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Short And Long Term Effects Of Xtc

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ok i was 18 when i first started doing xtc...i went through my little binge and have spaced it out since then...in the past year i did it 3-4 times max....anyway when i was using it a lot i noticed that i forgot things..for example im a waiter and id walk into the kitchen and be like....umm wtf did i wanna get....but since ive stopped doing it i dont notice this at all....i dont forget anything and my memory is where it used to be in terms of remembering things and dates that are important for assignments and stuff...i mean i will never look at the world the same now as i did prior to when i first did xtc..it def was a life changing experience for me...one that i think i needed to be honest....my grades have steadily improved and i think im on the right track for life....

what u guys think.....do u notice any side effects of any sort...this question...now this question does not count for people who drop on a regular basis..pretty much for people who have dropped previously and have stopped or have sparinlgy dropped in the last year....

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of a good site:


Do not take MDMA if you are currently taking prescription MAOIs. MAOIs are most commonly found in the prescription anti-depressants Nardil (phenelzine), Parnate (tranylcypromine), Marplan (isocarboxazid), Eldepryl (l-deprenyl), and Aurorix / Manerix (moclobemide). Ayahuasca also contains MAOIs (harmine and harmaline). MDMA and MAOIs are a potentially dangerous combination.

Avoid taking MDMA if you are currently using the protease inhibitor Ritonavir. This may be a life-threatening combination.

Individuals with a history of heart ailments, high blood pressure, aneurism or stroke, glaucoma, hepatic (liver) or renal (kidney) disorders, or hypoglycemia may be at higher risk.

Avoid other strong stimulants in combination with MDMA.

MDMA use can exacerbate depression in some users and cause depressions with heavy or frequent use.

MDMA use can cause severe crashes and hangovers in some users.

Avoid high doses and frequent use. Over the last 15 years, many studies have shown that the higher the dose and more frequent the use, the worse the long term after-effects may be.

A small percentage (1-10%) of the population are "slow metabolizers", who have low levels of a liver enzyme (P450 2D6) which metabolizes many drugs, including MDMA (as well as Prozac, DXM, and many other pharmaceuticals). These people are likely to be more sensitive to MDMA, may require lower doses, and should be very cautious.

Overheating: MDMA use can lead to hyperthermia (overheating) especially in those who are exerting themselves for long periods of time. It is important for users to pay attention to their bodies and make sure they are drinking enough, but not too much, water.

Hyponatremia / Water Intoxication: Some ecstasy users overreact to the water issue and obsessively over drink. When drinking large amounts of water its important to mix in sports drinks or salty snacks to avoid the very real dangers of hyponatremia (low salt), which can cause serious health problems including death. MDMA can cause changes in the body's diuretic hormone, leading to much higher susceptibility to hyponatremia.

Neurotoxicity: Risk of long term changes to serotonin increases with dose and frequency of use. Controversial.


One of the primary problems with MDMA is the low quality of the material sold on the street to recreational users. Tablets of street "ecstasy" frequently contain an assortment of psychoactive substances, either mixed with MDMA, or in place of it, or may contain no active ingredients at all. Other substances found in street ecstasy include MDA, MDE, PMA, caffeine, ephedrine, amphetamines, DXM, and occasionally DOB.

Caffeine, ephedrine, and amphetamines will produce less empathic effects than MDMA with more stimulation and feelings of restlessness. MDA and MDE are both similar in effects to MDMA and it may be difficult for even experienced users to distinguish between them. MDE is slightly shorter in duration than MDMA and generally has a lower peak and less euphoria than MDMA. MDA lasts longer and generally produces more visuals and psychedelic effects than MDMA. The effects of DXM, which has become more common in street ecstasy, can be extremely unpleasant if you're not expecting them: strong disorientation, dizziness, nausea, grogginess or strong sedation, and at high enough doses, dissociation from the body.

For further information on the contents of laboratory tested Ecstasy pills...see EcstasyData.org or Ecstasy.org.

