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Are our Roxy cards valid this Friday for D:Fuse?

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So you want us to pay $15 to get in with our "free" Roxy VIP cards...yet i'm sure you planned on telling this info NEVER..and not until we get to the club would we know that we would have to pay $15 if jenn didn't ask then making us say "oh fuck it why not pay the $15" . Don't you think that is quite shady?? :idea: So its $15 with a card thats supposed to get you in for free + $3 coat check + $5 water or $6 beer or $8 cocktail and oh look....you add that all up and its almost like we paid full admission price. I can see a trend coming that these vip cards won't be exactly "free" for much longer. Whoever mentioned earlier bout JV's b-day being a special event yet there was no "lesser charge for cardholders" had a damn good point. Why is it that D:Fuse needs to charge $15 yet iio plays and the card still gets you in for free? I mean sure, some people know of D:Fuse but you would think iio would be charged $15 since they play that shit all over the radio. Point is...is that it looks to me as if Roxy is gonna bring in more talent and continuely fuck with us on fridays with the roxy card shit by charging us a "lesser fee" thus making the card no longer free. This is just really shitty how no one knew this nor told us until jenn asked and yet clubplanet and its cardholders should be your first concern cause every fuckin week we make that club fuller than it usually is and yet you have a stage full of regulars and a club full of newbies. just my $1.98

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You see... I am always thinking...

Cause all the other :special: nights they had at Roxy, the post would say something about Roxy cards being accepted, or Roxy cardholders getting in for free... and this time nothing was said.

I just thought it was kind of shady and thought I would clarify it for all those going on friday. Hey, I am a poor college kid, and saving money is my first priority.

Most likely, I will still go to roxy on friday regardless, but at least now I am forewarned of how much money will be spent.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

Quoth brings up a very good point.

def a good point. if cp peeps didnt ask about the $15 roxy mgmt. would have never told us. then we get there and find out about it. nahhhh....FAWK THAT!! a little notice would have been nice, thats all. im still gonna go, ima pay $15, no big deal. but this guy better be good. cuz i havent been to roxy in over a month, and i wanna hear some vintage vicious. so my nite better not be ruined by some hee haw from texas with a cowboy hat, spinnin some wack ass "DOSIE DO YOUR PARTNER" cheese
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i meant to post this on this thread....i put it on the sticky thread on accident......

why is everyone bitchin about not getting in for free or for $15....to be honest im surprised it lasted this long with the roxy cards....add up all of the times you went for FREE and see whatt the total is....now multiply that by prob 50 maybe more depending how many cards are out and see the amount of money the club looses....$15 is not bad at all for a night of clubbing...remember roxy has to make money to....

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msop...good pt bro..

I agree paying 15 bucks one week isnt a prob for me at least-- but there is another side to your pt..

think about all the promotion us card holders have given the party--True..CP promotes roxy to the fullest on the site here...but its a def another thing when all of us come home and post reviews of all the fun we had, how sick the place is, ect....

There are a lot of people that read or post on cp who don't have cards who see that we are having a great time week in and week out and come down because of that---I mean, look at how many parties cp sponsers...If i saw madd people posting that roxy was the shit and they had fun there...i'd be more inclined to check it out as opposed to going somewhere no one is talking about--

Even if I didnt have a card...I would pay to hear johnny every week...and having the card is awesome, paying to get in one week won't kill me and I don't mind supp'ting the party that has shown me a kick ass time the last few months.

I'm just showing u the other side....


Mike BuGouT

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stop bitching guys

we have been spoiled rotten

we knew in the beginning that some fridays we would have to pay, but most of the time we wouldnt. do you think SF, Vinyl, or Exit Fridays would have been this generous? Didnt think so.....

i will not be attending this weekend, not due to the admission price but due to that i'm going to see deep dish on saturday and have shitloads of HW to get done before then.

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You people have valid points. But by telling them you are still going to come is a bad move in my opinion. If you tell them you won't come because you have to pay then they might take it into account. Money in the pockey it just that, if its angry money or happy money it just don't matter. Look at the Exit tools, they don't care if people complain, because they still pack it in. $15 isn't bad for D:Fuse, although free would be better.

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i think people need to Calm the fuck down.. HOW many weeks in a row have u been let in free??? HOW MANY weeks in a row have u come up to the bouncer and not have to wait in the freezing Cold!!!

Its only 15 dollars!!! In my estimation Vicious is worth 30 dollars a night...

here is another question Which other club in new york gives u this type of Privileges with seriously not doin nothin for the club??? Hmmm NONE.

Its Just Fair for them to make a little a money... no biggie just pay the 15 dollars.... and next week Its FREE...

Instead of Complaining about this .. we should be thanking Vicious, Aluv, Bobg.. for all the V.I.P. privileges they have given us.




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