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Posts posted by Alexandra

  1. (in case you didn't see this)


    Thank you for finally posting something real. Despite the fact that I have no desire to ever share anything with this community again, I feel like I should respond to your post.

    No, you do not know me at all. But, that didn’t stop you from repeatedly bashing me over and over, day after day over the simple fact that you didn’t want to read my personal crap. Now I ask you, which of us is more of a nuisance to the board? My one, “crappy†personal post, or 30 of your posts saying that I am fat and ugly and stupid have no life?

    There are a lot of posts on this board that I think are insipid, boring or irrelevant, but I ignore them. I don’t reply that that person is stupid and ugly and annoying and try to antagonize them every chance I get. How is that going to improve the problem, if your problem is truly that you feel like my personal posts were somehow detrimental to the quality of the conversations of this board?

    You also admit that you wanted to cause drama, and that you didn’t mean for me to feel threatened and you don’t really know me. Well, how would you like to know that I have been stalked and threatened before? Is that drama enough for you? No, you never said you would cause me bodily harm but the way that you tried to fuck with my mind and make me think that you knew who I was enough to make me seriously consider giving up going out for a while.

    Now, there is no way that you would know I would have that reaction because you do not know me or my history, but that is exactly my point. Maybe some people can take your kind of teasing for the joke that you mean it to be, but to me, your words were not a joke to me, and they may not be to others. Call me insecure, but given my past, that is just how I feel. And although I am tremendously relieved that you don’t know me and had no malicious intentions, that doesn’t make up for the way I have felt every time I read your posts.

    You can say this should be a lesson to me to know better than to post personal shit on this board, and I would agree, but you would still not be right in what you did. Even if you bashed me because you wanted to teach me a lesson to think with my own mind – which I do, thank you very much – how is continually telling me what an ugly slut I am going to teach me to think for myself?

    Yes, I do post personal stuff on the board from time to time that may not seem club related, but I am by no means the only one. I think the reason people, myself included, feel compelled to ask personal questions on the board is because the board is (mostly) full of intelligent people who share a common interest who we feel will give us an unbiased opinion, since this is, ultimately, an anonymous medium. Do we take the advice to heart? I seriously doubt that. If you really think I have to consult the board every time I have to go pee, then you have obviously not been reading my posts as carefully as you say you have. I am am open and curious person who likes to know the opinions and suggestions of my peers, but I am in no way a person who is easily influenced by “society†or majority opinions, and anyone who DOES know me could easily tell you that.

    I am a writer and I enjoy telling my stories. While I could have simply posted, “where is a cool spot to go that has a 20- to 30 something crowd,†my style was to tell the whole story. If you didn’t give a fuck, then why did you waste your time reading it?! If you read my post out of curiosity or by accident and were so disgusted by what you perceived to be my inability to make a decision on my own, then you could have repled and written that! I will never understand how you felt that barraging me with insults day after day was going to accomplish anything at all, but then again, I don’t know you, either.

    Anyway, that’s really all I have to say on this matter. Although I genuinely appreciate the fact that you took the time to let me know that I don’t have to look over my shoulder the next time I go out, my feelings about this board are just not the same after this. I really enjoy giving my opinions and reading everyone else's thoughts (even those I don't agree with), but I am really not feeling too great about sharing anything anymore, even if it’s simply my opinion of the top 10 songs Oakenfold played. Maybe I’ll post again, maybe I won’t, but I have definitely learned my lesson. So thank you for sharing, and I hope you learned something, too.



    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  2. The_greatest,

    Thank you for finally posting something real. Despite the fact that I have no desire to ever share anything with this community again, I feel like I should respond to your post.

    No, you do not know me at all. But, that didn’t stop you from repeatedly bashing me over and over, day after day over the simple fact that you didn’t want to read my personal crap. Now I ask you, which of us is more of a nuisance to the board? My one, “crappy†personal post, or 30 of your posts saying that I am fat and ugly and stupid have no life?

    There are a lot of posts on this board that I think are insipid, boring or irrelevant, but I ignore them. I don’t reply that that person is stupid and ugly and annoying and try to antagonize them every chance I get. How is that going to improve the problem, if your problem is truly that you feel like my personal posts were somehow detrimental to the quality of the conversations of this board?

    You also admit that you wanted to cause drama, and that you didn’t mean for me to feel threatened and you don’t really know me. Well, how would you like to know that I have been stalked and threatened before? Is that drama enough for you? No, you never said you would cause me bodily harm but the way that you tried to fuck with my mind and make me think that you knew who I was enough to make me seriously consider giving up going out for a while.

