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So I saw Rich Luzzi chilling @ Vinyl...

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Hey thats cool that you saw him there, its nice to see hes got some real vibe in him to go.

Hey High i kn know how you feel about Vinyl going commercial, I lost Factory over the last year anf half, its sad to see them go but is not going to stop me from going, and there will always be a few H/C's around to keep real on some level, we may just have to be going later and later lol.

and yes jersy and every other girl likes this guy but oh well plenty to go around

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Originally posted by xtreme-1

Hey thats cool that you saw him there, its nice to see hes got some real vibe in him to go.

and yes jersy and every other girl likes this guy but oh well plenty to go around

true i see no reason why ultra pop icons can't enjoy some good music and a good vibe... i mean jp was there to celebrate with dt on his birthday... two different styles of dj's being friends... now if we were to combine both of their crowds..hehe "Vinyl Factory":drunk:

and no.. i'm from jersey and i hate him... well i'll be honest i liked his song the VeRRRRRy first time i heard it, which was last march, and only prolly coz it reminded me of the girl i was hooking up with at the time lol

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I have a little story about everyone's little Rich Luzzi that cracks me up. The first and only time I have ever been to SF was to see Dave Ralph. It was Eddie Baez's birthday party that night and in his honor, Luzzi was to perform for his first time ever in front of a live audience.

Hah! That dude was sooo fucking nervous that he didn't move a single muscle in his body throughout that entire garbage ass song. The best part was that as soon as he started singing someone in the crowd through an entire cup of beer at him and it hit him in the head. Now that was fucking awesome. I never laughed so hard in my life.

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Originally posted by goagirl63

I am new to New York. Who is he???????? He he NY famous or is he someone big every where? Just curious.

he sings that song without you - you're the one that i love and i can't go on without you (repeat over and over) it's on louie devitos nyc "underground" cd volume 4 even though every song on that damn cd was played out by the time it hit the stores. at least volume 3 had the distinction of making it to the stores BEFORE the songs were even played on the radio

he also has a less known song where are you my love

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Originally posted by highmay

i dont have a problem with him personally since i dont know him...

i have a problem that a person with an image like his would chill out at a place such as vinyl...

how many more references should i take in to officially acknowledge that vinyl has gone commercial?





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Guest saleen351

well bash him all you want, but very few people know what he did. Hes a good guy, I've never met him but he donated some money for a good cause, (not 9-11) this was pre 9-11 anyway the person he helped doesn't even know where the large sum of money came from. RL sent the money with no name attached... i don't think he even knew the person he helped...

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Originally posted by roha3000

I have a little story about everyone's little Rich Luzzi that cracks me up. The first and only time I have ever been to SF was to see Dave Ralph. It was Eddie Baez's birthday party that night and in his honor, Luzzi was to perform for his first time ever in front of a live audience.

Hah! That dude was sooo fucking nervous that he didn't move a single muscle in his body throughout that entire garbage ass song. The best part was that as soon as he started singing someone in the crowd through an entire cup of beer at him and it hit him in the head. Now that was fucking awesome. I never laughed so hard in my life.

No offense, that wasn't the first time he performed in front of an audience. He actually performed numerous times, i saw him many times before that and also saw him that night..And i didn't see anyone throw a cup of beer at him either and i was right in front of the stage..:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by saleen351

well bash him all you want, but very few people know what he did. Hes a good guy, I've never met him but he donated some money for a good cause, (not 9-11) this was pre 9-11 anyway the person he helped doesn't even know where the large sum of money came from. RL sent the money with no name attached... i don't think he even knew the person he helped...

He is a very nice person.. Why does everyone got to hate so much? Without you was the bomb and you all know it!! Lol i still listen to it.

