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Everything posted by gqraver

  1. I was there last night for a bit. My friend's friend was promoting a party there, so I stopped by very early at the beginning when no one was there. First I get there, the bouncer get in my face not to stand near the velvet rope, hell its a public sidewalk. Then there was a mandatory $4 per item coatcheck for jackets. I didn't bitch too much since I got in for free, but that's fucked up. The sound system is horribles, the space looks just like Metronome. Then while the club was totally empty (it was only 10'ish) my friends (5 girls) sat down at some couches in I guess what would be called the VIP section. When they all went to the restroom together, I went with my friend to sit down and hold their seats as a favor. As soon as we stepped near the couches, an uptight meathead of a bouncher comes in my face and yells at me asking what the hell I thought I was doing and to get the hell away. When I told him that I was just saving my friends seats he just kept yelling. I went back to the bar at that point. Other stupid shit happened too, the bouncers just kept having so much attitude. Meathead bouncers on powertrips. HATE THEM!!! You don't need to be an asshole of a bouncer to be a good bouncer. Guernicca and Rivertown have good bouncers who do their job without the attitude. I left the place and went to a chill cool house party on the LES with good people and good DJs. Fuck clubs with bouncers who have attitudes and let them have their B&T crowds.
  2. NYSC - Usually the one at Irving Place
  3. Dove should be hot. See you there! Bump!
  4. Damn up to a month ago I used to 5 minutes away from there, and now that I live in the city a good party finally comes to the neighborhood. Prolly won't be able to make it tonite, but good luck with it! peace
  5. Nativa is a decent place, two floors. Upstairs can get hot and crowded, so go downstairs where its a little less crowded (music is the same for both floors) . I had a lot of fun when I went a few months ago, but then again my friend works there and hooked us up.
  6. This Friday, December 7th at Centro-Fly, DJ Dove and Carl Kennedy will be providing the funky house in the main room. For all of you who know Dove, we will be celebrating his birthday, so come along and show your love.Down in the Pinky, the Drive-By party, special guests Dee Kline and MC Junior Red, and Drive-By resident DJ Dinesh will be serving up the 2-step and breaks. Seth plays lounge music in the Tapioco Room. Email party@broidy.com with First Name and last Initial with number of guests, or go to http://www.broidy.com/party for guestlist ($10 before 1 AM). 21 and over w/ID. Centro-fly is located at 45 West 21st just off 6th Ave b/t 5th Ave.
  7. This Friday, December 7th at Centro-Fly, DJ Dove and Carl Kennedy will be providing the funky house in the main room. For all of you who know Dove, we will be celebrating his birthday, so come along and show your love.Down in the Pinky, the Drive-By party, special guests Dee Kline and MC Junior Red, and Drive-By resident DJ Dinesh will be serving up the 2-step and breaks. Seth plays lounge music in the Tapioco Room. Email party@broidy.com with First Name and last Initial with number of guests, or go to http://www.broidy.com/party for guestlist ($10 before 1 AM). 21 and over w/ID. Centro-fly is located at 45 West 21st just off 6th Ave b/t 5th Ave.
  8. I sub-promote too, but as you'll (or maybe have) notice(d), I only do it for one party, GBH and some special Release parties for DJs. I did it because GBH parties rock (that's my opinion, I agree there are defintely are shortcomings with the club and crowd and even the party sometimes.) I don't do it for money cuz, otherwise I'd become a promoter slut to 100 parties for the entire week like you said Transcend. I make more per hour at my real job then time spent promoting. A lot of the time I also help promote friend's parties for free, or even spread the word about parties listed on here if I think they're cool. peace
  9. I actually made it there last nite. I was in a drunken haze from a company outing. I proceeded to go home after the outing, change and head over. I think I was there from like 11:30 - 1:30, I didn't hear any breaks or D&B as far as I can remember, but I was pretty trashed. For anyone who was there, I was the guy with jeans, an Orange long sleeved shirt withwhite strips on the side, and a black knit. I was breaking a bit with some guys in the middle of the floor (if any of you post on this board it was fun), and I'm glad I didn't seriously hurt myself considering the condition I was in. I don't think I saw you there Mugz, but it was decently packed and I wasn't really circulating the floor too much. Overall fun time. Aight, back to my hang-over at work. peace