    Now, there is no way that you would know I would have that reaction because you do not know me or my history, but that is exactly my point. Maybe some people can take your kind of teasing for the joke that you mean it to be, but to me, your words were not a joke to me, and they may not be to others. Call me insecure, but given my past, that is just how I feel. And although I am tremendously relieved that you don’t know me and had no malicious intentions, that doesn’t make up for the way I have felt every time I read your posts.

    You can say this should be a lesson to me to know better than to post personal shit on this board, and I would agree, but you would still not be right in what you did. Even if you bashed me because you wanted to teach me a lesson to think with my own mind – which I do, thank you very much – how is continually telling me what an ugly slut I am going to teach me to think for myself?

    Yes, I do post personal stuff on the board from time to time that may not seem club related, but I am by no means the only one. I think the reason people, myself included, feel compelled to ask personal questions on the board is because the board is (mostly) full of intelligent people who share a common interest who we feel will give us an unbiased opinion, since this is, ultimately, an anonymous medium. Do we take the advice to heart? I seriously doubt that. If you really think I have to consult the board every time I have to go pee, then you have obviously not been reading my posts as carefully as you say you have. I am am open and curious person who likes to know the opinions and suggestions of my peers, but I am in no way a person who is easily influenced by “society†or majority opinions, and anyone who DOES know me could easily tell you that.

    I am a writer and I enjoy telling my stories. While I could have simply posted, “where is a cool spot to go that has a 20- to 30 something crowd,†my style was to tell the whole story. If you didn’t give a fuck, then why did you waste your time reading it?! If you read my post out of curiosity or by accident and were so disgusted by what you perceived to be my inability to make a decision on my own, then you could have repled and written that! I will never understand how you felt that barraging me with insults day after day was going to accomplish anything at all, but then again, I don’t know you, either.

    Anyway, that’s really all I have to say on this matter. Although I genuinely appreciate the fact that you took the time to let me know that I don’t have to look over my shoulder the next time I go out, my feelings about this board are just not the same after this. I really enjoy giving my opinions and reading everyone else's thoughts (even those I don't agree with), but I am really not feeling too great about sharing anything anymore, even if it’s simply my opinion of the top 10 songs Oakenfold played. Maybe I’ll post again, maybe I won’t, but I have definitely learned my lesson. So thank you for sharing, and I hope you learned something, too.



    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  3. To all ClubNYC members,

    I'm sorry to have to say this, but this is my last post on ClubNYC. Due to the actions of dicklicker/the_greatest, as well as all of the general negativity lately on the board, I no longer feel like this is a community I want to be a part of.

    When I first started posting here in 1998, it was a small community full of intelligent and considerate people with interesting opinions, enthusiasm and most of all, respect for one another, no matter how differing their opinions may be. Many of us ended up actually meeting in person, and many of us ended up making good friends, contacts and even significant others as a result of ClubNYC.

    I have always felt like ClubNYC was a place where I could be honest and open and have my opinions respected. I have posted some pretty personal stuff before and I have always been overwhelmed by the response I have gotten both on the boards and via e-mail.

    However, over the past couple of years, and especially now that there is an extra incentive to post with all the giveaways, the quality of the board has gone down. Now, most of the "veteran" members are gone, many of them disgusted by how the board has basically become a collection of insults. I tried to avoid drama as much as possible, but now I no longer feel I can post anything without someone personally attacking me.

    It is one thing to say "you suck" or "your favorite DJ/club/song sucks," but some members go too far and resort to personal attacks. The deterioration of the board has kept me from posting that often, but now I feel like I don't want to participate at all.

    The slanderous things that have been posted about me lately are completely ridiculous, and while I don't take them personally, they make me fear for my well being. Even if they are meant to be a joke, it makes me uneasy to think some asshole is keeping tabs on me, and you know what? As much as I really enjoy contributing to the board, it is really not worth my personal safety, or at least my sense of security.

    So, congratulations, the_greatest/dicklicker and everyone else who posts bullshit on this board just to start drama. You won: I'm outta here. To all of my friends on ClubNYC, it's been real. Keep going out, having fun, loving the music and making the most of moment. You will be missed, but it's time for me to go.

    Good luck, and goodbye.



    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  4. I was just going to ask that!!! There is no way that can be correct, Oakie always closes the show, what the fuck? I called Roseland to confirm but no one was there, does anyone else know if that's true? Yuck!

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  5. Ally -

    I'm not sure yet when we're going, we might not get there until 12:30, but if we're there at 12 we'll definitely meet up with you there! If not then I'm sure I'll see you in there!

    smile.gif Ali


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  6. Here's what I heard:

    Max Graham 1opm-11:30pm

    Sandra Collins 11:30pm-1am

    Paul Oakenfold 1am-4am

    See ya there!

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  7. Are any of these on CD yet? I have the original version (then one on Tranceport) but not the remixes...

