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who is sick of the unpatriotic @$$holes on our board?

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ME!!!! IF YOU HATE OUR COUNTRY AND OUR FOREIGN POLICY SO MUCH LEAVE!!! This is the best its gonna get here...I'm sick of people saying o the Taliban in camp X-ray have rights too...who the hell cares. If they could they would strap a bomb on their ass and kill thousands of innocent Americans. They are not human, why are we sticking up for THEIR rights. And another pt, people dissin on the NYPD and FDNY, say that to the firefighters and policemen who lost their friends, say that to their families. I dare you, and just see what happens to you. Our troops areo ut their risking their lives for our FREEDOM...yes...OUR FREEDOM... freedom from terror. The freedom to live our lives without wondering if terrorist pigs are going to crash a plane in a populated area. Freedom from bombs strapped to suicide bombers...freedom from concern over a nuke being smuggledi nto the US, only to be detonated. freedom from the threat of chemical and biological weapons. Do not ever disrespect our soldiers. They are HEROES!! God Bless each and every one of them. And my sorrow goes out to the families of the fallen soldiers. Thank you.

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

I support what the military does as much as anyone of you but I feel our foreign policy is very lacking. If anything, Bush wants to isolate the US from the rest of the world.......

perhaps he decided to read Washington's Farewell Address...:tongue:

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Taliban people suck. People that hate America Suck. People that complain that muhammed omar blah blah doesnt get his proper curry meal SUCK. I say bomb the hell out of the middle east and surronding areas. China, Japan, and that colorful array on the map that was the USSR won't bother us ever again. And, that Castro fellow will have a heart attack and die from that one. I think Andrew "dice" clay said it best ........" in jfk put ahuge fuckin sign in the arrivals terminal that read--Speak English or Get the FUCK out!

I am a real american

fight for the rights of every man

i am a real american

and no, i'm not Hulk Hogan

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Originally posted by blchrbean

Taliban people suck. People that hate America Suck. People that complain that muhammed omar blah blah doesnt get his proper curry meal SUCK. I say bomb the hell out of the middle east and surronding areas. China, Japan, and that colorful array on the map that was the USSR won't bother us ever again. And, that Castro fellow will have a heart attack and die from that one. I think Andrew "dice" clay said it best ........" in jfk put ahuge fuckin sign in the arrivals terminal that read--Speak English or Get the FUCK out!

I am a real american

fight for the rights of every man

i am a real american

and no, i'm not Hulk Hogan

STFU biatch....:rolleyes:

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ok once again let me just point out that its the us govt i dont like and not the people. secondly if u think someone that doesnt blindly follow us propoganda should leave your a moron. the govt encourages us to do this. if it werent for people like us there would be no right for women to vote, no civil rights, and no freedom of information act. when your rights are violated, which they will be at some time in your life, youll understand.

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there are some bitter ass people on this board, and i cant help but agree with tony..i dont hate americans..i hate their government. i dont have too many complaints about the Dubya administration...but the Clinton era...wow dont get me started. anyone that is ok with allowing him to keep on presiding over the most powerful nation in the world after he lied under oath has got to be out of their mind.and to top it off he goes off and pardons tax offenders and drug dealers within the last hours of his presidency..if u cant c whats wrong with the US government there then ur blind. more recently look at the Enron case..this sucks for us future Accountants. we're going to be turned into the ultimate scapegoat..and theyre gona reduce the Big 5 to the Big 4 with Andersens departure.. . our industry is being blamed left and right for what happened and they plan to impose stricter guidelines upon the proffession while these fat fucks up in the senate and congress cashed in early when they were notified of Enrons troubles. If u think this govt is so great then what the hell is it going to do to help the people who lost their 401K plans due to Enron?? NADA!! so next time u decide to bash someone because their political views dont match yours step back and think about why we think this way..we usually arent talking out of our asses

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America doesn't suck. I love the american culture. I was born and raised here. But the US Military and the US goverment... fuck them. I could write pages and pages supporting and explaining myself. But this is a stupid thread anyways. peace.

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think bout this, guilliani has taken control of his archives, which is supposed to be city property, secondly he wants to control the money generated by 9/11 charities. what for? politicians are shady period. its time for the people to stand up and be heard. if it has to be from a soapbox then so be it. ill fight and die for my home, that doesnt mean ill accept being blindly led to serve someonelses interest.

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This post is very idiotic, if everyone followed this rationale we would all still be bowing to the Queen!! No taxation without representation - It's about having a voice and not agreeing with everything the government states. The Bush administration pulled the federal budget for testing death row convicts who have case for being DNA tested. The money was pulled from that to be used for testing the DNA of the people killed in 9/11!! With the large budget the US has, you would think that it would be able to do both. But voicing your opinion against this means your against 9-11 victims, right - wrong!! But that is the shit the Bush administration pulls to promote their own agenda. Bush was the gov. of state that put how many people to death and is big time pro death penalty. But what is wrong with making sure that the right person is put to death? - nothing!! But if people keep getting off for DNA, then it shows a problem with the death penalty, mainly putting an innocent man to death!!

This is the shit I am against, using a tragedy or a war to promote shit that is just wrong!!!

All of you saying I agree and leave the country - fuckyou, if you are so pro-military and hate the muslims so much, go join up!! Don't be like our president who was pro-vietnam, but wouldn't go sign up. The president demonstrated against the anti-vientnam cause and said the same shit "love or leave it"!! But he got daddy to get his ass in the airforce reserve, when there was 100,000 person waiting list. This country is based on equality - yeah right - if you want to bow down to some drug addicted who did coke, drank until his mid thirties, under achieving c student who had daddy pull strings for him to get into Harvard MBA and then went on to be a complete business failure - go ahead!! The man lead three companies into bankruptcy, but be mindless - bow to his white anglo-saxon old money ass, don't question anything and destroy this country with your stupidity!!

How many on this board are free Masons?

How many presidents weren't free masons? - 2

Pretend that you have something in common with a man who's father was the head of the CIA!! I don't care what your education is or how American you think you are - look at enron, the CEO is one our presidents oldest friends - How many your friends ran one of the largest energy corp.s in the world!! I am sick of these mindless posts, go join the marines already if you want to kill people that badly!!

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U know what ... For all you people who find something wrong with this country ... FIND ME A BETTER ONE ... and second our country's ways can be changed ... if u feel so strongly about something find all the people that agree w/you and change it!

If you cant do either of these ... what can i say ...

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Well to all your overpatriotic american fucks, if you continue like that you are the ones who are gonna get blown away by the rest of the world, because they don't care about America anymore.

So you better think before you post things like "bomb everyone else"

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pakistan, palistine, the middle east, etc etc etc

i hate assholes that say blow them up, nuke them, etc etc etc

i for one am glad you don't join the forces..who the hell would want some racist person to hold a loaded rifle..not me..thats exactly what that side is, allot of racist people holding a rifle, a bomb, etc etc etc..

i for one can't believe that everyone over there wants everyone in the united states dead just like we all know that everyone over here does not want everyone in the middle east dead

i do know that many children over there are being raised to hate America..i guess all of you that want to drop THE bomb on all arab countries will raise your kids the same way..that's one scary scenario of the future

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Originally posted by crobra

It's about having a voice and not agreeing with everything the government states.

That about sums it up. If you are pro-America, then you are pro-Democracy. Which means you *have* to support dissention.

Anything else is called Fascism.

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