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Vinyl Fridays "Officially" suck


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Originally posted by girly

Originally posted by ghhhhhost

this is gona come off as totally off topic but whatever. when i bitch and moan about a certain type of people that go to a good club and ruin it i get bitched on and cursed at..

so let me get this straight. There is a certain type of people that "ruin it" as you say. So you are going out and not having a good time obviously because there are people different from yourself in there who are ruining it for you? If its "ruined" and you don't have a good time then don't go.


....he comments on what he sees, which is a general consensus among many. He's right people generalize way too much, and he had to speak his mind....People like you adds to other reasons why the vibe is shit...

Personally I can deal with anyone, except the crowd that ghost describes that ruined the vibe last night at vinyl....

They just need to be polite and not stuck in their E infested worlds being rude and FAKE!

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Originally posted by fierydesire


....he comments on what he sees, which is a general consensus among many. He's right people generalize way too much, and he had to speak his mind....People like you adds to other reasons why the vibe is shit...

Personally I can deal with anyone, except the crowd that ghost describes that ruined the vibe last night at vinyl....

They just need to be polite and not stuck in their E infested worlds being rude and FAKE!

well apparently you are one of few that thinks a vibe like last night in Vinyl was ruined. I don't have a problem with peoples opinions, I just don't get why some of you people are so fucking miserable? i mean you act like you go out and don't have a good time your just looking at that crowd all night and judging people in your own bouts of misery. i can't even picture that. Its so pathetic. And Fiery basically you STFU and take the 10 inch rod you have up your ass out. This is supposed to be partying and having a good time. It seems some of you don't do any of that:rolleyes: all you do is complain, complain, complain and judge and hate.

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Originally posted by fierydesire


....he comments on what he sees, which is a general consensus among many. He's right people generalize way too much, and he had to speak his mind....People like you adds to other reasons why the vibe is shit...

Personally I can deal with anyone, except the crowd that ghost describes that ruined the vibe last night at vinyl....

They just need to be polite and not stuck in their E infested worlds being rude and FAKE!


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Originally posted by girly

well apparently you are one of few that thinks a vibe last night in Vinyl was ruined. I don't have a problem with peoples opinions, I just don't get why some of you people are so fucking miserable? i mean you act like you go out and don't have a good time your just looking at that crowd all night and judging people in your own bouts of misery. i can't even picture that. Its so pathetic. And Fiery basically you STFU and take the 10 inch rod you have up your ass out. This is supposed to be partying and having a good time. It seems some of you don't do any of that:rolleyes: all you do is complain, complain, complain and judge and hate.

one of the few....haha:laugh: Who did you ask? your Sf regulars...no one is miserable but yourself...people complain and want to give opinions...Let them do so, and you should stop being so quick to attack anyone who gives opinions and bitches. You constantly defend anyone who attacks SF and its crowd. And yes the vibe was completely shot last nite, the music I wasn't feeling and to add to that was the crowd...People were rude, obnoxious. How the fuck do you expect to have a good time when the crowd is wack and horrible?:confused: Yea the music should conquer and do it, but not when people are assholes. Maybe you can drop some E and think everyone is so fine and dandy :rolleyes: but as for me I generally go sober so I can see what the hell is going on. So, if we wanna bitch we will...b/c you do it equally so what the fuck is the problem?

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Originally posted by fierydesire

one of the few....haha:laugh: Who did you ask? your Sf regulars..

****No actually there was a couple posts about it on here and The VIP board everyone else seemed to have had an awesome night. whos miserable?:laugh:

.no one is miserable but yourself...people complain and want to give opinions...Let them do so, and you should stop being so quick to attack anyone who gives opinions and bitches. You constantly defend anyone who attacks SF and its crowd.

****its not that i necessarily attack people just because they talk so highly of the "SF" crowd. again I don't understand how someone as yourself that has went twice rants and raves about it to people. If you don't like it don't go. Why talk about "too many guidos for your taste" when your talking to people that do go. JUST DON'T GO SIMPLE. it really has nothing to do with SF. I see the same people complaining about a couple spots for what they claim to be the same exact reasons. Ridiculous. And here I thought people were having a good time. :rolleyes:

And yes the vibe was completely shot last nite, the music I wasn't feeling and to add to that was the crowd...People were rude, obnoxious. How the fuck do you expect to have a good time when the crowd is wack and horrible?:confused:

***again after everyone that posted about last night on cp and VIp the only one i see bitching and complaining is you.

Yea the music should conquer and do it, but not when people are assholes. Maybe you can drop some E and think everyone is so fine and dandy :rolleyes: but as for me I generally go sober so I can see what the hell is going on.

