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I quit drinking AS OF TODAY! (Need advise from people who ever had to "Take a break")

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No shit!

My girl and I were on a three day bender last week that

made us make many, maaaany mistakes in public

and scared lots of good people away....

It's hard to take shit back when you damage other people's

relationships, friendships or just plain out loose respect

from drunken actions you might not even


I thought it was fun and games until I started to

develope "THE SHAKES" come noon if I didn't crack open

a Heinie for BRUNCH...

So we are off the sauce...

(Lord knows I could use a drink,

but fuck it if my liver isn't gonna take this abuse much





(I'm getting the muther fuckin jitters

as I type this!)

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okay i hate drinking and all but i think you can take the same steps that my friend took when we made him realize how bad he had gotten with dropping.

1. avoid having any substances in the house.

2. let your friends know what is up with you so they don't put you in a position to mess up.

3. avoid situations where taking the substance is a normal thing... i.e. dont go clubbing, bar hopping.

4. even better .. go to those situations and NOT do the substance. go several times and NOT do the substance while everyone around you is... It'll make you realize what's really imprtant and that you can have a good time without it. It's up to you to figure out how to stop yourself.. mebbe don't bring money'/cards... don't bring ID... be the designated driver etc etc.

5. Most important ... (i wish i realized this for my friend) ... be aware of yourself ... meaning DO NOT pick up an alternate habit.

hope this is helpful

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by mugwump

No shit!

beautiful sig Maudy!~

btw: did you ever do that lil project that I asked you to do for me????? NOw that you're not a drunk, maybe I can get some help ova here????

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Originally posted by tilly

beautiful sig Maudy!~

btw: did you ever do that lil project that I asked you to do for me????? NOw that you're not a drunk, maybe I can get some help ova here????

Just cuz I'm off my bender don't make me your bitch!

(I'll try and get to it today!)

Oh and thanks for the steps crxtacy.

I'm trying......

But I swear that the Vanilla extract

in the pantry's calling my name!

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Oh Mugz,

You know that girls always try to make you their bitch....especially........uh well, I am glad that things got better for a lot of people in the relationship department.

Originally posted by mugwump

Just cuz I'm off my bender don't make me your bitch!

(I'll try and get to it today!)

Oh and thanks for the steps crxtacy.

I'm trying......

But I swear that the Vanilla extract

in the pantry's calling my name!

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Originally posted by roadrunner

Drink O'Doul's if you got a hankerin' fer a beer. Drink another one. Drink a whole fuckin' six pack. Still want a beer?

you're so right. i was out one night and drank an o'doul's instead of a regular beer and it was very satisfying. on other occassions when i wanted to go out but didn't want to drink, i found that it was only difficult about the first 20 or 30 minutes until i adjusted to the vibe and realized it was fun sober!

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I quit smoking on or around NYE.

One thing to realize, if you falter... don't give up.

And I hate to say it, but "if you think you have a problem, you probably do" Try to learn moderation, if your actions fail to match your intentions, then it may be time to do some more soul searching.

PM me if you want to talk, i'll pass you my number, but rt now i gotta bolt.


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Hey Maudy, good to hear you're quitting!

If you recognize that it's a major problem, and if you're gonna do something about it, then you've my support all the way.

May I humbly suggest that you get addicted to coffee instead? WORKED FOR ME!!!



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I've taken breaks from the bottle quite a few times.

Wanna clean out your system, fast for a day or two and drink nothing but water or juice.

You'll feel like shit at first, but you'll get some of that blood wine out of you.

Hardest part is going out with your friends and resisting. Grab a cranberry/orange juice combo or water insteaf of a drink, or for every drink you have, make sure you have a drink of water.

good luck


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My advice, is to learn moderation first. I tried stopping cold turkey back when i was 19, i had become abinge drinker fro a year and a half and it was no good! (hacker can attest to that, hehe he was the one that introduced me to rumpleminze and cointreau.. yikes!)

anyways. stopping cold turkey was not good, i got the shakes and all that other stuff you were talking about..

Straightup, learning moderation makes it easier to quit overall if thats what you are looking for....

Lou (^_^)

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Originally posted by mugwump

No shit!

It's hard to take shit back when you damage other people's

relationships, friendships or just plain out loose respect

from drunken actions you might not even


Its so easy to say the next morning your sorry for your performance but sometimes the damage is already done. When you go out as much as most of us do, alot of people only know the person you are when you go out. So if when you go out you get drunk and behave all crazy, that tends to be there only opinion of you.

Its very hard to rectify these things once there are done, I think that its very honorable to want to change things for yourself for the better, (I know what I am about to say is corny) but the first step is admitting you have a problem. I am not saying dont go out and enjoy yourself just learn that you have to be able to always have control and to be able to think with a clear head, I am not one to talk cause on many occasions I have gotten out of control, but you have to decide when and were, not every time is a good time to get messed up.

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