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Like i said before he is the nicest person atleast he was to me when i met him! He's not conceited and very down to earth! And i don't understand why all you guys are hating so much when you all know that you would give anything to have a hit song like he did and make the dough he makes! :tongue:

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Originally posted by saleen351

well bash him all you want, but very few people know what he did. Hes a good guy, I've never met him but he donated some money for a good cause, (not 9-11) this was pre 9-11 anyway the person he helped doesn't even know where the large sum of money came from. RL sent the money with no name attached... i don't think he even knew the person he helped...

did you find this out before or after you swallowed

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Originally posted by roha3000

I have a little story about everyone's little Rich Luzzi that cracks me up. The first and only time I have ever been to SF was to see Dave Ralph. It was Eddie Baez's birthday party that night and in his honor, Luzzi was to perform for his first time ever in front of a live audience.

Hah! That dude was sooo fucking nervous that he didn't move a single muscle in his body throughout that entire garbage ass song. The best part was that as soon as he started singing someone in the crowd through an entire cup of beer at him and it hit him in the head. Now that was fucking awesome. I never laughed so hard in my life.

First off your a dumbass. Second, I was on stage for the whole performance and the whole eddies birthday cake thing. Nothing you said went on. And nothing you say is true, Rich has performed about a thousand times live and belive me he was not nervous. moron

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Originally posted by illlogik

First off your a dumbass. Second, I was on stage for the whole performance and the whole eddies birthday cake thing. Nothing you said went on. And nothing you say is true, Rich has performed about a thousand times live and belive me he was not nervous. moron

OK cool guy...I am very proud of you that you were on the stage. However, that is quite impossible being that there was only him and two dancers. Second, I never said anything about any birthday cake, just a birthday party. If it wasn't his first time performing, he sure fooled me. He sucked big time. And every single person in that crowd would testify to that. And yes, dicknose...the beer thing did happen. I saw it and could provide 10 other witnesses who did as well. I hate to bash on him, but it was so damn funny. Believe it or not, its the truth.

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Originally posted by roha3000

OK cool guy...I am very proud of you that you were on the stage. However, that is quite impossible being that there was only him and two dancers. Second, I never said anything about any birthday cake, just a birthday party. If it wasn't his first time performing, he sure fooled me. He sucked big time. And every single person in that crowd would testify to that. And yes, dicknose...the beer thing did happen. I saw it and could provide 10 other witnesses who did as well. I hate to bash on him, but it was so damn funny. Believe it or not, its the truth.

hmmmmm i dont know hun... i was there right in front of the stage.... i know rich kind of.. we have some mutual friends.. chilled with him before.. talked to him before... i don't remember him getting hit in the head with beer! i don't think he sucked at all.. i mean i know his music isn't ur style it isn't mine! but he got up there shaked his fine ass and did his thing <~~ and that take guts!

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

hmmmmm i dont know hun... i was there right in front of the stage.... i know rich kind of.. we have some mutual friends.. chilled with him before.. talked to him before... i don't remember him getting hit in the head with beer! i don't think he sucked at all.. i mean i know his music isn't ur style it isn't mine! but he got up there shaked his fine ass and did his thing <~~ and that take guts!

Its clear that his music is definitely not my style. So I will leave the critique of his performance up to you. However, this beer thing happened. I had like 8 friends with me and they all saw it too. And I was right by the stage as well.

There have gotta be some ppl on this board that can back me up on that as well.

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Originally posted by girly

He is a very nice person.. Why does everyone got to hate so much? Without you was the bomb and you all know it!! Lol i still listen to it.

The bomb??

Err......I don't recall it ever being the bomb. Maybe a Webster Hall anthem.

Nahh....I'm not gonna hate just cause the music is not my style. It was big on KTU for a while...............

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Originally posted by girly

He is a very nice person.. Why does everyone got to hate so much? Without you was the bomb and you all know it!! Lol i still listen to it.

I agree me and my sister used to sweat that song and dance around listening to it lol...:laugh:

Then when I seen him holy shit.. a fucking hottie!!!!!!:D

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

The bomb??

Err......I don't recall it ever being the bomb. Maybe a Webster Hall anthem.

Nahh....I'm not gonna hate just cause the music is not my style. It was big on KTU for a while...............

Well it was also being played in SF way before KTU. It was pretty big to people.. It was just like Luz divina and like a prayer. But again this was way before KTu got a hold of it. And i think it is a great song..

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