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Everything posted by wizard

  1. don't joke about beer being involved with that famous quote, my grand def had a case of schlitz light in him at that point of the day. that might have been during his schaeffer phase actually, but def a case by that point n the day. ------------------ don't act too cool because you might get shot...
  2. the literal translation means.... 2 cents true ------------------ don't act too cool because you might get shot...
  3. right on Ali... not sure what you young bucks are talkin bout. outkast is cool, but i don't think they yet compare. i could go on all day with duo's that i prefer. pete rock and cl smooth always had a nice thing together.... and don't forget the de la. be cool ------------------ don't act too cool because you might get shot...
  4. WORD UP ------------------ you heard me.
  5. wink is cool, no doubt. i like his productions better than the live performances i've seen, but he def has skills. uuummm, did y'all forget who doc martin is? this guy is no joke, and he has rebounded from his death bed... literally. if you never heard him live, and it's been years for me, and years since he's been at twilo as far as i can remember, you won't be disappointed. a true innovator of house music. dig it ------------------ you heard me.
  6. it's no secret that p00h is dillusional about his dj skills, joke or not. im not looking for drama, i asked you a couple pretty straight questions, i'll look for the answers in those directions you're gonna send me. ------------------ you heard me.
  7. just because p00h does like that "deep base crap", surely does not mean you have to like it, but when you talk shit like talk shit like that, it sounds just like those guys you jump on when they say things like "trance is dead". you asked for it in your opening statement of this thread. by no means am i sticking up for p00h, nor do i even know him, but let me ask you this... what is your problem with him spinning records? there are tons of people who don't aspire to be professional dj's that have tables and spin records on the regular because they enjoy it. as far as "deepbasetechnohouseshit" (as you put it) is concerned, what do you expect that diggs is gonna play this friday? be cool stephen ------------------ you heard me.
  8. im hurtin for my techno fix right now, after having missed Sven two fridays ago, and that doesnt happen often. anyone check out Adam Beyer this past weekend at LL? missed that shit too... jill, please don't tempt me with such luxuries, that sonar thang looks too good to be true, from top to bottom. i want to be there, but i would literally have to skip my own wedding... be cool ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  9. ditto to what Ali said... GFY- p00h ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  10. i was wondering what happened to all those rumblings about Mills' suspected residence at Limelight, guess it never happened. it's a crime against humanity... ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  11. what do you guys expect, the oscars are a celebration of hollywood, politics have much to do with everything. although i liked gladiator for what it was, i don't think it was a work of art. my question is, what do these people who make up the academy use as their grading system?, who comes up with the nominations? for example, joaquim (sp) phoenix acted circles around crowe in that film, and... (i don't recall) was he even nominated for supporting actor award? here's another... you nominate ed harris, and jeremy rush (pollock and quills respectively) for best actor, and must not have even seen those films because both of them act circles around crowe. take nothing away from russel, but it was an action film first and foremost. how about this... nominate bjork, for a song she wrote, for a film she co-wrote, for a role she acted, give her props with a nomination, and then give dylan an award for an albeit good song, but a song that sounded very much like a few other dylan songs over the years. bob is a brilliant lyricist and i take nothing away from his talent and ability. the bottom line is, if you saw dancer in the dark, you would know what kind of emotion that song evoked and how powerful it truly was in conjuncture with the film itself. then again, it's hollywood folks.. be cool ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  12. i wouldn't consider this post productive in the least bit. you may think gravity is a dick, and he very possibly may be, but posting this shit won't make any positive contribution. stephen ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  13. if i may, let me suggest a gold plated, or platinum replacement. a diamond chip always catches the ladies eyes as well. keep it in mind, perhaps it's time for a change. stephen ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  14. two nights is betta than no nights mang... i aint mad at ya.... ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  15. my vote would have to be for peote, one teaspoon dried and crushed to a powder like consistency, transferred to gelcaps. (there is no other worse taste on the planet)euphoric would be an understatement, 18-24 hours of pure energy, not to mention a few other delightful suprises. if you can withstand the initial hour or more of the intense digestions process, and you can actually get your hands on the stuff, there is nothing like it on earth. enjoy ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  16. i knew this would happen sooner or later... ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  17. Deanna- bravo.... mugs- your killing me here with this ufo cult thing. cazz- where are you and your ultimate wisdom when we need it mr.?? ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  18. of course you fucking win, you rule!! you and all your neo-scientologist pals... ps- concerning william hanna, im sure he's right on top of the list of important people whom are to be cloned, so don't sweat him 'buying the farm'... be cool ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  19. at least you got them all out of your system in one post.... i commend that. ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  20. my erections are my own personal private business, thank you. ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  21. to a public message board??? just curious ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  22. bungee was joking? ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  23. i happen to agree with you, and i rarely agree with anyone. in fact the majority of what i post or respond to is sarcasm. it has to do with my somewhat dry sense of humor. sarcasm is hard to interpret in this form at times, especially when people don't know one another. personally it doesnt matter to me if anyone understands a word of what i say. i think what your saying is true, and it all comes back to people taking themselves too seriously. GFY ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  24. you sir, are all about 'the drama'... tsk,tsk,tsk where is the regulator when you need him? ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
  25. as articulate as usual, and oh so insightful.... i will volunteer and speak for the community, and say thank you for everything! ------------------ p00h lives vicariously through a wu tang record...
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