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Ok, so i'm on my way to Kristy's (snoozi8) house tonight, and I fuckin get pulled over. the cop's a real dick, one of those questioning everything on the car types... "radar detector wasn't workin, was it?" what a chucklefuck. Anyway, $200 ticket, and 39454385689325 points on my liscense later, I continue on my way... I pass about 2 more cops, luckily they weren't feeling frisky.

Anywho, watched requim for a dream (sick movie) and chilled, then headed back home.

now this is the really absurd part.

On my way back, I get pulled over AGAIN (this time I wasn't even fucking speeding). Cop critiques every fucking thing on the car, so i'm like "look, I just got a $200 ticket like 3 hours ago... can you cut me a break here??" so hes pretty nice, he goes to his car for a while, comes back with his fuckbuddy on the other side of my car... at this point i'm expecting "sir please step out of the car so we can beat you like rodney" but hes like... ok, get some of that shit fixed, and heres a ticket for blah blah blah (no points, just $50)

so I continue... I passed about 3 more cops, and i'm about 2 miles from my house, 1 of them starts to tail me... At this point, i'm like "I wonder if I can outrun one..." but anyway, hes riding on my bumper for like a mile, meanwhile i'm doing like 5 miles under the speedlimit this whole time because of my previous incidents. So after a few minutes, he realizes i'm not having this, and he pulls a 180 in the middle of the street... what a fuckrag.


So to conclude, 35235 cops, 2 pulled me over, 1 tried, all in all, a $250 night with kristy watching a movie...... what the FUCK.

I have to say, Requim for a dream was a sick movie, check it out.

I'm Tired, i'm going to sleep humming NWA's "Fuck the police" Tonight.

Can't they just send me a bill for like a few hundred a month... Its the wasting my time and pulling me over game I hate more. Oh, and it should be funny to see how many points that $200 ticket turns out to be.


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Originally posted by crystelbella21

damn... i thought i was having a bad day :( but looks like urs is alot worse then mine... sorry joe... smile!

what was the $200 ticket for???

Breaking the sound barrier in a 35.....

(I think it was like 57 or something, I don't even know what I was really doing, its irrelevant, when theres that many cops out, you don't have to do anything wrong)

Its a 22mph over the limit ticket, thats like level 4 on the "how fucked is your insurance?" scale on the ticket.


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Originally posted by joeg

Breaking the sound barrier in a 35.....

(I think it was like 57 or something, I don't even know what I was really doing, its irrelevant, when theres that many cops out, you don't have to do anything wrong)

Its a 22mph over the limit ticket, thats like level 4 on the "how fucked is your insurance?" scale on the ticket.


wowowowow ur lucky cause if they clocked at 25 over.... u would have gotten ticket for wreckless driving .... don't u have a radar detector?????? damn that really sucks... insurance is going up a good $500 for that one :(

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Originally posted by northnjguy21

at least u probley got laid kid so all in all not a bad nite :blown:

he does have a point :D

anyway i have been through a lot worse. i have had 18 points on my license. i've gotten hit by 9 points at one time i believe. when first got my car I got tickets all the time. i've been to more courts then anyone can believe. i've had my license suspended 3 times (maybe 4 but I don't remember) and I've been kicked out of school for 1 year. The reason I mention school is because I drove to school while suspended and I was driving on the sidewalk and what not there as well. Even though I was a bit of a trouble maker then there were a lot of times I got pulled over for nothing. Its something we have to deal with.

I took a class on criminal justice. It was taught by a cop. He said as for the myth that cops pull people over more at the end of month is true. Cops just drive around out there and if they don't come back with tickets it looks like they are not doing any work. You might not be doing anything but who is the judge going to believe? A kid with all that shit on his car or a cop? The world runs on $$$, its something we have to deal with.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

he does have a point :D

anyway i have been through a lot worse. i have had 18 points on my license. i've gotten hit by 9 points at one time i believe. when first got my car I got tickets all the time. i've been to more courts then anyone can believe. i've had my license suspended 3 times (maybe 4 but I don't remember) and I've been kicked out of school for 1 year. The reason I mention school is because I drove to school while suspended and I was driving on the sidewalk and what not there as well. Even though I was a bit of a trouble maker then there were a lot of times I got pulled over for nothing. Its something we have to deal with.

