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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by rudeboyyouth

  1. Isn't this thread addressing the Friday night party there? Is the Saturday night party not different from the Friday night party?
  2. Doug E. Fresh a.k.a. the Master of Beat Boxin. He used to rip shit back in the day.
  3. What time did the Saturday night party end? Any afterhours?
  4. Factory has been under fire for a little while now. I hope it doesn't close again and leave New Yorkers with almost no selection for afterhours.
  5. I've often thought highly of Cuba Gooding (as an actor), but, aside from Men of Honor, the films he's made since winning his Oscar have done nothing but undermine my opinion of him.
  6. She was good back in the day in "Career Opportunities."
  7. That drill sergeant cracks me the fuck up every time I see that flick. "I bet you're the kinda man who'd fuck a man up the ass and not even have the common courtesy ta give'm a reach around!"
  8. I've been a regular at Factory for the past 7 years, and despite its changes in such a short period, I never want to see the afterhours end. I have so much motherfuckin work to finish tonight and tomorrow, but I'm itching to get open tonight. A morning trip will definitely be in order. I need to fuckin dance. I don't see any reason why either JP or Junior should retire. Music is more than a job for them; it's their lives. Both of them produce beautiful house music and bring it to their respective venues to unleash on their crowds. What these dj's do for true house music fans can't be described in words, especially when, after 11 hours of dancing, your legs still feel as if they're ready to dance for another 10 hours. God Bless this beautiful City, which is chock-full of some of the most talented house music dj's / producers, both known and unknown.
  9. Defintely 97. An unrivaled resurgence of house music took place during that year.
  10. I get so caught up in the urgencies of each day, complaining about the amount of shit I have to get done, but I often forget how quickly and suddenly it can all end. I am thankful for every day of my life, even though some of those days may suck big dick. God Bless Michael
  11. I ventured into Factory around 3pm, and left at about 10. At first, the vibe felt a bit strange and almost unfamiliar, but after running into a few regulars, I felt right at home. The music, although not as great as it should have been, was very much on point. The afterhours is what keeps me coming to Factory, despite its quickly-changing crowd. Currently, Manhattan is lagging far behind with respect to true afterhours venues. Yet, despite the changing / evolving club scene, Factory is one of the few venues that stays true to the roots of New York City nightlife. Great House Music and late morning / early afternoon hours always make for an incredible night. Also, within the last few years, Factory has stepped it up quite a bit with their shows (and reasonably so, since the old-school, reckless, anything-goes, dark warehouse-with-nothing-but-house-music vibe is pretty much dead, and doesn't seem to attract many new comers). I don't find the shows too bad, however; they are sexy, decadent (in a corny way), raunchy, and sometimes disturbing. The quality of some of the shows is debatable, but overall, the shows help to create a wonderful vibe. A great Sunday afternoon.
  12. I was shocked to hear that he died this morning. Last night I watched two back to back episodes of three's company on Nick at Nite, and I kept thinking of how wonderful and talented he was a a comedian. I grew up watching him, Janet, Terry, Chrissy, Cindy, Mr. Furley, Larry, Lonny, and the Ropers. John was a genius, and had a very keen sense of what was funny. God Bless him.
  13. He's organizing the next set.
  14. I definetely wasn't dissapointed with the old school dancehall reggae you used to play in the basement not too long ago during the A-Luv and Lodi fridays. That was the last time SF had a pretty good Friday party. Good luck with everything, Klutch. You've been doing your thing for quite some time, and have been great at it, so keep up the great work.
  15. Of those three, I'd have to go with Wendy's. I don't think any of them have fries like KFC. I love KFC's fries.
  16. It's troubling to know that Junior doesn't have a permanent NYC residence as of lately. I hope he finds one sometime in the near future.
  17. I don't think that the relationship is one that is sick or wrong, especially if the older guy isn't setting out to take advantage of the younger girl. However, there is usually quite a bit of psychological difference between the two age groups, and I don't really know how the older individual could really relate to alot of the shit that the 15 year old has to worry about. Also, the younger girl is still growing, psychologically, and will eventually mature into a woman who wants to do different things and perhaps see different people. As the girl starts to hit her late teens, she will be exposed to alot of shit, and her experiences may not necessarily permit the presence of the older guy. I've noticed that, in relationships where an older guy is dating a younger girl, the older guy usually just winds up being a burden on the younger girl at some point. This is not always the case, but it does happen quite a bit. The younger girl could wind up being a burden on the older guy as well, especially if he's in the process of trying to get his life together.
  18. It would depend on what I needed the information for. If I was just being nosey, I wouldn't go too far. But if the individual fucked me over in some way, I would utilize every resource imaginable, and would not rest until I found something that I could use to either hurt or incriminate the individual.
  19. That's exactly what I thought, lil Ili.
  20. You're confused once again, Iliana. You feel the need to explain your statements time and time again because they have no basis. When you are constantly discredited and shot down by almost every member on this board, the need to re-explain yourself only grows stronger (hence, your elaboration on your attempted insult, which only served to diminish it even further). Remember, re-explaining yourself is supposed to serve the purpose of clarifying whatever dumb shit you've already posted. If, however, you find yourself chasing your own tail in the process of re-explaining yourself, you're pretty much lost. Remember, the mere fact that you no longer throw tantrums like a little child doesn't amount to much. You're still the little paltry plaything of this board, and can be tossed around from time to time without much regard or effort. Tidy up a bit - you're a mess.
  21. The sound system was beautiful on Saturday night. With respect to the VIP area on the stage, I remember being told that it would be taken down specficially for the event on Sunday. Considering how many people were in attendance as well as the price of the tickets, I can't believe CPI had the audacity to allow the VIP section to remain. That VIP section was definetely a vibe-killer. Saturday night was much, much better. I had a great time on Sunday, but it was not what I expected.
  22. Did anyone make it out to hear Junior? How was the party?
  23. It's still flattering nonetheless. You've always found yourself having to explain your comments, which, for the most part, illustrate that you're nothing more than an emotional cripple. Although intended as an insult, your comment only proved even further how quickly you're able to embarass yourself. You've already been digested and excreted, and you were so unsatisfying. Clean up a little bit, try to get yourself back together, and make sure your next post does something more than illustrate how undeveloped your thoughts are. Don't worry, your hurt will pass, and perhaps then you'll be able to write a little more clearly. Remember, you're a Harvard grad as well as an enterprising entrepreneur. As such, you need to refine your communication skills, otherwise your ventures will fail almost as miserably as your attempts to seem unaffected by all of this. Don't worry: like you said, it's only a messageboard, right?
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