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Everything posted by Addaboy1

  1. Gotta admit there Rally, as Ray puts it...bald is beautiful in both sexes!! SHAVE THAT SHIT! Been bald for years bro!!! But gotta admit, after this post, I'm not asking you for the time anymore! Might start laughing with that mental picture!! LOL addaboy
  2. *raising hand really high* I LOVE THAT SONG!! So good and I hate trance.... Great taste. Enjoy... GiGi D'Agastino's I'll fly with you: Girl: I still believe in your eyes I just don't care what you've done in your life Baby I'll always be here by your side, Don't leave me waiting so long please come by I still believe in your eyes, there is no choice I belong to your life, because I meant to love you someday you'll be my baby I'll fly away and I'll fly with you... Guy: Everyday and everynight, I always will want you by my side Oh baby, everyday and everynight we're in love so everythings goin to be alright I'll fly with you... addaboy [This message has been edited by Addaboy1 (edited 08-16-2000).]
  3. Sorry to say that they never say "YOU BETTER WORK" in "Don't Want Another Man". That song is by Tina Ann (aka Adrienne) and Junior and Club 69 did a mix of it. Here are the words, is this your song... Oh yeah....Oh yeah... Chorus (Repeat 4 times) You don't seem to understand that I don't want another man we gotta work this thing out so you know what I'm about you don't believe a word I say and I can't have it be this way (uh huh baby, uh huh baby) we gotta make a compromise before we start to say good bye you say that I am never there baby I ain't going nowhere (no where baby, no where baby) we need to have some trust for sure so we both know, what this love is for Chorus (Repeat 3 times) You don't seem to understand that I don't want another man we gotta work this thing out so you know what I'm about Uh huh baby, uh huh baby Uh huh baby, uh huh baby You every wish is my command that's why I'll always stay holding your hand We can be so happy baby So boy I'm yours...you got me..... Chorus (Repeat 5 times) You don't seem to understand that I don't want another man we gotta work this thing out so you know what I'm about uh huh baby (repeated) Gotta work (repeated) Chorus (Repeat 12 times) You don't seem to understand that I don't want another man we gotta work this thing out so you know what I'm about
  4. Addaboy1