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Originally posted by msoprano13

ok i was 18 when i first started doing xtc...i went through my little binge and have spaced it out since then...in the past year i did it 3-4 times max....anyway when i was using it a lot i noticed that i forgot things..for example im a waiter and id walk into the kitchen and be like....umm wtf did i wanna get....but since ive stopped doing it i dont notice this at all....i dont forget anything and my memory is where it used to be in terms of remembering things and dates that are important for assignments and stuff...i mean i will never look at the world the same now as i did prior to when i first did xtc..it def was a life changing experience for me...one that i think i needed to be honest....my grades have steadily improved and i think im on the right track for life....

what u guys think.....do u notice any side effects of any sort...this question...now this question does not count for people who drop on a regular basis..pretty much for people who have dropped previously and have stopped or have sparinlgy dropped in the last year....

definetly could be..

i havent' done nearly as much as i did in the beginnign(when pills were actually good)


i dont' think i've noticed anythign quite as dramatic as you seem to have bro.. then again, you gotta remember, you've put in a lot more work then you did in the past which has way more of an effect on your grades then doing less e, imo..

we also don't smoke nearly as much pot as we did in the past which, if anything, has had more of and effect then e..

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

definetly could be..

i havent' done nearly as much as i did in the beginnign(when pills were actually good)


i dont' think i've noticed anythign quite as dramatic as you seem to have bro.. then again, you gotta remember, you've put in a lot more work then you did in the past which has way more of an effect on your grades then doing less e, imo..

we also don't smoke nearly as much pot as we did in the past which, if anything, has had more of and effect then e..

yo i def hear what you are saying...im just trying to get an over all consenus of what other people are feeling or if they noticed anything...cause to be honest i dont notice any side effects from it....

plus youre right about the pot...i feel that clouds my mind way more then xtc does.....

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When I first started doing pills I started maybe like 3 or 4 a month then it moved up to 3 or 4 a Friday and Saturday night. I used to forget a lot of things, get extremly depressed, I was never motivated to do anything and I lost a lot of weight because I wasn't eating. It was the most horriable expierence of my life. The only time I was happy was when I was rolling. I finally got off it and now im in better, but health wise I fucked myself up bad. I won't get into it but now drug use discusts me because of what it did to me and to my friends. I try and keep myself away from those who use drugs but I won't lecture anyone about it thought...to each their own.... You know what the consiquences are when your doing them so your not stupid, but I do not condone drug use

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The first time I dropped was about 3 yrs ago...for about a yr I went on a lil' binge...it was, like Dee said, prolly the worst period of my life....My work was affected, my relationship w/ my bf was affected, and needless to say when I wasn't rollin', I was depressed and could barely get myself outta bed....

Now once in a while I drop here and there....and the one thing I noticed is..even though I'm not feenin for it all the time like I used to....X always keeps you comin back... :worry:

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Hmmmmmmm, lets see, my short term memory is gone, I have really bad anxiety sometimes from even THINKING about pills, and I am more depressed than usual and I know its from the E use and how it has affected my brain.

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Originally posted by msoprano13

ok i was 18 when i first started doing xtc...i went through my little binge and have spaced it out since then...in the past year i did it 3-4 times max....anyway when i was using it a lot i noticed that i forgot things..for example im a waiter and id walk into the kitchen and be like....umm wtf did i wanna get....but since ive stopped doing it i dont notice this at all....i dont forget anything and my memory is where it used to be in terms of remembering things and dates that are important for assignments and stuff...i mean i will never look at the world the same now as i did prior to when i first did xtc..it def was a life changing experience for me...one that i think i needed to be honest....my grades have steadily improved and i think im on the right track for life....

what u guys think.....do u notice any side effects of any sort...this question...now this question does not count for people who drop on a regular basis..pretty much for people who have dropped previously and have stopped or have sparinlgy dropped in the last year....

