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Posts posted by Alexandra

  1. Vixenfoxxy -

    Let me first say that I admire your efforts and enthusiasm and totally understand your viewpoint and rationale. And I'd also like to say that your posts are some of the most intelligent and rational on the board -- thanks for your class.

    But, although I think your efforts are valiant, I don't think they are going to work.

    Why? Because Exit has a stigma attached to it that, as someone else noted, will not be removed simply by adding a "2" at the end of the name. When Exit opened, everyone was excited about the possibilities. But, due to a number of factors that have been discussed to death -- the type of crowd it attracts, the overzealous security, the questionable quality of the DJs and the exorbitant prices for admission and drinks -- most people wold rank Exit among their least favorite venues in the city.

    Unfortunately, once a club's reputation has been established -- and once a certain crowd has established that club as its "home -- it is nearly impossible to change either of those things. Honestly, even if Exit somehow miraculously procured Twilo's old stable of resident DJs, those fans would still be very reluctant to go see them there because of their feelings about Exit.

    Likewise, it wouldn't be fair to those people who DO like Exit the way it is and happily call it (or called it, when Draper was there) their "home" club to suddenly change the entire style of music, vibe of the club and type of crowd around on them.

    Fair or not, Exit is basically established in the minds of most club-goers as, cheesy, crappy and all the other bad things that have been said about it. I'm not saying any of those opinions are necessarily true or valid; all I'm saying is that is the general consensus about Exit and unfortunately, when it comes to clubs in NYC especially, perception is reality.

    So, I think it would be the kiss of death for Exit to try to entirely switch formats and try to get more progressive, international DJs because the fans of those DJs will STILL not want to go hear them at Exit, and the people who love Exit (and who effectively keep it up and running) are going to be even more alienated than before and continue to stay away. The result? NO ONE is going to go to Exit!

    Again, I agree that we need to do whatever we can to keep top-level talent coming to NYC, but Exit is just NOT the right venue for them. Trying to make Exit into something it isn't -- even if its just until something else opens up -- is a waste of time. Give Exit's loyal crowd back their home and their DJ: they'll be happy, Exit's management will be happy and everyone else will be happy that they aren't forced to go to the dreaded Exit to hear "their" DJs and that the Exit crowd will stay out of "their" clubs.

    As far as where those top-level DJs will go... be patient, everyone, something new will come along soon... it always does!

    Much respect, girl --



  2. Originally posted by pk1

    I forgot one thing, we don't know where the Friday venue is yet! Who knows, it could be at a much better venue( I know, most of you people are probably saying anything is better than World). So let's keep our fingers crossed and hope that they come up w/ some place amazing. We can only wait and find out.

    Last I heard (from the Delta Heavy people themselves), there is NOT going to be a S&D show in NYC on the 12th, just the 13th....

  3. All I have to say is WOW!

    I wasn't expecting anything at all -- I was just happy that, for some strange and highly amusing reason, my 2 favorite DJs decided to play at a bumblefuck club 10 minutes from my old house the same week that I was visting my parents for Easter.

    But, despite the facts that:

    a) the show started at 7:30pm, and...

    B) the venue was the size of the average Manhattan studio apartment, and...

    c) the crowd was 16 and over (average age: 17), and...

    d) none of them had ever heard S&D live and most spent the beginning of the evening debating whether or not Sasha was a girl(!)...

    ...it turned out to be one awesome fucking night!

    There were only about 300 people at the most and the club was barely crowded, but the energy and enthusiasm were totally there. The sound system was phenomenal (thank you, Phazon!) and of course, Sasha, Digweed & Jimmy Van M banged it out. They are SUCH masters at reading the crowd... they never strayed too dark or deep, yet stayed FAR away from anything remotely trance-y, cheesy or anthem-y (despite the crowds continuous pleas for Xpander). They took everyone on a trip, and the magical night absolutely flew by.

    I never thought seeing them outside of Twilo or any non-mega-club venue would be enjoyable, but seeing Sasha & Digweed in such a small, intimate club and with non-jaded people who, for the most part, were all S&D virgins was an incredible experience.

    So to Sasha, Digweed, Jimmy, all the kids who came to the show and whoever came up with the crazy idea to do a show in Clifton Park, THANK YOU for an unforgettable night! It defiitely ranks up there as one of my most favorite S&D nights EVER.

    If anyone ever has the opportunity to see S&D in any of the smaller towns or clubs during the remainer of their Delta Heavy Tour, GO SEE THEM! The difference between seeing them in a big club in a big city where they have a big following and somewhere smaller where they are less established is amazing, so if you have to choose between a big show and a smaller one, pick the smaller one, you're in for a treat!!!!