    Song ID

    Care to enlighten us on the title and artist? addaboy
  5. I'm sorry, but I would be happy to email you guys some work so that you all aren't so bored at work!! You guys are NUTS!!! addaboy
  6. "Stronger" Kristine W. "I'm Outta Love" Anastasia "Music" Madonna "I'll Fly With You" Gigi D'agastino "Wherever You Go" Coco Lee "Should I Stay" Gabrielle "You'll Never Stand Alone" Whitney Houston "Movin Up" Anya Day "Miracle" Toca Me Try some of those if you like vocals. addaboy
  7. Excuse me, but who want's to see your ugly mug up all over the place! Do you think we give a shit? addaboy PS - Just kidding! You know I love ya Robyn! And Chris with the blowpop! Classic!
  8. Books huh? Fun books to read when you're commuting to work...anything by James Patterson (Kiss The Girls, etc.). Love those. As for classics... "Brave New World" by Aldus Huxley GREAT BOOK! "Disco Bloodbath" also had me rolling. Something light and funny you can read in a day. addaboy
  9. Andrew! What up kid? You know that we all are there for ya (well most of the time). Great job you're doing there! And yes people, he does play for you the later it gets. "Should I Stay" was awesome that Sunday night. Keep up the good work and see you soon man! Check him out people! addaboy
  10. Plugging...definitely hits you stronger and harder. First, try and break it up in some way. Maybe put it in a gelcap or something, but I guess keeping it whole would still work too. Also try and avoid that whole bathroom feeling for a good half hour. Don't wanna shoot out what you just put in. Next, make sure you get it up past at least your second knucle. Make sure that it actually makes contact with the colon, etc... Yes it is stronger, b/c we lose like 30% of the pill in the digestion process, this way skips that so you do get a stronger roll. Yes you are hit harder and faster, but I've heard it is shorter...but that is a mixed one. Also if you are the type to get sick or nauseus from pills, you avoid that too...never goes to your stomach. I say hey, give it a shot. Can't hurt ya man. addaboy PS - No I never tried it myself, but we just had this whole conversation in my shore house one weekend. Let me know how it went.
  11. Cazz, What up girl!!! Lord knows we all partake in a little "FUN" nowadays (Flashback to a massage line of people across a deck July 4th, 1999 hehehe), but all good things come to an end. Well not completely. As for me....a typical Saturday night for me in NYC when I know I'm going to do afterhours at SF or Twilo...I go to bed at like 11pm, wake up around 4am or so...dressed and out around 5-5:30am and then inside by 6am. Can usually last the rest of the night that way! OR....if I do go out early around 2am or so, I DON'T drink...makes ya tired and I stay sober until around 6 or 7am. Sometimes I find I don't even need it if the DJ is banging the music, but if I do, I take a little something then. That way you're peaking at like 9 or 10am and you really only need one or two for the whole night. Beats the 5 or 6 that I was chomping down on back in our SF rent a section days! Try it, you'll like it! addaboy ps - Please say hello to Iris, Joanna, Rachel, Chris, Rodney & Ari. Miss all you guys! Gonna put something together this fall for all of us. pps - I'll be at SF on the 19th in case you're curious! (HINT HINT)
  12. Been there only a few times this year, but to answer you...there are some gay people in there. But the real question is...who cares? addaboy
  13. Only chose DJ's that spin in NYC....in no order..... Junior Vasquez Jonathan Peters Manny Lehman David Morales Hex Hector Peter Rauhoffer Danny Tenaglia Skribble Kid Capri (I know, not house music, but can so work a crowd) Jason Ojeda addaboy
  14. Do you guys think Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston think about being married to each other?? You know, does Jennifer sit on the couch and Brad walks out of the room and she goes, "Damn, I'm married to Brad Pitt!!!!" Or Brad is in bed and Jennifer gets up and he goes "Damn, I'm married to Jennifer Aniston!" What do you think? addaboy *is really bored today*
  15. That cracks me up that you can get that on SF Vol. 12...I don't think JP ever played or would play that song! Still a great tune, but FAR from a Factory song. addaboy
  16. It's "Be Quiet" by Jonah. Junior did one of them mixes of it. The one he did with the electric guitar is the best IMO. Song is from around October I think I heard it first at Twilo. addaboy [This message has been edited by Addaboy1 (edited 08-08-2000).]
  17. "Movin Up" by Anya Day I think her name is! Great tune!!! Must have heard it 20 times this weekend in my shore house! addaboy
  18. Although that would be an anthem for JP, I would probably go with "Deep Kemical". That place still erupts when it is played!!! addaboy
  19. Yes that was me. Lord knows I'm the type to just bounce then waste my time when not into it. But I guess I should have waited a bit more. Either way I had fun back at the house! As for a pedestal...I'd be careful of falling off that thing. Sometimes I think the stage isn't big enough!! Well, maybe if you left your HEAD at home? OOOHHHH....them there's fighting words! *giggles* addaboy
  20. Chill you're from Milltown? That the town near New Brunswick?? One of my best friends is from there. Age? addaboy
  21. Hmmm...Yeah I like More Than Life...happy song, but think "Silence" by Sarah McLachlan is winning it for me... Give me release Witness me I am outside Give me peace Heaven holds a sense of wonder And I wanted to belive that I'd get caught up When the rage in me subsides Passion, chokes the flower until she cries no more Possesing all the beauty hungry still for more Heaven holds a sense of wonder and I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up When this rage in me subsides I can't help longing...comfort me I can't hold it all in... if you won't let me... Heaven holds a sense of wonder and I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up When the rage in me subsides In this white wave I am sinking in this silence In this white wave I am sinking... in this silence I believe in this white wave you are silent In this silence...I believe....
  22. Romeo, What up kid?? Still hanging out there in Longassawayfromcivilizationandhatethetraffic Island?? LOL Yo, Anthony was there huh? He's the best. Definitely the nicest guy and fun to boot. Anyone that says any different doesn't know him at all. Say hello to him for me. Tell him his HUSBAND says hello. He's called me that since his actual birthday that I met him at Key Club back in '99. Glad to see you're still around and can't wait to hang at SF this Fall...summer's almost over and the clubs are gonna be GREAT! See ya kid, oh wait...you going to SF on the 19th? I have a feeling Myworld will kick your butt if you don't!!! We'll all be there!!! You better show your face! addaboy
  23. Look at Ally with the lyrics. That's my GIRL!!! Was just about to post them when BAM, you beat me to it!!! Way to keep us vocal fans happy!!! Best Vocal of the summer...Hmmm...I Never Knew? I Turn To You? You'll Never Stand Alone? Silence? Don't Want Another Man? Anyone else have any?? addaboy
  24. Hmmm...I may actually have to stay at XS this week for this one. Yes boys, I'm bringing my numbers with me...For originality...5.5, 5.7, 5.3 and from the Russian judge...5.8. hehehe Sorry ADV, the deep shit early bored the shit out of me. And that JACKHAMMER SONG? What was that??? Please, save that for when the MC is talking next time. Maybe that will shut him up! I did get to hear "Clubland" and that was a pleasant surprise! Good skills just wasn't feeling it at that point. Will try again! Keep up the good work. addaboy
  25. Oh god, now he's requesting!!! Next he'll be asking for his own box and spotlight to dance for you! "You just move over, I know him!" *yawn* addaboy
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