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Drunk Girls at Clubs


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there are many drunk girls at clubs and they are cute and everything but sometimes many guys, especially old and ugly, approach these drunk girls and take advantage of them by groping them from behind. there was this beautiful underage looking petite blonde at webster hall(yeah i went there) last night and guys were all over her and i felt really sorry for her.

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I give a big


People are people~

No matter what they dress like- trheir gender, age, etc-


This worl would be a much better place, and no one would feel the need to be so selfish -

Everyone should get their heads out of their asses- everyone, and start respecting people a bit more, and caring abit more about the people around them and the world we live in-

Everyone complains about the scene, blah-blah-blah...it ain't gonna change til' the attitudes DO.

Just my 2 cents~

This mentality makes me especially irritated-

A woman can't show off her kick ass body without getting herassed and accused of being a whore,"ASKING FOR IT", but a man can?

Uh-ah. Don't think so-

Guess again-

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ea i always hate seeing that sh1t too i mean i am clean no drugs no booz and like i club and u always see like a drunk chick with like ugly people all over them but u don't know maybe thats a couple or some thing so u gotta be quiet and sh1t an keep your peace but its just sad to see cute chciks geting that fuked up and even talken to some of these guys girls eed higher standerds these days cause i mean looks count aLot in life i mean sh1t i kill my elf every day too get jacked and sh1t so when i'm lik 23 or so i will bet the sh1t and can hope fully get a play boy playmate but when u ssee a cute chcik with a ugly guy its just like a smack in the face y i worry so much if girls got such low standeds i hope whe i get 23 girls are all stuck up and judge life on looks and body lol ;) then mind LoL

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Originally posted by workenonlife

ea i always hate seeing that sh1t too i mean i am clean no drugs no booz and like i club and u always see like a drunk chick with like ugly people all over them but u don't know maybe thats a couple or some thing so u gotta be quiet and sh1t an keep your peace but its just sad to see cute chciks geting that fuked up and even talken to some of these guys girls eed higher standerds these days cause i mean looks count aLot in life i mean sh1t i kill my elf every day too get jacked and sh1t so when i'm lik 23 or so i will bet the sh1t and can hope fully get a play boy playmate but when u ssee a cute chcik with a ugly guy its just like a smack in the face y i worry so much if girls got such low standeds i hope whe i get 23 girls are all stuck up and judge life on looks and body lol ;) then mind LoL

when u see a cute chick with an ugly guy it shouldnt be a smack in the face... i know what you are saying but there are certain people that dont judge people by their looks.... and why do you kill yourself at the gym? basically you get jacked to get girls huh? does it work? that will only take you so far.... and IMO i think the older we get looks dont mean fucking shit....... money money money.... what kind of car u drive and how much your bank statement says is all that matters..... (to some people)

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Originally posted by bkissa

there are a lot of drunk girls waiting to meet someone at webster hall.

hehe, thanks. Personally, I'm definetely not one to pick up drunk girls and take advantage of them in a club like the monster guidos that I see. Anyone who knows me could have figured this out a while ago. Very true, a girl should be able to dress how she pleases without getting mollested. I do find this unfair, but it also depends on the venue you are referring to. Some clubs are known for this, but you can find this kind of attitude in almost any club. Such is life though..

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Originally posted by jbocc10

when u see a cute chick with an ugly guy it shouldnt be a smack in the face... i know what you are saying but there are certain people that dont judge people by their looks.... and why do you kill yourself at the gym? basically you get jacked to get girls huh? does it work? that will only take you so far.... and IMO i think the older we get looks dont mean fucking shit....... money money money.... what kind of car u drive and how much your bank statement says is all that matters..... (to some people)

u are so true some 1 needs to smack sense into me money is more important then looks cause yoru born with looks but u can buy better looks with money so true i need rich girl who can buy me a nose job and roids so good look kid u changed my out LooK on life ;)

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Originally posted by rod00

correct me if im wrong but isnt sound factory the leading club in drunk fucked up girls? if not what club is? I presonally didnt notice much of this in ne club, but maybe because i havent been payin much attention to it

i dont think a lot of drinking goes on at that club. and if you're out to hook up better hit up a venue like roxy w. lots of underage naive girls. in my opinion, sf is mostly professional party goers.

and no comments about my age please. :rolleyes:;)

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sometimes as a woman (oh, wait, they would be girls wouldn't they...) you have to have respect for yourself before others respect you........ it's not what you wear...it's how you carry yourself.......

and drunken sloppy little girls have to be more annoying than the overstuffed juiceheads at least they don't usually fall all over the place...

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Originally posted by workenonlife

u are so true some 1 needs to smack sense into me money is more important then looks cause yoru born with looks but u can buy better looks with money so true i need rich girl who can buy me a nose job and roids so good look kid u changed my out LooK on life ;)

don't take steriods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yuck! they make you look WEIRD! i knew a kid who was cute as he could be then i didn't see him for like three years and he'd started taking roids and it made his neck too wide and his face got huge too. he looked malformed.

just be yourself & be happy!

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Originally posted by snoozi8

sometimes as a woman (oh, wait, they would be girls wouldn't they...) you have to have respect for yourself before others respect you........ it's not what you wear...it's how you carry yourself.......

and drunken sloppy little girls have to be more annoying than the overstuffed juiceheads at least they don't usually fall all over the place...

leave the real male the mighty juice head alone no bad mouthing ;)

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