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  8. I've been to every S&D for almost 2 years and I think June 30th was one of the best. Then again, a million different elements ALL came together for me that night, so it wasn't just the music that was phenomenal, but Sasha & Diggs were right on all night. Incredible!

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  9. I've been to every S&D for almost 2 years and I think June 30th was one of the best. Then again, a million different elements ALL came together for me that night, so it wasn't just the music that was phenomenal, but Sasha & Diggs were right on all night. Incredible!

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  10. Could it be true that there is a NEW remix of my favorite song ever, "Someone" by Ascension?!

    My friend said she heard a remix on KTU of all places last weekend, and I just read in Muzik that the Space Brothers are bringing it back... is this true?!?! Has anyojne heard it?!?! Does anyone know where I can buy it?

    Please, for the love of God, Oakie - play "Someone" on Thursday!!!!!!!

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  11. Hey girl!

    Ha, I was JUST about to write you back under your Oakie post!

    What's up? Are you going to see "God" on July 13th? Thanks for posting that article, I am dying to check him out in the Hamptons! Where did you get that article from, BTW?

    Anyway, hope all is well & that I see you at Roseland July 13th!

    smile.gif Ali


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  12. Euro trance in the style of Oakenfold, PVD & Matt Darey, Ferry Corsten, etc is my * FAVORITE * ...yeah, I love all those "cheesy" "girly" trance anthems!

    But a close second is Sasha & digweed style progressive house/Euro trance.

    I still like house and also freestyle, but trance is my LIFE!

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  13. One more...

    I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I am really feeling that dark, hard remix of Amber's "Sexual" that both PVD and Quivver dropped lately! Does anyone else dig it?

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  14. Here are the songs I am fucking loving right now:

    Cass N' Slide - "Perception"

    Pete Lazonby - "Sacred Circles"

    Agnelli & Nelson - "Embrace"

    Timo Mass - "The Dance"

    Chicane - "Halcyon"

    Moby - "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?" (only the Ferry Corsten remix, though)

    Aurora - "Hear You Calling" (all the remixes are great!!!)

    Tomski w/Jan Johnston - "Love Will Come"

    Z2 - "I Want You"

    Tillman & Ries - "Bass Fly"

    Quivver - "She Does"

    Faithless - "Why Go?"

    Moloko - "The Time Is Now"

    Alena - "Turn It Around"

    Watergate - "Heart of Asia"

    Shane - "C'est Muzique"

    Rank 1 - "Airwave"

    Pulser - "Cloudwalking"

    Paul van Dyk - "We Are Alive" and the club mix (the one w/the vocals) of "Tell Me Why"

    And, all from the new S&D CD:

    Austin Leeds - "Force 51"

    Killahurtz - "West on 27th"

    Saints & Sinners - "Pushing Too Hard"

    Breeder - "Tyrantanic"

    Luzon - "The Baguio Track"

    And of course, all my old favorites I still love and hope PVD or Oakie will play:

    Sasha - "Xpander"

    Freefall w/Jan Johnston - "Skydive"

    State of Grace - "Not Over Yet" (yes, the original!)

    Agnelli & Nelson - "Everyday"

    Gouryella - "Gouryella"

    Veracocha - "Carte Blanche"

    Thrillseekers - "Synasthesia"

    Solar Stone - "Seven Cities"

    Matt Darey - "Liberation"

    and my all time fave.....

    Acension - "Someone" !!!!

    LONG LIVE TRANCE!!!!!!!!!!!

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  15. Oh my GOD you mentioned my favorite song of all time, the one that got me hooked on trance and changed my life:

    Ascension - "Someone" !!!!!

    I love you!

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  16. Honestly, I'm disappointe din Tranceport 3. I'm just not a big fan of Sandra Collins, I guess, but this CD left me with the EXACT same impression that I got of her when I heard her spin at Twilo a few months ago: the first 3/4 of her set was hard and repetitive, but the very end was great! I left that night wishing she had played they way she played the last half hour of her set for the whole evening... and that's how I feel about this CD: I adore tracks 10 (C'est Muzique) & 11 (Airwave), but the rest of the CD is just...eh. But I have both of those songs on other CDs already that I think are a LOT stronger compilations of current trance/progressive house music: Trance nation 3 (C'est Muzique) and Gatecrasher: Disco-Tech (Airwave).

    Anyway, I am very curious to see how she will spin at Oakie. I'm hoping she will play a little fluffier rather than darker and harder since she's opening up for Oakie. I still wish Dave Ralph was opening, but I gotta give props to Sandra for being not only an American trance DJ, but a female trance DJ, too! Wish that was me...oh well, maybe I'll be ready for like, Tranceport 10 or something!

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


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