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Factory PJ Party Review

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Got there early (completely mangled) dont even know why they let me in im only 20 and it was only like 2 or 3 oclock.

Early on there were a lot of guys by 8 it was completely packed so i took a little nap. Started clearing out after 12 left at 3 and were still people on the floor.

Tonight def changed my opinion about factory.... there is def, a better vibe than i thought and JP is a lot better than he was at the b-day party the first time i heard him....

Lots of nice pajamas.

Going threw it mixed with that old "licking my balls is what you wanna do" song was def off the meter...

Def had a great time

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got there around 7:30((I think))....walked in while let the sunshine was on....finally got settled...like a prayer,angie stone...wow! stayed till about 11:15ish..((short night;))) sad to have missed goin through it...but definitely a good night!

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Originally posted by misk

got there around 7:30((I think))....walked in while let the sunshine was on....finally got settled...like a prayer,angie stone...wow! stayed till about 11:15ish..((short night;))) sad to have missed goin through it...but definitely a good night!

you walked in right before me.....we could have had it out and everything;)

Going through it//Da Dik Suk//Things to Come....fucking insanity

he closed at 4 on the dot....another Sunday well spent at SF:D

however, personally i was bored with a lot of the music...i thought he was a lot better on his B-day


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

you walked in right before me.....we could have had it out and everything;)

however, personally i was bored with a lot of the music...i thought he was a lot better on his B-day


haha:laugh: ....i'm no joke though...u prob wouldn't have been in any condition to dance after a smacked u around! ;):laugh:

totally agree about the boredom...DEFINITELY not all night...but there was one portion..could not even estimate a time? but anyways...found myself kinda..waiting...u know...but picked right back up...

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i didn't see any undies floating around.....but they were giving out stuffed fuzzy red hearts......

btw~~>what r everyone's thoughts and comments on all the shows?!?! frankly..i thought the one was really out there! even for factory! LOL......and long as hell..the one where the girls were having a SLUMBER PARTY...and pleasuring eachother..when no sooner do james dean,elvis,john wayne,and peter pan show up to strip! LOL but otherwise...lots of entertainment last night/this morning

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What did the PJ's they gave out look like ?

And as far as the shows go.. I saw PACKAGE! I didn't realize how revealed they were getting, the guys were just dancing naked!! they did attempt to cover the package with a pillow or hand , but they didn't do a great job

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Originally posted by kevinneci

JP is a lot better than he was at the b-day party

i think he ws much better tonight than his bday too. i think for his bday he really didnt pick it up til after 1pm.

i got there around 6am. i wnet to bed that night thinking i was not going out, but 2 groups of kids from boston came down and called me at 4am. i decided to go and meet up with them. there was a line when i got htere but since i was by myself security let me right through (bonus) but trying to find these guys by myself in that mess was another story :blown: cuz our "meetup" got screwed up. two laps later i found one group, and the found the other right after.

oh yeah did anyone else see the dude withthe "banana hammock" dancing around on the 3rd floor? that was hysterical! :laugh:

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I got there around 3:30...kinda early to say the least but already elbow to elbow. Hated it. About 30 shirtless guys to every girl. Saw some heads in there that I knew, still couldn't get into it. I realize the deal with sf and that it gets good at around 10 or so, but there was no way I was enduring that bullshit for another 5 hours.

I left at 5:30.

Next time I go to sf it will be on a regular night, those nights are better.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

I got there around 3:30...kinda early to say the least but already elbow to elbow. Hated it. About 30 shirtless guys to every girl. Saw some heads in there that I knew, still couldn't get into it. I realize the deal with sf and that it gets good at around 10 or so, but there was no way I was enduring that bullshit for another 5 hours.

I left at 5:30.

Next time I go to sf it will be on a regular night, those nights are better.

agreed, i went after the bday party and the music was 10X better (imo) than his bday. My friends theorized that he gets too banged up on his theme parties and thats why its only "eh" compared to regular nights :laugh: who knows ;)

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Originally posted by blondymu

What did the PJ's they gave out look like ?

And as far as the shows go.. I saw PACKAGE! I didn't realize how revealed they were getting, the guys were just dancing naked!! they did attempt to cover the package with a pillow or hand , but they didn't do a great job

yea! that was funny though...i never saw so many people so ATTENTIVE to the show! LOL...like just watching..barely dancing haha!! someone was filming it so maybe it will turn up on one of the boards?! who knows....definitely a MEMORABLE performance by the dancers!! *...OnLy iN sOuNd FaCtOrY...*

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yo all my catz out there, i got to SF at like 7 in the morning. perfect time, no line and i walked right in. it was packed for a while though, but JP got real hot at like 12ish. i think that he was better for this PJ party then on his bday, but maybe it was just cause i was trippin ballz at the PJ party and stayed straight for his bday. i got one complaint about SF. i dont mind the guys gettin naked on the shows that they have as long as they have some girls get totally naked also. you have to cater to the guys some. but desides that the music was sick, the crowd was awsome, the pills were great, and JP was insane:D

yo, if anyone can send me some of the songs JP played at the PJ party send them to jbrodis@hotmail.com or aol sn at wolverine6x

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YES! I saw the chick with the 'S' and 'F' just over her nipples!!

My spot was right behind that stage area, so i kept an eye out on the stage stuff.. it was very interesting... there were a buncha of chicks that were pretty naked and rubbing up on each other i noticed

It would have been nice is MORE people though went with the theme thing though.. there weren't nearly as many people there as i expected that should be dressed up...

I was at JP bday... and this theme party... but I'm probably going to try and stick to just going to regular nights, cause I hate it when its too crowded to get through.. or you can't dance cause people keep walking in front of you....

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