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DJ's and Drugs.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

its been studied that athletic ability is 75% genetics. if some guy with no cordination takes steriods it won't do shit for him, and the steriods might not even play any role on his body. people that think steriods are magic know nothing about steriods.

Bro, you are kinda contradicting yourself..........not specifically, but you stated that athletes use performance enhancing drugs and you then said it doesn't do anything for them.

I'm sort of lost in which direction you are trying to go with this one.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Bro, you are kinda contradicting yourself..........not specifically, but you stated that athletes use performance enhancing drugs and you then said it doesn't do anything for them.

I'm sort of lost in which direction you are trying to go with this one.

yeah.....if I would ever think of using that stuff - I would hope it would help improve my performance on the track...or it would be a waste of my time

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I'm saying an athlete isn't less of an athlete then a guy that doesn't take steriods. Just like a musican isn't less of a musican that doesn't take recreational drugs.

To clear up what I meant but steriods not doing anything... Genetics play a huge role on how athletic you will be. Without that built into you there is not much you can do no matter how much help you have.

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~~~ back to original topic:tongue:

i dont care if a dj does drugs at all...if JP has to take speed and meth to spin and make me have a good time more power to him..........DT does e all the time thats why no glowsticks at vinyl!!! yet noone here would deny his talent.........who cares what they do to themselves as long as they still do their magic..its their body:cool:

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Originally posted by sexxyh

~~~ back to original topic:tongue:

i dont care if a dj does drugs at all...if JP has to take speed and meth to spin and make me have a good time more power to him..........DT does e all the time thats why no glowsticks at vinyl!!! yet noone here would deny his talent.........who cares what they do to themselves as long as they still do their magic..its their body:cool:

no e = no glowsticks????????

Helen, thats not the reason there are no glowsticks allowed there.

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Originally posted by spragga25

I was an athlete (waaay back when), and I never took drugs (roids, andro, etc), and I have some friends that are "elite" athletes that don't take any performance enchancing drugs...

I hate it when athletes are put in that category...:mad:

I have to agree ! I don't do any drugs....

(but some ahteletes do take stuff...most don't get away with it though....)

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

yea but DT does eat bombs like candy :rolleyes:

LOL really? I never knew that. I always used to think he was 100% vibe-powered, you know? like no drugs, pure music.

So i worked forever to be able to be a sober partykid that could outlast ANYBODY. Jon - whenever i drink it's NOT when i go to a place like Vinyl. Pseudo yeah, but that's more loungey.

So wait... if DT rolls, and a bunch of my friends roll... and at the end of night they're dead against the wall and i'm still dancing like a madman, having taken no drugs, substisting only on water and powered by Vibe, then does that make me stronger than said people? :)

:hat: yeah dogs... no drugs for this boy. i got the stamina:D

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Originally posted by brickhouse

Same with most everything else, I have no problem with it as long as it's in moderation (and don't pull a Keoki by falling into a hole while behind the decks).

WHICH HE CLAIMS HE NEVA DID !!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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drugs are a phaze of life...some go through it some never come out of it...some never venture in...

does anyone read mixer mag? there was a great article on frankie bones by darren ressler...it talked about how bones had gone through the drug phaze...went through rehab...now he doesn't do them for what i understand...its noble when someone overcomes the addiction of drugs...with all pleasure and pain aside drugs are fucked up...no matter how u look at it you do them their are consequences...yea i had fun, but i've also been frightened...in the end i can't do drugs all my life...i must move on become the person i've been called to be.

make your own choice

when i go to a show...i don't think about if the dj is on drugs or not i'm just happy to enjoy the sounds we both love...

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I think most other DJ's would agree with me that spinning for a hyped crowd and feeding off their energy is a high in itself---

and Im not trying to go down that Music is my anti-drug bs route..

I really mean it-- the only thing I got when i spin is one or two drinks at the beginning of the nite and a few red bulls..

DJ's who use drugs in order to play for hours on end (dropping loops for 30 mins @ a time) don't impress me at all....what they do while they are working the tables--that impresses me

I think its a bad example for DJ's to be doing shit--If the DJ cant get enough of a rush from spinning for a crowd--why should the crowd be sober either? For the people who truely LOVE the musik...hearing it at the loud volumes with lights flying and being around madd people who are feeling it also--that should be enough--

to each his own--I feel bad for people who say they can't listen to trance or house or cant go to clubs without rolling, doing k, whatever-- but if thats how they enjoy themselves thats their decision not mine--

Same with the DJ's...some dj's actually spin better on drugs..maybe that tells you something about their skills--if they need to be enhanced--wouldn't that put them in the same category as athletes who use steriods...??

Mike BuGouT

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