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Question For you all who are not Mia Natives


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Well I moved down here ...hmmm 3 years ago from NYC, and lately I been feeling more and more home sick for NYC. I mean I really have not to many friends in NYC anymore since most of them turned out to be Back Stabbing foolz. ( Not going to get into that story )

Well since moving down here Its taken some time to get use to the pace of Mia...I think i finally got some what use to it, but it still doesnt feel like home. I have made Great friends here GeorgeAcasta 2 3 4 5,muahaha Mimid, Sobe, D7, and you know who the rest of you are.

After 3 years or should i still feel like this?


Is this a clue for me to move back?

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I dont think it is a clue that you should move back. I think it is a clue that you are growing up :)

Everyone reaches a point in their life where they realize that they have to begin their "real" life. Then they start thinking about the future and prospects and all that crap. Then they think, well maybe I need a change, etc..

If you were still in NY right now, you would be thinking about moving to FL.

BTW for me it was about 5 years before I felt like FL was home. And I still say "Im going HOME to Michigan."

but at least I now say "Its good to be home" when I get back to FL.

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We get homesick alot. I guess it's normal. However, we just then remember how it always rains in England......

Seriously, I agree with Shroomy.

Stay here - for one, I don't think we have assulted your hearing with Hard house yet!!!!

Get all your friends together one Saturday (this one if you want) come to Level, I'll give you all tables in the VIP area and a bottle of Champagne.

Good company, alcohol, good music - your home sick feelings will soon go..

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I feel the same way about moving home, to nyc. But everytime I go up there for a weekend, I realize what kind of shithole it keeps turning into, and see all the people moving out of NY, so I stick it out here and make the best out of it. Clubs in NY getting played anyway, everyone stuck to walls in kholes (not saying I wouldnt be here, IF I CAN ACTUALLY GET SOME!) but its pretty cool down here. :D

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As a Miami native, trying to put myself in your shoes - I'm sure I'd feel quite homesick. There's no place like home, even if your home is 60 degrees colder than our current 80-degree "winter."

There's just something about *home*. I know that with me.....this place has its problems and I get frustrated with Miami often.....but whenever I'm away for a while or travel someplace else, no matter how good a time I'm having, I always find myself eventually longing for home.

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Lived there for 25 years. On ther G/F tip thing....I just stop seeing someone. I dont count on a g/f to make me feel welcome or like a place..I cant find inner peace down here.


Getting laid thats always fun thou lol

I love the cold :)

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James.....Shroomy is right, it's all about growing up.....maybe three years is too soon for you to give up and go!!!

Here's an idea......try and become involved in some kind of activity that you might enjoy.....it's a great way to make new friends!!!

Just an idea.....but I still think that you shouldn't give up.....not yet!!!!:tongue:

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When you find inner peace, let me know. Im moving there too.

Unfortunately I have found that 95% of people simply find another excuse to be unhappy.

If I could just find a significant other...

If we could just be married...

If we could just get a house...

If we could just have kids....

If we could just afford to do the things we wanted....

If work just didn't suck so bad....

If the kids just didn't take up so much time...

If I could just retire...

If I could just stop worrying about the kids...

If the kids would just find a real job and get married and have kids.....

If I could just find some acid...

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Again, I agree with ya Charlie!!

Sometimes the only way to overcome those unhappy feelings is unfortunately by analyzing the lives of others. Taking a step back and looking at other peoples lives that are less fortunate than your own!! You really start appreciating all the little things if you just become more open to what and why we are truly unhappy.

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Originally posted by soldado

Thanks Mikey,

But After my talk with Sobie think im going to do it..hey if you go to NYC you could chill out with me!


Sobe must pay rent! Via Micro Light Show

Can I come with you, I need to pickup some meow mix, lol :D

Good Luck bro if ya dont go hopefully we get to meetup.

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Okay okay I want to move back so I can Reopen Twilo.. lol

I dont want kids, G/F ill find one no matter what place I am at.

Just to be honest with you and I hope I dont offend many people. I 'll never feel like I fit in down here. I mean George,mimid, BBflux, sobe, etc are really nice people and great people. I have not moved back to NYC before because Of people Like I meet down here. I asked myself if I ask my friends that really care about me what should i do ..the answer i get from most of them would be do what you thing would make you happy.


Not moven till i get a JOB

I was forced to move down here ...I could not see myself living here the rest of my life.

The less fortune well I moved here from East New York Lets just say that they make the FLA Ghetto look like a country Club. I came here with a car I dont have anymore Had to sell and 500 dollars.

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yo!! like I said it's what you feel comfortable with. Charlie brought up some of ,the same points we chatted about . I say take a little more time, to make your decision. take a few trips up nyc in the interim. see if you can fit, back into that way of life. new york has changed a lot. since you and I moved down here.

I'm a new Yorker in my heart and soul. no matter where I reside; nothing will ever change that. I feel very fortunate, to have been born and raised in ny. but ,I also realize that change helps us to grow. :)

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I've been down here almost 5 years now and I tell ya, I wouldn't move back to Michigan if you paid me... My whole family resides up there, and I'm very close with them. But it's not my thang, ya know.. As for NYC... I was very close to going there; it was a choice between NYC and Ft Laudy... I chose the nice weather..

As for your decision, I agree with Sobeton.. Take some time and make sure it's the right choice... Remember, it'll be like starting over again... Home is home. If you don't feel like it's home here, then maybe its not.

Best of luck in your decision Soldado... Hopefully we can meet and hangout b4 ya go!

Take care:D


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Coming from the NYC area, I moved down here ostensibly for an education, ended up getting that, a shitload of debt, and a burgeoning career doing what I do.

It's funny, I hear people down here whining, moaning and planning to go to NYC, but it's the direct opposite for me. NY is my fall back, Miami is where I'd rather stay.

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This is an interesting dilemma, soldado, because I have the same dilemma in reverse. Grew up in MIA, but haven't lived there for about 7 years now. Have lived all over the place in that time (Orlando, Phoenix, Paris, and NY for the last 3 1/2 yrs.), and I have always wanted to move back to Miami. I know I will end up back there at some point - It's a good life and a good town.

In the end, you gotta do what your heart tells you...

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