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Posts posted by Alexandra

  1. Honey, S&D *AREN'T* here "every 2 months" anymore -- that's precisely why everyone (well, me) is bugging out!

    The only time in the past year S&D have spun (together) in NYC was the night before Thanksgiving at Cipriani last year, and the last time before that was about a year earlier because Digweed spun by himself for the remainer of their Twilo residency in 2001...

    I never missed a S&D night at Twilo since 1997, but it just goes to show you really never know what you've got...until its gone!



  2. Okay, in an attempt to settle this once and for all, I just called a few of the venues in question, and this is what they said re:S&D next month:

    Exit: "yes, they are still scheduled to be playing here on April 12 & 13, but it hasn't been confirmed."

    Hammerstein" "No, they are not scheduled to play here either April 12 or 13."

    Roseland: "No, they are not scheduled to play here April 12 or 13, although both dates are still open."

    Roxy: "No, April 12 and 13 will be the usual Friday and Saturday night parties."

    Balance Promotions (in FL): "actually, we haven't settled on a venue for the New York shows yet... try calling back at the end of the month, or call Delta Heavy directly, but we haven't heard any updates in a few weeks."

    Delta Heavy (in NY): "we haven't decided on a venue in NYC yet, but they will definitely be playing in NYC both April 12 and 13."

    SO, apparently NO ONE knows where the hell they will be spinning. Ahhh!

    Hey, does anyone have John or Sasha's #? ;)



  3. I looked up "glowbana" on google and here's what I found...

    this is from the Essential mix Mailing List Message Boards, (http://www.dbaseiv.net/lists/emml/2602.html) check it out:


    Re: Fave clubs?

    From: blaine syfert (bsyfert@hotmail.com)

    Date: 01/22/02

    Glowbana is not actually a "new twilo", it is it's own seperate identity... it is going to be called glowbana and will be done by the people who used to run the Shelter nights at Vinyl... shelter now has bought up the space that used to be named Speeed... not only that, but they also purchased the Phazon system from Twilo (including the system from the Y2K lounge; this is where

    the "new twilo" rumour lies... this is indeed a full Phazon installation as Steve Dash is doing the acoustical work as we

    speak... the processors from Twilo were eliminated and brand new ones were purchased which will give the sound a much warmer feel to it... the mixers will ALL be the new Steve Dash models... he grew weary of trying to track down parts for the Ureis and never liked the Rane knob mixer so he made his

    own... The space itself will no longer be known as Speeed... look for Shelter's symbol to appear on the face of the building

    very soon...

    This will be one of the PREMIER rooms in New York and expect LEGENDARY parties to happen there... This is absolutely the beginning of a new era in NYC clubbing... think about it... all the rooms that defined clubland in NYC during the 90's have pretty much all shut their doors or grown insignificant in the wider scale of things... W 27th St. is DONE. The Limelight is a joke any more. Roxy will always be a roller rink, regardless of the rumoured Phazon ends up in there... New rooms are opening up... there are rumours of a 18,000 squ ft abandoned flour factory on the west side that is being remodeled as we speak into a landmark second-to-none super club. Glowbana keeps surfacing as Twilo's phoenix rising from the ashes... As depressed as the city's club outlook has been, I imagine that we as a city will expeience a

    renaissance in club culture...

    note: this has been somewhat paraphrased from some info from a friend who REALLY knows the inside scoop...


  4. There is only one way we are ever going to find out exactly where Sasha & Digweed are spinning in NYC and if it will be, in fact, the mysterious Glowbana... and unfortunately that is to wait until April 12th and find out!

    I'm not saying it isn't possible that this whole Glowbana thing is just a hoax, but why would they (whoever "they" are) go to such elobarate lengths if its just a joke? What purpose would it serve other than to get us displaced Twilo-ites all riled up, only to be extremely disappointed? That just doesn't make much sense to me.

    However, lets just say the Glowbana thing is really just a cruel joke... has anyone heard any rumors as to where S&D really WILL be playing, because if Glowbana doesn't/won't exist, that still doesn't answer the question of WHERE THE HELL ARE SASHA & DIGWEED PLAYING IN NYC?!?! Seriously, why the extreme secrecy? I am losing my mind with each passing day!!!!

    But, I guess that doesn't really matter, because like my fellow devoted fans, S&D could spin in a condemned sweatshop and I'd be the first in line, so whether its Glowbana, Roxy, Exit, Hammerstein or anywhere else, I'll be there, and I suspect most of you will be there, too.



  5. I agree, there will never be "another" Twilo: the orginal Twilo is something that can never be replaced, replicated or recreated, and thankfully so.

    HOWEVER, I still believe that a club with the elements that made Twilo so special and unique -- top-level international DJs, no dress code or bullshit guest lists, a socially/ethnically/sexually/internationally diverse crowd, and an exceptional sound system -- can be created again either by the powers that be from the original Twilo or by others who were inspired by Twilo's magic.

