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7 Simple Rules Of Crowd Control At Exit!!!!!!

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Originally posted by snoboardr2

Msoprano where were you?

same for glownurse-!

It def woulda fucking sucked esp if you show up alone.


I was on the 1st floor next to the bar right by the exit...I stayed there for most of the night because there was actually enough room to do the 2 step there..:rolleyes: I wanted to meet everyone, but i couldnt handle walking through the crowd of people...

NexT TiME...Probablly @ Carl Cox :D

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

I was on the 1st floor next to the bar right by the exit...I stayed there for most of the night because there was actually enough room to do the 2 step there..:rolleyes: I wanted to meet everyone, but i couldnt handle walking through the crowd of people...

NexT TiME...Probablly @ Carl Cox :D

I probably walked by you 100 times...If that is possible with the croud so horrible... But then again I don't know what you looked like so I would have never have known anyway...

By the way why didn't they accept the guest list at the registers ???

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

what time?

If I remember correctly around 12:45 or so ... I know it was before 1am... Then once I was in and paid for... I realized that I could have gotten in for nothing... But someone forgot to contact this other someone... No names mentioned... LOL

Its no biggy ... I was just wondering...

I really didn't give a sh*t... Well until I walked into what I walked into... LoL but thats a whole diff drama session...


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Originally posted by elementx

If I remember correctly around 12:45 or so ... I know it was before 1am... Then once I was in and paid for... I realized that I could have gotten in for nothing... But someone forgot to contact this other someone... No names mentioned... LOL

Its no biggy ... I was just wondering...

I really didn't give a sh*t... Well until I walked into what I walked into... LoL but thats a whole diff drama session...


I freakin' cant believe those scumbags @ Exit...Lists close @ 1am...WTF???They were turning people down from my LiST so they can get the Money!!!:mad: Im pissed!!!

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

I freakin' cant believe those scumbags @ Exit...Lists close @ 1am...WTF???They were turning people down from my LiST so they can get the Money!!!:mad: Im pissed!!!

They had signs hanging in the windows of the registers... Oh and the cashier that we went up to was a complete bitch... Was every employee at exit an asshole last night... Or was it just me... I mean I can almost understand the bouncers being up tight even though I don't condone it but sh*t they were in the same heat that we were all night... And I am sure they were a little worried about the crowd... But still no need for that one bouncer to steal money from that one kid... LoL I still can't believe that sh*t.

What a pathetic day this was... Posting most of the day and browsing around the web and listenin to tunes... Damn I am bummed... Bored... Drained but I napped for 2 hours and now I am wide awake... But I don't feel like leaving the house... I am about to go Nucking Futs here !!! :shake: :shake: :shake:

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damn, how long are you guys gonna bitch over this??? one last time, ok. Vinyl is a club. Twilo was a club. Pacha is a club. Bedrock is a club. Gatecrasher is a club and so is Space. EXIT IS NOT A CLUB. DO NOT GO THERE, or you will dislike it. duh!!! exit is a Guido Containment Area. do not enter, do not enter. what did you expect? seriously?

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Originally posted by tribal

damn, how long are you guys gonna bitch over this??? one last time, ok. Vinyl is a club. Twilo was a club. Pacha is a club. Bedrock is a club. Gatecrasher is a club and so is Space. EXIT IS NOT A CLUB. DO NOT GO THERE, or you will dislike it. duh!!! exit is a Guido Containment Area. do not enter, do not enter. what did you expect? seriously?

exit = poop

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the party-goers make the party. what's lacking from exit is a good crowd. if management at exit wants to throw a good party they should get rid of the promoters who promote to the current crowd and replace them w. new as well as be a little more selective at the door.

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Originally posted by mutiny

exit = poop

WORD!! But you do have to admit, Exit does achieve their main goal. There were 6,700 people there last night, say about 6,000 paid an average of $32(being modest). Ticket sellers got $5 a person for selling tickets in advance, so figure $27 x 6,000 people = $160,000 not including the bar, coat check, etc. Their parties might suck and a large portion of their crowd might hate the place... but they are seriously raking it in.

