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Yeah so, my car got jacked last night......

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Damn savages in this city......I can't understand it either, why do you go after a red 93 Sentra when you can go for a new Lexus parked right next to it.

This sucks

So, hows everyone else's day going so far?

aww babes...can I take your mind off of it:tongue: hehe..Im sorry Jon....

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wow sorry to hear that:(

I have a 95 ford escort, and when im in the city I ALWAYS leave it parked on the street cause I figure who the hell is gonna take my car when they can take so many other nicer cars.

hmmm maybe i should rethink that.

well good luck with everything

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Damn savages in this city......I can't understand it either, why do you go after a red 93 Sentra when you can go for a new Lexus parked right next to it.

This sucks

So, hows everyone else's day going so far?

Shit Jon, I'm sorry to hear that. Fucking car thieves... :mad3:

Good luck to you, and I hope everything works out for the best.

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I know how you feel hun...It happened to me, in the parking lot where I worked. I left my job to find out I had no way of getting home:( and I live over an hour from where I work. I definitely felt a desire to kill :blown: but I stayed calm:cry: it was horrible...so I know your crazed....lunatic...uncontrollable desire to slowly torture that person who left you stranded and is now taking your car apart piece by piece...:gas::chop::chainsaw:

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Originally posted by doubtness

How is it possible that you're driving around town with no insurance?

You are only REQUIRED to have liability insurance (i.e. if you hit someone YOU pay for THEIR damage to get fixed)

Comprehensive insurance covers YOUR vehicle for you running it into a ditch, it going on fire, theft, etc.

if you have an older car you can save alot of $$ by only carring the required insurance.


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1st off they took your shit box cause that is worth more for parts then a lexus and more of a need in the black market. you having no insurance makes me happy ur red box got stolen, ur part of the reason why insurance in new york/ nj is so high.:finger:

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Originally posted by wakeup

1st off they took your shit box cause that is worth more for parts then a lexus and more of a need in the black market. you having no insurance makes me happy ur red box got stolen, ur part of the reason why insurance in new york/ nj is so high.:finger:

another day, another person i find who should have been aborted before he/she was born


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Originally posted by wakeup

1st off they took your shit box cause that is worth more for parts then a lexus and more of a need in the black market. you having no insurance makes me happy ur red box got stolen, ur part of the reason why insurance in new york/ nj is so high.:finger:

You seem like a winner.........

Why all the hostility? Boyfriend buttfuck you a little too hard again and you're having problems sitting again?

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