    I hope Glowbana will be that kind of place, but that waits to be seen...



  6. You know what?

    After months of skepticism, I have come to the conculsion that the rumors are true and that my beloved S&D will indeed be kicking off the opening of Glowbana (aka the supposed "new Twilo") next month.

    Think about it: if S&D were going to be spinning at Hammerstein, Roseland, or any other non-club venue, tickets would be available through Ticketmaster by now.

    If they were going to be at Roxy, Exit, SF, The World or any other existing club, fliers and posters would be covering the entire city by now.

    Also: The weekend they are spinning (April 12 & 13) would have been Twilo's 7th "birthday" or "anniversary"... its the same weekend Digweed & DT had the big "Twilo Turns Six" party last year right before Twilo got shut down. What better time to open "the new Twilo?"

    And, as has been pretty much proven by now, Glowbana is owned by Twilo's former owners, so it would make much more sense for S&D to remain loyal to them and stick it out all this time and wait for them to open up the "new Twilo" and be guaranteed the same sort of big bucks monthly residency and awesome (Phazon) sound system rather than play at the first already existing megaclub (SF, Exit, etc) that made them an offer.

    So, my prediction is that a month from now, S&D will kick off the opening of Glowbana, which I and thousands of my fellow Twilo devotees can only hope will be half as amazing a venue as our old home. (Yes, the name sucks, but didn't we all think the name "Twilo" was kind of weird the first time we heard of it?)

    Anyway, if that's the case, I'll be the first in line... hope to see you all there!!!



  7. Nice work girl!

    I think this should be the new Clubplanet home page.

    Or, come to think of it, I just read this stupid article in New York magazine a few weeks ago about how some lame new fabulous/trendy/celeb club is opening up, and in order to hire door people, the owner gave them a test of pictures of the 300 most "important" New York celebs (people like Chloe Sevigny and Mark Walhberg, etc) to make sure they let the "right" people into the club.

    So, I say we print out this collage, distribute it to all the bouncers and door people in NYC and tell them that WE are the REAL VIPS!

    How 'bout it? ;)



  8. Thank you EVERYONE, but especially Rachel1997... very helpful!

    The trip has changed a bit... I think we are going to do a girls-only getaway instead of couples, and probably not until mid-May. We really want to stay at the Hard Rock so hopefully we can book a room then!

    But thanks for all the info, especially on clubs... we will definitely want to go out Friday, Saturday and most likely Sunday night, so more suggestions are welcome.

    BTW, Rachel, what is your e-mail address? You'e the expert, so I'd love to pick your brain some more.

    Thanks again!



  9. Thanks... a lot of people have mentioned the Hard Rock, but unfortunately its booked the weekend we want to go.

    Also, any suggestions for the best clubs to check out? We like progressive house and trance... thanks again!



  10. Hey guys,

    My boyfriend & I and 2 other couples are all going to Vegas next month, but we haven't decided on which hotel/casino to stay at? We're all 23/24 and want to have as much fun as possible!

    Any suggestions? (Price is not a concern.) Thanks!



  11. No joke, I'd say get there at least 2 hours before the doors open...

    Think about it: it took at least 2 hours to get in when PVD played at Twilo, it took like 3 or 4 hours to get into the S&D show at Cipriani last Thanksgiving, and that was WITH advance tickets...

    Also, its been over a year since PVD has been in NYC, so everyone and their kid brother are going to try to get into this show... anyway, you do the math, but I'll be there around 7:30 with a lawn chair and a 6 pack of Smirnoff ice! :)

    See you there!



  12. I'd like to know:

    - how they feel about Twilo getting shut down

    - if they are looking into another (new or existing) venue in NYC for a monthly residency

    - how they felt about the events of Sept. 11th, and what specifically what prompted them to do their WTC benefit at Cipriani last NOvember

    - if they are working on any more collaborative albums now or in the future (is Communicate 2 in the works?!)

    - when Sasha's solo album is coming out!

    - why they chose the locations and venues they did on their current Delta Heavy tour (for example, Clifton Park, NY?!)

    - what does Delta Heavy mean

    - where they see their music and their sound going (i.e., harder, more trancey, more progressive...)

    - what was their favorite and/or most memorable NYC gig in the past 5 years




  13. Oh my God!!!!

    Could it be true?!

    I hate Exit but I will be there one if not both nights for this... I have still never missed a S&D show in NYC in 4 years so I'm not about to break my streak!

    So is this absolutely, definitely confirmed, or not?

    See all my fellow S&D fanatics next month...



  14. I hear ya magilicuti... out of all my friends, only my best friend likes going clubbin for real, and she's leaving for Italy soon!

    Plus, my boyfriend hates the club scene, so I only can convince him to do a big club night out like twice a year!

    Oh well... guess I'll live. :(

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