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mike... i should smack you across the face for rule number 1. when u go to Ibiza and dont know spanish they should kick your ass outa there. other rules seem good though. and anyone who agrees with mike should get a smack too.

sorry that rule just pisses me off. i think its a really good thing that people come from different countries to try out the best city in the world, and especially the clubs. whats wrong that?

i am very fond of the no-shirt rule though.

sorry for the anger but i just dont think thats right.

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Originally posted by roha3000

That is exactly it bro. In the most diverse city in the world, with a club crowd of 10,000 people, I don't want to see 50% asian and 45% guido leaving only 5% to the hundreds of other ethnicities out there (of course I know guido doesn't exactly make up an ethnicity but you get the point). Especially when the majority of those guidos are assholes with attitudes.

Thats just my opinion. You are free to have your own.

you are certainly free to have your opinion, but what kind of crowd would u like to see in a club, bc u have to know you cant hand pick the people... any what exactly defines guido... i should probabòy know since theres 45% of them, but id really like to know.

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Originally posted by jbocc10

mike... i should smack you across the face for rule number 1. when u go to Ibiza and dont know spanish they should kick your ass outa there. other rules seem good though. and anyone who agrees with mike should get a smack too.

sorry that rule just pisses me off. i think its a really good thing that people come from different countries to try out the best city in the world, and especially the clubs. whats wrong that?

i am very fond of the no-shirt rule though.

sorry for the anger but i just dont think thats right.

yo john bitch ass....i can speak a little italian and by the time i go to ibiza i will be able to speak the language so fuck off:D :cool:
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Hey, I've never posted before on CP b/c I've only been clubbin in the city twice, but I always broswe through the boards. I"m from CT but decided to go to Exit for the first time Fri nite for Tiesto. I have never been more dissappointed in my life :( I usually go to afterhours in Hartford, and yes, I admit I'm used to a 100 x's smaller club than Exit, but I never expected Exit to be the way it was! I guess I had envisioned a fawkin crazy scene, with people dancing everywhere...instead by 6 am, my BF and I looked around and were like, why isn't anyone else dancing? I thought all the employees were extremely rude, especially just trying to get a freakin can of red bull...I love Tiesto, but I just wish the volume had been turned up a tad louder! So all you CP peeps, my BF and i wanna come back to a city club somtime soon...we love the entire scene, but most of all, we just wanna find a club where we can DANCE...so what do you all recomend?? Thanks!


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Originally posted by dubree0030

Hey, I've never posted before on CP b/c I've only been clubbin in the city twice, but I always broswe through the boards. I"m from CT but decided to go to Exit for the first time Fri nite for Tiesto. I have never been more dissappointed in my life :( I usually go to afterhours in Hartford, and yes, I admit I'm used to a 100 x's smaller club than Exit, but I never expected Exit to be the way it was! I guess I had envisioned a fawkin crazy scene, with people dancing everywhere...instead by 6 am, my BF and I looked around and were like, why isn't anyone else dancing? I thought all the employees were extremely rude, especially just trying to get a freakin can of red bull...I love Tiesto, but I just wish the volume had been turned up a tad louder! So all you CP peeps, my BF and i wanna come back to a city club somtime soon...we love the entire scene, but most of all, we just wanna find a club where we can DANCE...so what do you all recomend?? Thanks!


i have 3 words for you.......CARL FAWKING COX!!!!!!!!!!!

he will be at the south street seaport on march 2nd along with many other sick ass dj's

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fuck the asian thing..i can deal with them and their squatting..i wont even talk about the whole A/C issue in every goddamn fucking club in NYC...But Please..Please..PLEase Keep ur SHIRTS ON MAN!!! jesus christ..u spend 100 on a shirt..and then ur gona take it off and wear it on ur shoulder..and then ur gona rub urself all up on the rest of the normal people who chose to keep their clothes on..come the fuck on people ( read guidos)...we know that all the time u spend in the gym cuts down on ur access to educational venues but for the love of christ just keep the shirts on

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