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what would happen if J.P. left factory

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

i dunno....i disagree.....JP made SF sats just like DT made Vinyl Fridays


nah you have a valid point, the guy is a good dj, im not disagreeing at all, hes got some really good tracks, im just saying i cant respect a dj whose crowd is so fuckin cracked out of their minds that they love hearing 45 minute loops of madonna's like a prayer and he himself needs to sniff more glass then a crackhead in a rickers bed to be able to spin for more then 8 hours.

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Regardless of the crowd or his supposed drug habits, Jonathan Peters is a great mixer / remixer.

Soundfactory Saturdays are defined by his skills and the environment they help to create. Whether the crowd is cracked out or not, I've always loved the turnout on Saturday nights.

And the basement belongs to Cleveland, who is another important element to Saturday nights at the factory of Sound.

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Originally posted by scoob-e

nah you have a valid point, the guy is a good dj, im not disagreeing at all, hes got some really good tracks, im just saying i cant respect a dj whose crowd is so fuckin cracked out of their minds that they love hearing 45 minute loops of madonna's like a prayer and he himself needs to sniff more glass then a crackhead in a rickers bed to be able to spin for more then 8 hours.

u too make a valid point...and of course u have the crackheads...as in any club.....however u also have the people who go solely for the music and to have a good time....nothing to do with the drugs...jonathon's style appeals to some and not to others..as is with all dj's...and he has a very strong following who would gladly leave with him if it came down to that.....anyways...i'm going out and i think most of us would agree...if jonathon left...we would not be showing face sunday morning...

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i'm definitely not claiming JP is the best DJ or anything... but he is SF on Sat. and it does matter how much "tina" he bumps or any other drug may do (who cares... unfortunately everywhere drugs are part of the scene) he keeps the place jumpin ALL night long and all morning and all afternoon sometimes the next evening..... :) there is no way SF would be the same without him ....

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1. i hate when people talk about his 45 min loops....he doesnt loop tracks...he works them....he takes a track, an acapella, other tracks, and he creates new music by going in and out of them, teasing you, etc.......i heard Danny Howells and the whole friggin time sounded like one long boring track......

2. who cares if he does drugs or not? didnt Junior have a meth problem back in the day? and ive been told DT had a k problem too. Its something that goes along with the industry. DJ's are surrounded by people with drugs and its hard for them to resist...free drugs are free drugs. Deal with it.

3. clubbing is about going out and enjoying yourself..no matter whether youre on drugs or not....they say "how could people stay up that late and dance the whole time?"...a lot of people dont do drugs, they sleep and wake up in the morning to go hear the music.....because you cant hear anything like JP anywhere else....some people just go because they have friends there


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1st off, not to knock him because he is the man, he does not spin non stop all nite he only spins when he drops those trademark jp sets ( you kno the ones im talkin about) most of the night/morining is just a cd playin or somthin i saw this at his b day party because they had a camera on him and and it was projected on top of the stairs on the third floor, but people wait for when he blows up factory because he just f**ks u up with the music, this is why people religiously go to factory every sunday because that is his trademark and he gets people hooked

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

i know....i saw you there the 2nd and last time i ever went....

i dont like it, but thats my opinion.......compared to SF, Roxy is horrible IMO


Oh yeah I remember you now. Yeah... Factory is a lot better, I can agree with that.:)

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Actually, most of the non-hardcore clubbers that I talk to go to factory to "Be at Sound Factory" meaning mainly to be there for the environment. What makes the environment you ask?

1) The fact that it is open till at least 3pm on Sundays, most of the time much later than that

2) The glam.....everyone is out to impress. Lot of barbie dolls and juicers

3) Everyone in that place is fucked up minus a handful of people

4) The best dancers I think in the city are there in the circles

5) One of the best set-ups with four floors and a balcony making a fifth

The music itself adds to it.......very true, but the only thing unique about it is the way that it is presented with his trademark 45 minute loops and eventual blow ups after you have already been dancing to the same song forever. The music is nothing new to the scene though.

Get JP replaced and have someone there that can hang as long as him and I doubt the crowd would leave. Only if you put some schmuck like Louie DeVito on Saturdays or something would anyone really start finding another place.

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