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Posts posted by Alexandra

  1. I have to know if my best friend and I are the only ones who think the pretty boy Sound Factory dancer is the funniest thing ever. You know, the really ripped white guy...I think his name is Mike...he is just the funniest fucking thing!

    Have you ever seen him dance? He has this hysterical expression on his face that is a cross between a deer caught in the headlights, a little kid who lost his mom in the grocery store, and someone undergoing a root canal. He does all the dances with that same look of utter confusion/horror/pain, it is just sooooo hilarious to watch, especially when he is all out of sync with the rest of the dancers! He is always looking at them like, "what do I do next?"

    We always try to watch the dance routines just for him...all the other girls seem to think he's hot but to us he is just so fucking funny! Anyway, I just had to ask if anyone finds him as hilarious as we do...

    smile.gif Alexandra

  2. Hey everyone,

    I work for a teen website (www.zoggle.com - it's coming soon, check out our flash movie), and we are trying to put together a comprehensive list of upcoming CD releases.

    We're trying NOT to list just the usual NSync/Britney stuff that teens go for, and since I'm a trance fanatic, I'm trying to make sure trance and all genres of electronica and other dance/club music are represented.

    SO, can anyone tell me about any and all upcoming electronica/dance albums coming out this summer? Anything from June 6 on is great. All I know of right now are:

    Tranceport 3 (June 6),

    Communicate by S&D (June 20),

    Out There & Back by PVD (June 20), and Movement in Still Life by BT (June 6).

    So, any new releases from house to techno to trance that you know of would be greatly appreciated! Just e-mail me at alexandra@zoggle.com.

    Thanks guys!

    smile.gif Alexandra


  3. That is so sad. I was at SF on Saturday but I left way before that. It was soooooo hot in there and everyone was fucked up off of their faces, I just had a bad feeling like something bad was going to happen... I don't know, I just got back into going to SF regularly a few months ago but it keeps getting druggier and druggier... please be careful everyone, this just goes to show that "it can happen to you."



  4. It's really good... I saw an advanced screening last month, it' was great! I also interviewed the director, cast & Digweed (yay!)... cool people. definitely check it out! It's playing at the Angelika in the Village.

    smile.gif Alexandra


  5. I went to the Hamptons for the 1st time on memorial day weekend. The weather sucked, everything was mad expensive, I had no car, my hotel reservations got fucked up, my best friend was being a bitch but I * STILL * had a good time! I went to CPI and Neptune's, and both were a blast. But then again, I was rolling on an old school mitsubishi all weekend, so I'm probably biased! wink.gif But it was a blast, I'll defintiely be back out there next month, if not sooner...

    wink.gif Alexandra


  6. Hey my fellow trance-a-holics,

    Has anyone heard if and when Oakie will be in NYC next? I know last summer he played Vinyl July 8th, I'm hoping he'll be hitting the city sometime soon again, anyone heard anything?!

    Also, is he coming out with a new CD anytime soon? I remember getting a flier way back at Trancegiving...

    smile.gif Alexandra


  7. Sasha & Digweed play Twilo the last Friday of every month, and PVD plays Twilo the 2nd Friday of every other month. Plus, Oakie should be coming 'round again soon, probably July... George Acosta, Dave Ralph and DJ Tiesto occassionally play Exit Fridays, as well... if you're just looking for a chill lounge to hear some Eurotrance (w/no cover!), check out Liquids on E. 10th street btw 1st Ave and Ave A on Saturday nights.

    smile.gif Alexandra


  8. I'm the Community Director of a new web site for teenagers (launching next week: www.zoggle.com - go check it out!), and I also do freelance writing for Mademoiselle and other magazines.

    My (much older) co-workers know I go out, and always tease me about it, because they're jealous. In fact, I'm bringing a bunch of them to Sasha & Digweed this Friday! So I'll be the blonde "cowgirl" surrounded by 30 year old guys in button-down shirts and khakis.

    wink.gif Alexandra


  9. I just went to the press conference for the movie "Groove" at Twilo this morning and got to interview Digweed for the web site I work for. He is so nice! (Sasha is still my honey, thoguh wink.gif )

    Anyway, Digweed is a sweetie, he totally remembered me from all the S&Ds I go to and asked if I'd be there tonight. Ahhhh I wanna go so bad but I have work at 9am and I'm already going to S&D Friday... such a dilemma! Is anyone going tonight? Ahhh what should I do?! Maybe I'll see you there... ot maybe I'll see you Friday.

    smile.gif Alexandra

    PS - everyone should go see the movie "Groove" when it comes out next month - Digweed is in it, and it's pretty cool. Plus I got an advance CD of the soundtrack, and it's awesome!


  10. Did Traceport 3 come out yet? I was wondering if anyone had it... I saw Sandra Collins the last time she played Twilo on a Weds. a few months ago and I wasn't impressed. She wasn't really trancey, she sounded like a wanna-be Digweed. Anyway, I am hoping her CD is better than her performance... has anyone heard it?

    smile.gif Alexandra


  11. Has anyone who has been to Neptunes or CPI before clue me in on some info?

    My friend and I are going there for the first time this weekend, and we wanna know what hours its open, what's the best time to go, what the dress code is like, and if it's a drug scene or a drinking crowd (and also, if & how hard they search you)... any info on either club would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks guys!

    smile.gif Alexandra


  12. Has anyone who has been to Neptunes before clue me in on some info? My friend and I are going there for the first time this weekend, and we wanna know what hours its open, what the dress code is like, and if it's a drug scene or a drinking crowd (and also, if & how hard they search you)...


    smile.gif Alexandra


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