  10. Cuteboobie, when did you graduate or go to Midwood?
  11. I'm going to go against the current here and say I wouldn't suggest one51. I've been to the place a few times, when it first opened up 2 years back and back in october where a friend of mine promoted a saturday night party there along with my friend's birthday. It was a horrible experience where half the people on the list didn't get in, the bouncers were complete assholes trying to convince people that $20 was the reduced price for such a place, and the DJ seemed to just discover house/dance music that was over 3 years old. I will say though that there are a decent amount of hot girls there. The crowd is also very B&T in my opinion. If however you're looking for the dressier/more posh type of crowd that is loungy then maybe Eugene's, E'toile, or Light would fit the bill, very similiar crowd as one51 without the hassel. peace
  12. I don't know, I have some friends who's stopped around at the age of 22 and I have other's who just celebrated their 30th birthday recently and still go partying. I think who you surround yourself with,what mode in your life, and where and what scene you are in is when you decide whether you want to quit or not. I've been in NYC for ALL my life, but I've partied all over the world (Europe, Asian and Middle East) so I'm I go thru my phases of hardcore partying and just chilling. I think if I was living in midwest US I'd probably would have quit already, but NYC still keeps it interesting with all its different scenes and parties. So in short "I'z gotz no clue"
  13. GBH Friday's at Centro-fly are great too. This Friday most likely (I need to confirm) will be DJ Dove's Bday with with DJ Dove and Carl Kennedy in the main room and downstairs in the Pinky, Drive By with Deekline, MC Junior Red w/ Dinesh and Seth. I'll post the confirming info when I know it. Click on my sig to get on the guestlist.
  14. No, it was a block away from Lotus. It was on w13th b/t 10th and 11th Ave, the block diagonally across from Hog'N'Heifers towards the West Side Highway.
  15. My friend told me it was going to be a loft party. That place was anything but a loft. It was interesting partying in what used to be a meat-packing district. The crowd was very eclectic and broad, from raver kids to yuppies to creatively dressed freaks! The sound system of course wasn't that great, two rooms. DJs were ok. A friend of my friend of my friend was a DJ from San Fran and he did a banging set, in which I danced and sweated up a storm. The other DJs were alright I thought. The people running the party and behind the bar were friendly also. The rooms were interesting, the one with the dragon on fire was kinda cool, and the swing were a bit fun. The downside was though that place was defintely quite dirty, some rooms spelled like piss, and it was freaking hot, and the bar area was choking with cigarette smoke. Overall interesting I would say.
  16. I'll be dating myself, but graduated in '95 from the medical science program. Went to Madison for summer school one year. Have a ton of friends that went to Stuy and Tech as well.
  17. Centro-fly, big party tonite with old school house Robert Owens on the main floor and some good breaks/2-step in the Pinky with Casey and DJ Wool. Click on the sig for guestlist info. peace
  18. Hey bigshotroller, I lived only a few blocks away from you, my parents still live near there. What High school did you go to, Murrow, Madison, Midwood?
  19. For those who grew up here in NY, what high school did you go to? I went to Midwood High School at Brooklyn College. Then ended up going and graduating from NYU.
  20. Born,bred and raised in Brooklyn. Grew up in Bensonhurst near Cropsey park for 12 years, then lived in Brighton Beach for another 4 years and then on moved to the edge of Midwood at Kings Highway. peace
  21. I'm bumping this up early, my damn computer laptop matrix screen is burning up, I can barely see anything. Dammit.
  22. I'm bumping this up early, my damn computer laptop matrix screen is burning up, I can barely see anything. Dammit.
  23. Any smaller venues/lounges that play tribal?
  24. Haven't heard of it either. Is it a documentary? Go was a cool movie, not really much about raving, just some scenes here and there. Groove was all about a rave, but Human Traffic was the funniest and most entertaining I think.
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