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Posts posted by Alexandra

  1. There isn't really a dress code at Twilo, especially early on (before 1am) when there isn't much of a line. You can dress to be comfortable (since it is definitely not a pick up scene, it's all about the music...and, ok, the drugs), but try to go with at last 1 girl (or at least stand by some) because they don't like to let in huge groups of guys.

    ENJOY!!!! I know you will!

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  2. Whoever said to take St. John's Wort, do NOT take it or any other anti-depressants (herbal or otherwise) if you are going to take E... trust me, I almost died from it, have fun and be safe!!!

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  3. I really like "Communicate" mor ethan I thought I would. My favorite is track 7 on CD 2, but I also love all of CD 1, especially Tracks 2, 3, 7, 9,10 & 11... I didn't love their last Northern Exposure but I really like this set, to me it perfectly captures an S&D set!

    Is anyone else going to see them spin @ Virgin on Thursday?

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  4. Oh good... so are you ever going to tell me who the "mystery man" was?

    BTW, I will gladly have you pimp me to Sasha this Friday, LOL!

    wink.gif Ali


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  5. I have been to Exit on both Saturday and Friday nights, and I just don't like the place.

    Fridays were good only because the music was good - I saw George Acosta and Dave Ralph there. The music was great but that had nothing to do with Exit...

    I just don't like the set up, the DJ booth is so high you can't even see them and you feel really detached...I guess I'm used to the DJ booth at Twilo (RIP!) and being able to be practically face to face with the DJs, but it was really strange having the DJs be way up in the air like that. Also, I just don't like the layout of Exit...the lounges are too narrow and the bathrooms are tiny and a pain in the ass.

    Yeah, the Friday crowd was young but Saturday the crowd was just plain HORRIBLE, as was the music... I know I'm spoiled by the quality of music at Twilo but it was just horrible cheese when I went to Exit on a Saturday, and the crowd was rude, cheesy and fucked up off their faces.

    Exit is the kind of club I think people who are just getting into the scene or who don't go out too often would love - I think I would like it the same way I liked Expo and Tunnel when I first came to NYC 4 years ago and did'nt know any better.

    But now that I like to go out for the music instead of "the scene," it's all about Twilo Fridays... but when I do want to go out strictly for the crowd and to have some messy fun, my Saturday night choice is still Sound Factory.

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


    [This message has been edited by Alexandra (edited 06-26-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Alexandra (edited 06-26-2000).]

  6. The new Euphoria Chilled CD was practically MADE to be a sex soundtrack...

    But my all time favorite sex song is that song on Oakie's GU New York CD that goes, "Touch me......" I've been known to put that one on repeat!

    wink.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  7. Hey you-

    I am SO SORRY about no meet up Friday, there were issues, as usual... please don't hate me! I'll drop you a line later...

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  8. Hey Greg!

    I meant to e-mail you a while ago but I lost your e-mail! Drop me a line at alexandra@zoggle.com.... are you going to Oakie, S&D or PVD? Hope you're still having fun in NYC!

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  9. Friday was definitely a night to remember, but I don't think it was as good as S&D. The music was good, but I only really got into it at the end when Quivver came on. A lot of the songs before that were songs that S&D play, but without the energy of S&D sets, so I wasn't as into it as I would have been at S&D.

    But, Quivver was amazing! I haven't danced that hard - especially sober - in God knows how long...probably the last PVD. Great stuff.

    BUT - one complaint...why did they redo the DJ booth? I don't have a problem with that so much as I have a problem with the fact that, every time I go to Twilo, they have always made some renovations to the actual club -- new DJ booth, new decorations, new "cloud" system, new lights, new snow cone stand -- but they NEVER fix the fucking toilets in the girls bathroom!!! The same 2 damn toilets have been broken for months, plus one is still missing a seat and another has a busted lock... what gives? They can renovate the entire club every week, but girls still have to wait for half an hour to use the only 2 disgusting working bathrooms?

    Anyway, that pisses me off, but I would gladly put up with that for Quivver, S&D and PVD. Hope everyone had a great time last Friday, see you this Friday at S&D, awwww yeahhhh!

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


    [This message has been edited by Alexandra (edited 06-26-2000).]

  10. If you have such a nice paying and prestigious job, then what are you doing wasting your time talking with stupid crackhead assholes like us? And I'd love to know what college you graduated from...they must be SO proud to have you as an alumni!



    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  11. Dear Mr. Dicklicker and Mr. Rosenberg:

    Thank you so much for taking a break form jerking off and being assholes to everyone to answer my post! See you at Twilo & Sound Factory! Have a great day!