***And thats great that you go sober. your point is in saying that? Do you want a cookie?:rolleyes:

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i think the point everyone is missing and making into: "who looks like what, and who dresses like who" (then spitting out personal attacks :rolleyes: ) is vibe. . .

vibe and attitude. . .

Places corrupt with vibes that are non existent. . .and people don't go back because of attitudes existent. . .

Who wants to party with cigarette burns, constant gropes, elbowing and kicking? Are we paying good money to be in a boxing match or for awesome music with awesome people?

Vynil's party has changed yes. . .but damn where the hell have some of u been. . .it started changing a very very long time ago. . .get with it people. . . :blown:

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Originally posted by girly

Originally posted by fierydesire

****No actually there was a couple posts about it on here and The VIP board everyone else seemed to have had an awesome night. whos miserable?:laugh:

****its not that i necessarily attack people just because they talk so highly of the "SF" crowd. again I don't understand how someone as yourself that has went twice rants and raves about it to people. If you don't like it don't go. Why talk about "too many guidos for your taste" when your talking to people that do go. JUST DON'T GO SIMPLE. it really has nothing to do with SF. I see the same people complaining about a couple spots for what they claim to be the same exact reasons. Ridiculous. And here I thought people were having a good time. :rolleyes

***again after everyone that posted about last night on cp and VIp the only one i see bitching and complaining is you.

***And thats great that you go sober. your point is in saying that? Do you want a cookie?:rolleyes

Another great response, you really have no clue..dumb biatch...bwhahaha :laugh:

People were talking about the music not the vibe...you need to relax...and get your facts straight:rolleyes: I was with all of VIP and such and they can agree that the vibe was shot. All you do is defend SF so don't tell me otherwise. yeah so I haven't went to SF every Saturday, but you can pretty much tell how a place is by going there a few times. Yeah we all have different tastes and thats cool, but don't bring your attitude and negative vibe. Also, it doesn't take a genious to figure out that a place is full of arrogant, pompous asses who have no common courtesy for anyone. They are too busy with being cracked out that they don't even give a shit about the music or even giving some respect to others.. And yeah I go sober, Oh what a shame I can't go out like a cracked out whore:laugh: :rolleyes:

BTW, why don't you fuck off and do some tricks, like some SF stationary dance moves....:idea:

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Originally posted by girly

Originally posted by ghhhhhost

this is gona come off as totally off topic but whatever. when i bitch and moan about a certain type of people that go to a good club and ruin it i get bitched on and cursed at..

so let me get this straight. There is a certain type of people that "ruin it" as you say. So you are going out and not having a good time obviously because there are people different from yourself in there who are ruining it for you? If its "ruined" and you don't have a good time then don't go. why go just to complain?:confused:

hey guess what..im usually a happy go lucky son of a bitch.. i hardly ever let shit get me down..but when u hear me bitch..u know its somethin that really bothers me. as for me getting along with people diff from myself..hmm...never had a problem with that either..only thing that bothers me is that ur SF crowd is gona come over to vinyl and make it SF FRIDAYS.. because all u motherfuckers got dropped from the promoter lists..and because all of u cant get in for free anymore ur gona start hitting up vinyl and attempt to turn it into SF..and to be honest with u IM FUCKIN 1000000000% right..u can argue with me forever but u know thats the whole point..where vinyl is a chill spot u and urs r gona make it into some fuckin pretentious asshole convention where u cant bump into someone without expecint a fight..id argue more but i just came back from bar hopping and im tired as ballz

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<snip>all the bullshit posted in this thread by people i thought i knew, and people i thought knew better</snip>

you preach a vibe of tolerance, yet you discriminate and pass judgement en masse

you'd have at someone's throat for saying anything about the way people dance, but you'll go ahead and try to rip on people (doesn't really affect anyone, they know better) for their style of dancing.

you say a crowd is changing, it's not.... it's the same people coming back, really. the people are changing because people change, it's natural. they accept change within themselves, and so should you.

you say "it started changing long ago", yet i only started going a year ago and distinctly remember when you first started going 6 months ago (yes, i'm serious. and i know it's funny.) you're trying to abuse authority borne of deceit... what an example to set.

and it is because of you, YOU, that parties change... it's all in your heads, and sadly you lack the wisdom to realize that THAT's really the only thing that matters. the vibe may have died inside of you, but it lives on in vinyl.

my point: find the grace to change the things you can, and the wisdom to accept the things you can't.

and most of all, please, don't be hypocritical...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

...where the fuck r the Factory-Defenders now??..run to the fuckin rescue of ur lovely little Friday crack den. u and ur stationary dance moves.