    See y'all at the World on the 13th!



  4. Did anyone else get this e-mail? Supposedly, it was sent to all subscribers of www.djsasha.com -- here it is:


    From: S A S H A <dsi@djsasha.com>

    To: <dsi@djsasha.com>

    Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2002

    Subject: [dsi] Free Sasha CD

    Free CD to all members.

    "Vegas" Mixed by Sasha

    Sasha has prepared a mix of tracks that he is releasing to subscribed members only. This CD will not be on sale or available anywhere else.

    To get your copy, individually burned and numbered, all you need to do is the following.


    £5 Pounds or $7 USD, This will cover the cost of mailing the CD back to you.

    (cash or international money order) to the following address:


    PO Box 911

    Australia 2095

    Please allow up to: 28 Days for delivery.


    Is it just me, or does this sound a little shady? Has anyone done it? Just curious....



  5. As much as I hate the World, I gotta agree with all of y'all who are sucking it up for our beloved S&D: I just got me & my boyfriend tix for the World show.

    I just saw them last night in Clifton Park (upstate) and it absolutely blew my mind. So, I figure if I can have a phenomenal night seeing S&D play from 8pm - 1am in a tiny ass venue in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of 16 year olds who had no idea which guy was Sasha & which was Digweed, there is hope left for the World! :)

    Hope to see all of you there, too...



  6. Well, its official: S&D will be at the World on Sat. April 13.... tix are on sale now at Ticketmaster.

    I am really not happy about about this. The World has to be my LEAST favorite venue in the city: the layout sucks, and I'm not going to stereotype the type of people who go there because I've only been there twice. But both times I went there (to hear Tiesto & Danny T), the place was completely packed full of immature idiots running around like it was recess at an elementary school. I got drinks spilled on me all night, I got accidentally burned with cigarettes, someone puked on my shoes, guys were grabbing me left and right and everyone was rude and immature. Not exactly conducive to a good time.

    After the last time, I swore I'd NEVER go there again, but now S&D are playing there. Why why WHY?!?!

    I am going to see S&D tonight up here in bumblefuck Clifton Park, NY because my parents live up here & I was here for Easter anyway so I figured I'd stay and see them at a 500 person capacity venue that will most likely only be half full seeing as no one up here knows who the hell they are. So hopefully tonight will make up for the fact that I missed PVD last Friday & that S&D at the World is probably going to suck.

    What are anyone's thoughts on S&D at the World? Is anyone going? I have never missed an S&D show in NYC, but now I am seriously thinking about skipping it.

    I know its been said a million times before, and not to start the old "nothing compares to Twilo" thread all over again, but I hate feeling like I have to go to "someone else's" club to hear S&D or PVD....

    I *NEVER* missed either of them even one time at Twilo: not getting my monthly S&D fix or my bi-monthly PVD fix was simply out of the question. But now, even though they only play NYC once or twice a year without a home base like Twilo, in a way I'm LESS likely to go see them because the clubs they pick to play in are not exactly the clubs that I would choose to go to.

    Before I start another debate, let me try to expain WHY:

    First of all, about PVD at Sound Factory... I'm not going to start up this discussion again, most of all because I used to go to Sound Factory on many a Saturday night/Sunday morning and I always had a GREAT time. Hell, I even met my ex boyfriend there, so I would be the last person to bash SF or its much-debated crowd.

    BUT, that said, I was still not happy when I found out PVD was playing there.

    Why? Its not that I don't like the crowd or the space, because I was a semi-regular at SF for quite some time. Even so, I still felt like going to hear PVD at SF was like going to "someone else's" club to hear "my" DJ.

    Again, I am not going to debate why people prefer to go to SF or Twilo or any other club, because those reasons are different for everyone and sweeping generalizations like "everyone at that club does drugs" or "everyone at that club is a guido" or whatever are simply not true. But, for ME personally, I went to SF and to Twilo for totally different reasons.

    For me, Twilo was all about the music, and it was like my second home. I went there at least twice a month, but usually every Friday. I never really dressed up, just wore sneakers & comfortable clothes. I knew a ton of people there and I would go with one or two friends, a bunch of people, or even by myself. It was comfortable, it felt like home, and was all about dancing and losing myself in the music.

    Sound Factory was somewhere I went once or twice a month, and for me, it was the opposite end of the spectrum from Twilo.

