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I Fucking Got Laid Off Today!

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I am currently unemplyed I am so depressed :(

They basically said it was slow and they had no work for me... yeah of course after I finish the met life account and the bitch hires her fucking son.. to work there:rolleyes: :mad:

Fucking bosses dont give a fuck...its just business to them...but I am so fucking pissed because I put so much into my job..and this is how I get repaid :blown:

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Well I did office and project management..I have a lot of experience working...

I am a total people person....

Thank you..for looking out..

Fucking bastards they are:mad:

I just have to find what disk I out my resume on update it and start sending away...

It just sucks now with the way the economy is to find work:mad:

Since a I found out I made a lot of phone calls hopefully something falls through..:(

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Sorry to hear that, I got layed off at the beginning of the year, right after new years. Only finished collecting all my money from the company this week. Get yourself on unemployment it will help you out for the time being that is all I can say .. Good luck finding a job wish you the best Hun!

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. . ugh . . that sux Kim . . I hope you find something soon . . When Luna opens full time again, I'll buy you a whole bunch of drinks (and this time I PROMISE not to drop any . . ) . .

. . . I fucking hate when family shit like that get's good people thrown out . . I've seen it happen first hand in my former job . .. what a nightmare . .

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i'm sorry to hear that you lost your job. a while back i lost my job too, but i have a new, however i had to take a pay cut. so i know how you feel.

but don't think of this time period of unemployment as a downer. think of it as an opportunity to do something new with your life. go back to school, get a hobby, reinvent yourself. sure, keep sending out those resumes, but don't feel bad about yourself, this time will past. remember, "you don't realize you are capable of anything, until you lost everything".

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . ugh . . that sux Kim . . I hope you find something soon . . When Luna opens full time again, I'll buy you a whole bunch of drinks (and this time I PROMISE not to drop any . . ) . .

. . . I fucking hate when family shit like that get's good people thrown out . . I've seen it happen first hand in my former job . .. what a nightmare . .

Aww thank you!:D I dont mind smelling like one of my favorite drinks :laugh:

I plan on getting fucked up this weekend!! Trashed like I havent gotten in a long fucking time....:D

Yeah but like I told the bitch when I left what goes around comes around...

(shit now I got that freestyle song in my head lol)

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Originally posted by deepak1977


i'm sorry to hear that you lost your job. a while back i lost my job too, but i have a new, however i had to take a pay cut. so i know how you feel.

but don't think of this time period of unemployment as a downer. think of it as an opportunity to do something new with your life. go back to school, get a hobby, reinvent yourself. sure, keep sending out those resumes, but don't feel bad about yourself, this time will past. remember, "you don't realize you are capable of anything, until you lost everything".

Thats the thing to take a paycut and be in a lower position than i was in...that depresses me but fuck it I cant make myself sick over it..as my friend told me look at it as there loss...

and believe me I know the feeling of loss when I lost my dad last May...that was the biggest loss of my life so I cant get any lower than that..and your quote is so true..my friend told me today "whatever doesn't kill ya makes you stronger and you are far from dead"

Aw thanks all of you guys I really appreciate it!!! :D

I am starting to feel much better...:D

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Originally posted by notallthere

Yooooo forget about it ... really.

Go on unemployment kick back send a few resumes out a day and enjoy yourself. I milked unemployment for the full 6 months a couple of years ago and now i work all the time and miss those few months of being youg again!

Yeah one of my friends was telling me the same thing..to just enjoy myself...I guess I will have to try...:)

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Originally posted by synderella420

I am currently unemplyed I am so depressed :(

They basically said it was slow and they had no work for me... yeah of course after I finish the met life account and the bitch hires her fucking son.. to work there:rolleyes: :mad:

Fucking bosses dont give a fuck...its just business to them...but I am so fucking pissed because I put so much into my job..and this is how I get repaid :blown:

sorry to hear that...i got layed off from gucci in december they gave me severence and i was able to get unemployment insurance and it has helped out alot...im still on it and im going to school....i dunno if you kow this but in unemployment you could actually get it for a whole year if you are or will enroll in a class or school that will enhance your skills and you dont have to worry about looking for a job for a whole year...this is a very very very good option in case you are thinking of going for some training..the most unemployment gives you is 405 dollars by the way...:)

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Originally posted by bustaknut2001

It sucks getting laid off...it makes you think that we shouldn't work as hard as we do. The payoff isn't always positive. I think American society should instill a 4 day work week. Who wants to work 5 days and only have 2 days off a week? It doesn't seem fair...

Finland Sweden and Norway have vacation 8 weeks out of the year....as opposed to our wonderful 2...3 topps.

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Originally posted by bustaknut2001

It sucks getting laid off...it makes you think that we shouldn't work as hard as we do. The payoff isn't always positive. I think American society should instill a 4 day work week. Who wants to work 5 days and only have 2 days off a week? It doesn't seem fair...

in france they have a 35 hour work week, and since they enacted this law, their economy actually improved. it works, because employees are smart with the time they have to actually work. there is no time like BSing. american workers are at their jobs for so long, that we become tired and become inefficient with our time.


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Originally posted by xxdonxlavitoxx

sorry to hear that...i got layed off from gucci in december they gave me severence and i was able to get unemployment insurance and it has helped out alot...im still on it and im going to school....i dunno if you kow this but in unemployment you could actually get it for a whole year if you are or will enroll in a class or school that will enhance your skills and you dont have to worry about looking for a job for a whole year...this is a very very very good option in case you are thinking of going for some training..the most unemployment gives you is 405 dollars by the way...:)

that's really a good idea, because by the time you get out of school, the market will be a lot better. from the reports i have read, things are a lot better than a couple months ago.

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Guest jaxl

Sorry about your situation, it sucks to be looking for a job right now. But think of it as a blessing in disguise. It may have forced your hand at trying something new and even better. I was laid off years ago and while at the time I thought it was the end of the world, I collected my employment for a year and went back to school full time for the year. At the end of that time, I started temping and while I had to take a big paycut, it eventually led to much better things for me. Who knows if I hadn't been laid off I might still be doing the same thing and hating it more and more with each passing day.

Things always happen for a reason ----keep your chin up and happy hunting!

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sorry to hear that girl..

i work retail so i know how it feels to be expendable .. especially in this market.. i tried last year to find another job.. my dumbass wuit before having one secured.. i'm back where i started luckily enuff.. but yeah like my man said kick back for a bit and enjoy it. but not for too long or you'll get too used to it

and don't forget that there's always something to smile about:)

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Awwwwww, Kim:( I can't believe it.

And it seemed like they really appreciated your hard work there and paid for your business vacations.

But you know what--- YOU CAN DO BETTER! Not too long ago, thehacker quit his job cause the higher-ups were Assholes, and he couldn't take it anymore.

He certainly had talents far beyond what he was doing, and im sure you do as well.

Just keep shopping around...even though the job market is not as open as it was a year ago, there's still a lot out there.


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