Why should we have to? I frankly could care less what anyone says about SF or the people that go there--it's not gonna stop me from going there. People take this way too seriously which is why I don't normally participate in these "my club is better than your club," "your crowd is ruining my club" threads (and after this post I won't any further). I enjoy myself when I go to SF and that's all that matters.

Don't lump all people that go to SF in the same boat. If you or anyone else goes there on a regular basis, you'd see that the people you claim are "ruining" "your" club are a small segment of the SF crowd--that's right, asshole sauceheads and pretentious silicone breasted beauty queens do not comprise the majority of the SF crowd.

Neither I, nor girly, nor nychic, nor neena16 nor djdanfury, nor piro8, nor bmw4jay, nor any of the other Factory heads I've met from this board fall into the pretentious asshole category. So be a little more narrow in your characterizations and don't try to make us guilty by association.

And before you call Factory a crack den, check yourself. Although I've never been there, I have friends that are regulars at Vinyl who tell me the drug prevalence is bad there too.

My two cents.

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Another great response, you really have no clue..dumb biatch...bwhahaha

People were talking about the music not the vibe...you need to relax...and get your facts straight:rolleyes: I was with all of VIP and such and they can agree that the vibe was shot. All you do is defend SF so don't tell me otherwise. yeah so I haven't went to SF every Saturday, but you can pretty much tell how a place is by going there a few times. Yeah we all have different tastes and thats cool, but don't bring your attitude and negative vibe. Also, it doesn't take a genious to figure out that a place is full of arrogant, pompous asses who have no common courtesy for anyone. They are too busy with being cracked out that they don't even give a shit about the music or even giving some respect to others.. And yeah I go sober, Oh what a shame I can't go out like

BTW, why don't you fuck off and do some tricks, like some SF stationary dance moves....:idea:

First of all you miserable biatch bahwawawa;) , i have said this before. The last time i was at sf was on thanksgiving eve. I am not an sf regular. Get *your* facts straight before you come saying something to me. Now i don't give off a negative vibe;) , I'm not the one who sits here and complains, complains, and complains and judges and hates. *HATER*. AND you still go to the places you complain about. Maybe try and have a good time instead of just taking up space with your friggin waste of life.:idea:

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

hey guess what..im usually a happy go lucky son of a bitch.. i hardly ever let shit get me down..but when u hear me bitch..u know its somethin that really bothers me. as for me getting along with people diff from myself..hmm...never had a problem with that either..only thing that bothers me is that ur SF crowd is gona come over to vinyl and make it SF FRIDAYS.. because all u motherfuckers got dropped from the promoter lists..and because all of u cant get in for free anymore ur gona start hitting up vinyl and attempt to turn it into SF..

Yeah thats it you fucking dumb ass:rolleyes: Do you have a clue? Do you leave your house and even go out?

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blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah..

You pretentious pricks...You dont realize what you have...I'm down here in delaware most months of the year..and we have NOTHING..no clubs, no lounges, no anything...the closest thing we have is a bar with a dance floor..Whenever I save enough money to come home..I LOVE going out to parties, wherever they are...you guys have it so good, you can go to two or three amazing parties, every weekend! I cant believe I'm saying this, but I do agree with some of what GIrly was sayin...why are we all so goddamn miserable...yea the scene is not what it used to be, but it never is, it is constantly changing and evolving, it goes through high points and low points...everyone is bitchin that this is a low point...i guess they're right...as an example, lets take a look at the weekend of april 25-27, on thursday you could see deep dish at shelter..but oh shelter is too hot and crowded...then you could see the god of all DT at be yourself for a mad hatter party, which would be fun seeing all those wacky hats..if only those SF guidos, juicheads, bitches, hos, whatever, weren't there to ruin the "vibe"...and if one night at vinyl isnt enough, you can troop it out the next night for Danny Howells, who was spinning crazy breaks...so in a one weekend you could see, in my opinion three out of the top 5 DJ acts in the WORLD, and you never have to leave the island....but instead of treasuring this, weve become immune to it, almost taking it for granted, like it was some god-given right to have amazing clubs where everything went right, and the vibe was perfect....so many of us got spoiled by twilo, i know i did, and i do see myself becomming more critical of every night i go out to...clubs get crowded, people bump into you, if they get angry and give you a look, it dont matter, as long as you're happy they can all go fuck themselves...you dance the way you want to dance, if people are fake, thats their problem, there are still enough people out there( i can tell by all the bitchin) that still share that longing for the vibe...seek them out in the clubs, and hang out with them...just let loose, take a deep breath..and remember why we go to these clubs in the first place...BECAUSE ITS FUN!!!:hat:

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Originally posted by girly

Yeah thats it you fucking dumb ass:rolleyes: Do you have a clue? Do you leave your house and even go out?

i dont remember directly calling u out..and uve just reaffirmed the dickhead mentality uve shown in all ur posts so far..and what the fuck does my post have to do with IF I GO OUT ?? if i didnt fucking go out i wouldnt be able to make a comparison now would i??