    I had my "family" there, too, the same way I did at Twilo. But SF, at least for me, was never about the music the way Twilo was... I like JP, but not on the same level as S&D or PVD. Anyway, SF, for me, was simply about fun, family and the spectacle of it all. It was fun to get really dressed up and go with the same group of people and dance, flirt and people watch all night.

    Twilo and SF were both "home" to me for a long time, and while I loved going to both clubs, I would never want to combine the two. The bottom line is, I enjoyed SF for COMPLETELY different reasons than I enjoyed Twilo, and that's exactly why I was not happy about combining the two places and crowds for PVD.

    The issue that no existing club in NYC is big enough to handle both its regular crowd plus the crowd that S&D, PVD, Carl Cox or any other big name DJ draws is almost secondary to the fact that combining 2 clubs' distinctly different crowds is never going to work.

    So, even though I enjoy SF, I can understand how everyone who was used to seeing PVD at Twilo felt like SF was the "wrong" place for him to play and why there was much complaining about having to deal with the SF crowd/scene. The SF scene is pretty much completely opposite from the old Twilo crowd, and I can understand why most ex-Twilo-ites were annoyed and/or intimidated that they'd have to go to the land of "diamonds & dildos" parties to hear PVD.

    BUT, I also understand why many SF regulars felt like the Twilo crowd was unwelcome at "their" club and would ruin THEIR crowd/scene. Say wht you want about SF, but the much-discussed "family" vibe in there is real, incredible, and is something worth defending. But, would SF regulars be happy about having to go Twilo to see JP spin if SF had been closed? Hell no.

    The point is, until there is a new venue for S&D, PVD and all the other big name international DJs who draw a huge crowd, having them play at clubs that already have an established crowd (that often does not mesh well with the DJs' crowd) sucks.

    I don't care if a new club is anything like Twilo -- we just need a HUGE, new venue with a GREAT sound system where these DJs can play so that we finally put an end to trying to this nonsense. Let the established clubs keep their regular parties and crowd in tact and let everyone else have a new home.

    Until then, no one is going to be happy when S&D, PVD or anyone else plays at "someone else's" club.... I know I'm not. :(

    So, maybe I'll see you at the World next weekend... maybe not.



  7. I am SO upset.... I was supposed to go to PVD with my best friend last night, who was going to pay for me since I'm totally broke at the moment, and she called me at 10pm last night (when she was supposed to tell me where in the city we were meeting) to say she was tired, she felt fat and she didn't feel like going!

    None of my other friends wanted to go and I didn't have the cash, so I had to sit at home watching fucking Blind Date while everyone got to hear my favorite DJ!


    Anyway, hope everyone had fun. :(



  8. Secrets to making PVD tonight a success:

    1. Be prepared to WAIT a LONG time to do everything: to get in, to get searched, to pay, to check your coat, to go to the bathroom, to walk up and down the stairs... you get the idea. (By the way, its supposed to start raining around midnight, so bring an umbrella!)

    2. Dress for comfort, not to impress: its going to be packed and a billion degrees in there, plus PVD is gonna make you want to DANCE, so girls, leave your 5 inch stilettos at home, and guys, tonight is not the night to wear that too-tight ribbed sweater, no matter how ripped it makes you look.

    3. Don't get wrecked: whatever your drug or vice of choice, don't overdo it because you'll run the risk of missing an amazing show, not to mention getting really fucked up

    4. Go with someone who's fun: nothing sucks more than when a much-anticipated night out is ruined by friends who don't like going out. So if any of your crew is tired, sick, closed-minded, claustrophobic, Sound Factory-phobic, trance-phobic or just whines a lot, don't bring them! Go by yourself if you have to; just don't bring along friends (or significant others) who are prone to suddenly not feeling well about 5 minutes after you check your coat.

    5. Go for the music: PVD is an incredible DJ and barely ever comes to NYC anymore, so tonight is all about the music. If you want to find a date, pick a fight, be fabulous and be "seen," score some drugs, get wasted or do anything other than dance, enjoy yourself & lose yourself in the music, go somewhere else!

    6. Keep an open mind: no matter how competently SF handles this event, not everything is going to go smoothly, so be patient and realize that lines, crowds, exorbitant prices and random assholes are the price we have to pay (for now) for top-level DJ talent until NYC gets a decent venue for these artists. But tonight, as has been debated in many a post on this board, there are going to be all types of people representing at PVD tonight from "juiceheads" to "asians" to "ravers" to "fake tit girls" to "PVD fans" (not sure what stereotype that's supposed to be!), so not matter who or what you are, be tolerant and remember that everyone is there for the same reason you are for the love of the music.