I took a class on criminal justice. It was taught by a cop. He said as for the myth that cops pull people over more at the end of month is true. Cops just drive around out there and if they don't come back with tickets it looks like they are not doing any work. You might not be doing anything but who is the judge going to believe? A kid with all that shit on his car or a cop? The world runs on $$$, its something we have to deal with.

Funny, I had a class with a cop once who told me that wasnt true. And my brother-in-law is a cop and he says it isnt true.

Regardless, it sucks Joeg, that you got all those tickets and fines, and I hate to point out the obvious, but you did indeed break the law. Not to say that most of us dont speed, but you got caught. Those are the breaks. It sucks, but maybe next time you are in a 35mph zone you wont do 57.

As for the other issues the second cop had with your car, it may not affect anyone else on the road, but the items are illegal. Only a certain % of tint is allowed, license plate covers, etc etc.

Sorry for your bad string of "luck", but next time...slow it down babe.

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I used to work at a deli in my town and kind of befriended all the town cops when they came in for coffee and whatnot. So now, I have cops pull me over just to say "hey, where have you been, you don't work at the deli anymore, the new girl doesn't make my coffee right".

But anyways... I would hear stories, ask questions. And yes, they do pull more people over at the end of the month due to the ticket quota they need to fulfill. There are good cops and bad cops. And if you are going 10mph or less over the speed limit cops usually dont care.

Sorry joe, sounds like you had a bad night. Well, if it makes you feel any better, a guy in a van hit me and I got the ticket... probably an age and gender thing but whatever. Cops suck sometimes but I give them alot of respect for what they do.

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as for this end of the month "myth", its not a myth! i know guys who work at a presinct in brooklyn, and at the end of the month, they set up road blocks to give out tickets.

you can see them at the 4th avenue exit off the belt all the time at the end of the month, but you'll never see one in the begigning or the middle.

its all about makin a lil extra $$$

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Originally posted by joeg

Breaking the sound barrier in a 35.....

(I think it was like 57 or something, I don't even know what I was really doing, its irrelevant, when theres that many cops out, you don't have to do anything wrong)

Its a 22mph over the limit ticket, thats like level 4 on the "how fucked is your insurance?" scale on the ticket.


. . . dude I"m soooo sorry, that so sucks :( . . . 57 in a 35 is just beggin to be pulled over . . . Funny thing is, I came off the Bronx river parkway at like 50 , straight up onto a cop and took the turn with a screech and didn't get pulled for it . . . Someday's they just don't care . . but others. . Especially in Jersey . . you're fucked . . .

. . . I also find that having my license right next to my 5 PBA cards, helps . . . greatly . . . .

.. . . Down south the state would determine levels of funding depending on how many tickets the local and state police wrote . . so at the end of the month EVERYONE was a moving target . . heck I knew COPS that got pulled over while off duty and weren't let off the hook . . .

. . . Joey, it is kinda funny that the last one made you walk the line like that . . I've been in that situation more times than I've cared to remember. . . where they just tail or flank you for like 10 miles . . it's the most unnerving experience out there . . . You just gotta keep you're eyes forward and pretend like they're not there . . one show of emotion, you're getting pulled . . it's like a big poker game . .

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Originally posted by trancend

which deli did you used to work at?

Jefferson Market. I worked there for about a year until these dirty people took over and renamed it "Speedy Mart". Then I left and all the cops were upset cause the new girls couldn't make thier coffee right. Too funny.

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Yeah, cmb, I agree I WAS breaking the law, I was just venting at the rediculousness of how desperate they are to bust ppl. I mean, at 2am, is there really anyone on the road to care? I think those cop cars were the only other cars on the road.

as for the tint/plates/lights/whatever, I think its just rediculous how they have all these stipulations on what/who/when/where on your own car. If its not obnoxious or dangerous, re-fucking-lax, my led's on my hood are actually a good way of alerting ppl i'm around.

Whatever, Its not my first ticket(s), and not my last i'm sure.

Jen: yeah, atleast I don't have to put up with that age/gender thing, sorry :( and yeah, what deli?

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Originally posted by jennEfer

Jefferson Market. I worked there for about a year until these dirty people took over and renamed it "Speedy Mart". Then I left and all the cops were upset cause the new girls couldn't make thier coffee right. Too funny.

oh, cuz whenever im at my ex's we always stop at ding dong.....im not sure how they make their coffee though cuz coffee sucks

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