita y yo no escucho la maestra, yo siempre hablando y mirando a la chica. ay caramba. chicas :rolleyes:

Cool Sig man!

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