    And finally, last but definitely not least....

    7. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    See you there!



  9. What's up? ;)

    You should go to Liquids on 10th Street btw 1st Ave. & Avenue A... its a dark, cozy, classy (and free!) lounge with lots of couches, plus they always have awesome music (live house DJs). It doesn't get loud and/or crowded until later, so you can talk, drink and enjoy the music & the conversation at the same time.

    Some other cool spots similar to that (althought I don't know if they're open Monday or Tuesday) are XVI, Ja Lounge, Plant, Karma, Leopard Lounge & Opium Den.

    Good luck!



  10. All this debate really comes down to is this:

    If you love Paul Van Dyk and want to out for the music tonight, go see PVD at SF.

    If you just want to have fun and don't want to spend a lot of $$ or be packed like sardines, go somewhere else.

    As someone who has seen PVD live more times than I can count, I would highly recommend going to see him tonight -- he doesn't come to NYC often (anymore) and if you like his music, his live set will blow your mind better than any other DJ spinning in NYC tonight.

    But, then again, SF is going to be packed anyway, so if you're not into PVD, his music or the SF crowd, you're probably better off going to your usual Friday night spot and leaving PVD to his true fans.

    Whatever you do, have fun tonight!



  11. Oh my God, this show is RIDICULOUS!

    Who on earth is so desperate that they will make a fool out of themselves on national television in hopes that some guy they have never met will marry them? Pathetic!

    As for the guy, I don't think he's gay; the impression I got from all those pictures of him growing up is that he was sort of nerdy/dorky gorwing up and more interested in academic pursuits than girls...

    I know a lot of guys who were pretty nerdy looking/acting growing up and in college, and now all their studies/hard work have paid off with a good job and successful career. Plus, by time they're in their mid 20s, they've also grown out of their awkward looks.

    The problem is that they have no social skills since they spent all their formative years studying instead of dating and hooking up, so despite the fact that they are both attractive, successful and often wealthy, they are clueless when it comes to dating now...

    I dated a 30 year old guy like that last year... he was attactive, rich, smart and really sweet & fun, but he didn't have a CLUE about women because he had been such a workaholic his whole life! Anyway, that's my theory, but then again, he could totally be a closeted homosexual. ;)



  12. If you really want to go so bad, there are a few things you can do...

    For example, I went to NYU, which is one of (if not the most) expensive schools out there. I qualified for the maximum amount of financial aid, plus I got grants & scholarships, but it STILL wasn't enough.

    So, I:

    a) researched other scholarships and grants and applied for those

    B) took out student loans in my name (which suck to pay back, and which I won't be done paying back until 2020, but its still worth it)

    c) got a ton of part time jobs: I had a work study job, a part time office job, I babysat, promoted for clubs, wrote papers for $$, and spent every wintern break, spring break and summer vacation working full time

    d) got my own apartment rather than living in NYU dorms -- housing & meal plans are often as expensive as tuition for city schools. And if you live in the NYC area, consider living at home & commuting instead of iving in a dorm to save $$.

    It took a lot of sacrifices but hey, I got to go to my dream school, so to me it was well worth it!!!




  13. ...and if so, do you hate like, every woman on that show?

    They could not have picked a WORSE group of women to represent NYC women! My boyfriend says if he had seen that show prior to moving to NYC, he never would have come!

    I don't know who I can't stand the most... that Leoni chick, the Barracudas or Allison the "model." Ugh!

    But still, the show is totally addicting -- my friends & I are all hooked. Anyone else watch?



  14. Just a random question 'cause I'm bored...

    Within the first 2 weeks of coming to NYU in '96, I went to Limelight (which closed for years the very next week), Palladium, Expo, Tunnel and System.

    I don't know what's more telling about how NYC nightlife has changed: that all of those places are closed now, or that at the time, I was 17 and had no i.d. and got into all of those places!

    Times sure have changed... but oh, the memories!



  15. Who's going (besides me)?!?

    And when is everyone showing up? I'm thinking around 11pm, since PVD doesn't come on until 2am.... I figure by time I wait in line a couple hours and wait in the coat check line another hour or so, he'll just be coming on!

    See everyone there!!!



  16. Well I don't know *WHAT* to think about S&D coming to NYC anymore.

    I called the Delta Heavy office again - 212 564-3848 if anyone else wants to bug them - and, like last week, they said they "haven't decided on a venue yet."

    So take that for what its worth - I'm done speculatating. All I know is I got my ticket to see them in Albany next Tuesday, so I'm gonna get my S&D fix either way!



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