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"

    [This message has been edited by Alexandra (edited 06-22-2000).]

  12. I lost your e-mail address, but I meant to ask you: did you talk to anyone at the Dramatic Writing program @ NYU yet? You better apply! Let me know if you want a contact # or e-mail address.

    smile.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  13. Thanks everyone (well, almost everyone) for your advice, but it seems my problem has solved itself: my honey asked ME if he could come with me to see Paul Oakenfold!!! I said of course, and he said good, because he already bought his ticket on Tuesday when he overheard me talking about it!

    Yay! Anyway, I guess I'll see y'all at Oakie...I'll be the blonde chick with the big smile that ISN'T from ecstasy!

    wink.gif Alexandra


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


  14. I have been posting on ClubNYC since 1998, long before you came on the scene. I have met and become friends with a LOT of people on this board, and had intelligent exchanges with many other, and I think any of those people could attest I am not the stupid, snobby bitch you think I am. I don't know your problem is with me, but I suggest you keep your derogatory comments to yourself. There are many times I have stopped posting on this board because of this very reason - people like you who come on for no other reason to start drama with people you don't even know.

    ClubNYC is a community that I have grown very fond of over the years. This is a place where all sorts of different people with different backgrounds, ages and interests can come together because of one thing in common - their love of clubbing and music. While there are OFTEN disagreements and differences in opinion, we all generally respect each other.

    I don't know why you have such a problem with me and my posts, because in my 2 years of posting on this board, I have NEVER had a beef with anyone.

    Anyway, go ahead and trash me all you want - I could care less what you think, you don't even know me, so I really don't understand how you think you have me all figured out after reading 2 posts by me. The only person who you are hurting with your negativity is yourself, so be my guest and waste your time if you have nothing better to do. The only person you're making look bad is yourself.



    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"

  15. What is UP?!?!

    Yeah, as usual I have drama in my life...

    Drop me a line at work, boy:


    Also: what's your cell #?

    Miss ya!

    smile.gif Ali


    "Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"

    [This message has been edited by Alexandra (edited 06-20-2000).]

  16. (I promise this is my last post of the day...)

    Okay, here's my situation: there's this guy I work with who I like, and I am pretty sure he likes me, too. We both work for the same website, but in different depts, but he and I are always finding excuses to e-mail each other and hang out around each other's desks, etc etc. We've never come out and admitted we like each other, but we flirt like crazy and it's pretty obvious to everyone at this point.

    Anyway, I'm 21 and he just turned 30, but the age difference isn't a big deal. Neither is the fact that he has a girlfriend of 2 years who is always on the road (at least not as far as I'm concerned!). But what is a big thing is our lifestyle: he is very laid back and conservative...he has a house in the Hamptons and goes there every weekend to chill, and is NOT into the club scene at ALL. Meanwhile, I go out all the time and LIVE for clubbing on the weekends.

    Anyway, this guy has just invited me to spend the weekend with him (no girlfriend) at his house in the Hamptons at the end of July. I've been bugging him to come out to a club with me forever, so I told him I'd only go with him to the Hamptons if he came out to a club with me first, and he said it's a deal!

    So, my question is, when and where should I bring him out with me? The choices are basically Twilo for S&D next week, Twilo for PVD in July or Roseland for the Oakenfold show in July (I love trance, in case you hadn't noticed). I want him to see me in my element, but I don't want him to be freaked out and overwhelmed, I just want him to have fun (and I want to hook up!). But all of those nights are going to be pretty intense events, so I don't know...he is very preppy and conservative and doesn't do drugs (although he knows I do x), so I don't know if he can really handle Twilo...I mean, there is no way in hell I'd ever bring him to SF, I mean he went to CPI 2 years ago and was mortified!

    Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions of other places I could take him? I totally want him to experience Twilo in all its glory but I just don't know if he would like it or not. So is there somewhere in between I could take him, like maybe on a Thursday or Friday night? I don't think he would like Cheetah Thursdays, but maybe Liquid?

    Anyway, any suggestions of places I could bring him to have a good time on a Thursday or Friday, or do you think I should just blow his mind and bring him along to PVD, S&D or Oakie? I was thinking Oakie might be a really cool experience (seeing as he's an Oakie virgin) and less scary then Twilo, but I don't know.

    Opinions? Suggestions? Help!!! Thanks guys!

    smile.gif Alexandra

    [This message has been edited by Alexandra (edited 06-19-2000).]

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