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so who's single? and who's taken?

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Originally posted by cpflex

Where are all the good girls out there ?

Exactly! Most of em I know got major issues and bitch and moan how their asshole bf's treat em like shit but stay in the mess....

I am single and it is good.... Would love somethin for real, but havent come across that lately... In the meantime, partyin up.. Im not gonna settle...seen many short marriages end up in divorce lately in this 25 thru 30 bracket that im in... Everyone is in such rush for marriage and settling down with first person that tells em they love em only to find out in their short lived 1 to 2 year relationship that they are in HUGE mess...

Grass is always greener, but make best of whatever situation u got..Be it single or not.....dude.....:D

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Originally posted by clubbincutie

uh oh...nepples, the guy you're going after is with someone? if so, i change my original statement..its not cool to go after someone elses guy/girl...but if he's single, then by all means, go get him!

Well we will see what the deal is first. I have seen him out with a girl before. And if that is his girl I have no competition. ;)

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

..... i'm so in love .....

most days it's a GOOD thing and others well, you know the drill !!

p.s. BG is single because he's f'ing UGLY !!!

lets see a pic of you...if you are hot maybe i will start valuing your opinions (i could give a shit what ugly girls think)


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single and looking for the right one -- i think i found her but, my job gets in the way for now, but if she get to me better she will se what im all about --- but we will see-- had arelationship for 5 years and it ddint work its been nice being single for about a year but it gets old fast -- oh well ill just keep being myself and something will come along if this doesnt work out -- hopefully

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Originally posted by trewguy


Is that so? Than how come half of the girls on this board have boyfriends, and all go to clubs? Quit talking out of your ass. I could see how it may be a problem if the guy wasnt in to the club scene, but if he is, than thats probably where he is looking to meet girls too. I met my boyfriend at Tempts, and I know a lot of other people who have met their signifigant other at clubs too. Obviously if you meet someone in a club, they are not going to have a problem with you going to clubs, and if thats YOUR attitude, well then its piss poor.

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Originally posted by cgm

Is that so? Than how come half of the girls on this board have boyfriends, and all go to clubs? Quit talking out of your ass. I could see how it may be a problem if the guy wasnt in to the club scene, but if he is, than thats probably where he is looking to meet girls too. I met my boyfriend at Tempts, and I know a lot of other people who have met their signifigant other at clubs too. Obviously if you meet someone in a club, they are not going to have a problem with you going to clubs, and if thats YOUR attitude, well then its piss poor.


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Guest saleen351


Last GF threw me in Jail!

I'm on a 5 year moratorium (<spell) on GFs but you know what, 75% of the chicks I hook up with are married or have a BF. All my married friends are miserable and cheat and all my friend with GF cheat! The broads I want I can't have, they know I'm scum but the ones I can have are not worthy of dating and they are idiots that buy my BS......... Ahhhh Florida girls are even dumber I guess I'll be single probaly for 3 more years, but I'll always cheat.... I'm scum like that........

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Originally posted by trewguy




Trewguy my old friend, how are you? How are you going to get a girl with that attitude?????

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by thesandman

. All my married friends are miserable and cheat and all my friend with GF cheat!

I think we must have so mutual friends.... lol

Very true statement...

I got friends that cheated on their wives only 1 month after they got married...:eek: guys who bang broads in their detached garage while their GF are sleeping....... Thats why I love em so much.... (tear)......

Any time I think I'm getting sucked in by some broad, I just call my married or attached friends and they tell me how miserable they are and they I kick the bitch to the road.. works every time... PS I can't date a chicks that lives with in 45 mins of me, I need a buffer zone....

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Originally posted by sexyinthecity

Girl you couldn't have said it better. I have worked in clubs for the past four years (part-time..that is), and my boyfriend of almost three years even longer. I understand the nature of the beast so I see those "certain situations" all the time. You gotta be tough and determined to make it work! :D

sexyinthecity, i kno what you mean...i think that it doesnt help that we all kno how some single people act, girls and guys of course, some dont care if someone is taken, they go after them anyway, which is something ive never understood..sure i kno it takes two, but i think we all agree that there are some low people, who even when knowin someone is taken will continue their sh**..i mean when a girl, who knows your someone's girlfriend cause youve been introduced as such, throws herself at your man right in front of you, c'mon, thats just pathetic and rude...theres no reason for that kinda stuff...and while i trust my bf, its still frustrating that these people have no respect for us or our relationship...anyway alot of you guys and girls seem pretty normal, have any of you gotten together? just curious

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