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Originally posted by £ddie

Why should we have to? I frankly could care less what anyone says about SF or the people that go there--it's not gonna stop me from going there. People take this way too seriously which is why I don't normally participate in these "my club is better than your club," "your crowd is ruining my club" threads (and after this post I won't any further). I enjoy myself when I go to SF and that's all that matters.

Don't lump all people that go to SF in the same boat. If you or anyone else goes there on a regular basis, you'd see that the people you claim are "ruining" "your" club are a small segment of the SF crowd--that's right, asshole sauceheads and pretentious silicone breasted beauty queens do not comprise the majority of the SF crowd.

Neither I, nor girly, nor nychic, nor neena16 nor djdanfury, nor piro8, nor bmw4jay, nor any of the other Factory heads I've met from this board fall into the pretentious asshole category. So be a little more narrow in your characterizations and don't try to make us guilty by association.

And before you call Factory a crack den, check yourself. Although I've never been there, I have friends that are regulars at Vinyl who tell me the drug prevalence is bad there too.

My two cents.

i agree with u and i appreciate ur tolerance. its just certain people on this board that dont know how to conversate like normal human beings. its fuck this and fuck that blah blah. i never meant to start that ur club sux compared to my club comparison , i was just tired of people sitting back and being so broad and general , while on the other hand theyre being called out and not doing anything about it.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i dont remember directly calling u out..and uve just reaffirmed the dickhead mentality uve shown in all ur posts so far..and what the fuck does my post have to do with IF I GO OUT ?? if i didnt fucking go out i wouldnt be able to make a comparison now would i??

I replied to you what i replied to you because nothing you said made any sense whatsoever. And i was just wondering if you've even been to any of the places to see the reality of it.

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Originally posted by girly

I replied to you what i replied to you because nothing you said made any sense whatsoever. And i was just wondering if you've even been to any of the places to see the reality of it.

well lets see....if i didnt go to any of these places then i wouldnt be in any position to talk now would i?? so to answer to ur question YES I HAVE been to all of these places...and to further elaborate...i chill with factory kids @ school every fucking day..i know their mentality..i know what they like..i know their dislikes. it seems to me that their carbon copies of each other...and before when i would mention that i was @ vinyl from 11-6 on a Sat night or something theyd look @ me like i said i eat shit...and now all of a sudden "VINYL IS THE ANSWER" for them too..so once again it seems to me that the only reason ur coming directly at me is that my reasoning bothers u..and im pretty sure it bothers u because u see its true and ur in denial..so id appreciate if ud think about what u post before u directly come and talk shit to me...im not an asshole 18 yr old who doesnt know the difference between house and techno..

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

well lets see....if i didnt go to any of these places then i wouldnt be in any position to talk now would i?? so to answer to ur question YES I HAVE been to all of these places...and to further elaborate...i chill with factory kids @ school every fucking day..i know their mentality..i know what they like..i know their dislikes. it seems to me that their carbon copies of each other...and before when i would mention that i was @ vinyl from 11-6 on a Sat night or something theyd look @ me like i said i eat shit...and now all of a sudden "VINYL IS THE ANSWER" for them too..so once again it seems to me that the only reason ur coming directly at me is that my reasoning bothers u..and im pretty sure it bothers u because u see its true and ur in denial..so id appreciate if ud think about what u post before u directly come and talk shit to me...im not an asshole 18 yr old who doesnt know the difference between house and techno..

Honestly, your reasoning doesn't bother me at all, it totally doesn't make sense. I just don't think we live on the same planet but thats ok. party on:cool: :D

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Originally posted by girly

Honestly, your reasoning doesn't bother me at all, it totally doesn't make sense. I just don't think we live on the same planet but thats ok. party on:cool: :D

yeh..usually when i run out of intelligent things to say my arguments get shorter and i try to steer away from the topic at hand

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Originally posted by girly

Honestly, your reasoning doesn't bother me at all, it totally doesn't make sense. I just don't think we live on the same planet but thats ok. party on:cool: :D

party on wayne:cool: :laugh:

party on garth:blank:

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