I too was having similar situations that you found yourself in. The memory was definetley the first thing to go. I can't say that I do everything in moderation like you, but i definetley feel better the less and less that i do those kinds of things. After awhile you just start to feel like your self sort of. And I wouldnt take it back as much as I say I would, it definetley opened my eyes and my mind to many new things. :idea:

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I dropped my first pill about 6 yrs ago. Like everyone else said I abused it but that was not until last summer when i would drop 3 pills a weekend and even sometimes just sitting around my house on a Tuesday. I think having access to so many pills played a part but so did my own stupidity.

I can honestly say I really felt no adverse effects.The depression thing was never felt.I would go to work at Mesa Grill and cook in a 100 degree kitchen for 8 hrs after partying all night.But the thing that toally sucked is when I got out of work and the Path train home....I FELT LIKE ASS.

I know my memory is shot but I have to take into consideration that I have been smoking pot almost everyday for a looooong time.I wish i did know the effect that E has had on me though.Maybe it's the E..maybe it's the weed.But all I know is that I am guilty of sometimes putting the milk in the kitchen cabinet.

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I have found the 6 week rule to work well, if I am going to take it then no more than 2 in one night, and after that night not again for another 6 weeks earliest. If you need to take anything over 2 in a night then there is something wrong and you should get some help.

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i think people react to drugs differently. first time i tried E was like 6 or 7 yrs ago, i'd do maybe 2 pills a month for like the first 2-3 years. Still graduated top 5% of my class and everything, never forgot shit and did really well in college also. For some reason it never hit me hard and I always refused to take more than one on one night, mostly because I wanted to control myself but money also played a part....I couldn't justify spending 60 bucks on drugs in one night it'd just make me feel like a fucking loser.

I never got nearly as fucked up as other people used to (when the good pills were around) its wierd I have a REALLY REALLY high tolerance for any type of drug from alcohol to pills or whatever which sucks because i used to have to spend more money to get fucked up like say at a bar, but in the end I just didn't get as fucked up since I didn't feel like spending the money, so i'd take one pill feel ok and that was the end of it....never got outta hand (which i can't say about some of my other friends unfortunately)

So I never felt the depression and other effects of it...actually I used to wake up on a sunday after rolling feeling not only sober but FUCKING GREAT it was wierd cuz I could just shit down and concentrate and do my work which never happened if I was drinking the night before instead where I'd wake up feeling like ass and wouldn't do jack shit all day.

i think experimenting with drugs is a very dangerous thing....you're either one of two people....you can control yourself or you can't. Thing is, if you can't, you won't realize it until its too late. Do you wanna take the chance? :confused:

I know that sounds hypocritical but we do stupid shit when we're young and its all about taking chances. Fortunately I came out alright, but many of my friends didn't :(

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Alexandra - i'm glad your doing ok now.

someone else mentioned it, but drugs effect different people in different ways. People who have problems with X are gonna have problems controlling their use of any drug IMO. If you get to the point where you can't go out without rolling, or just don't have a good time without rolling, then its starting to get a hold of you.

drug use should be an additive ingredient. a different time then you have without it, or an enhanced time. but i don't think you should take stuff to have a good time when you are feeling down. when you start trying to replace bad stuff in your life with drugs you become dependent on them.

i'm lucky enough to have a totally non addictive personality. i've tried lots of stuff with no problems, but i do whatever i do in moderation. and i NEVER take drugs if i'm depressed or in a bad mood. and i never allow something i do to become associated with drug use so that i have a bad time unless i'm rolling or something.

to answer the initial question: i've always had a bad memory. but when i was taking stuff frequently i noticed it got worse. i've never had any depression problems with it. in fact, except for a slight fuzzy, cotton head feeling and food tasting weird, i feel great the next day and always have. i personally believe that if you don't let your brain recover between uses you can cause some definite damnage. my feeling is, don't do a lot of pills at once, or drop all the time. save it for special occasions or what have you.

have fun. be safe :)

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