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Everything posted by wizard

  1. im very proud of you Cazz, you have gained much respect and admiration from this loving community. i think it's your insightful posts, enlightening responses, and unending witiscisms that make this board rally around you. i think you should be commended for your efforts, and the highest honours should be bestowed upon you for your service to the community. i for one am proud to say that i knew you BEFORE, when you were just another typical member posting mindless, inane material, and rhetorical questions. you have truly grown, or 'blossomed', shall we say... and i am proud. thank you Grandmaster Cazz... thank you ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  2. or at least he used to be..... ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  3. that he is posting contraversial issues under his real username? or has he actually grown a set of balls? ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  4. ok guy i'll admit it, it's me. how did you become so perceptive, it's not like you could possibly have womens intuition or anything. feelingsadandexposedatthesametime ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  5. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  6. slightly amusing on this one sir, but i think you could have come up with a few better reasons. in fact i could tell you a number of reasons to avoid listening to me, but i dont have the time. im trying to use up these kleenex so i have two new boxes for this weekend. on the flip side, you best be careful the real iliana doesnt get all sweaty in the underpants over your serious allegations concerning my alter ego. in the mean time, please keep the drama to a minimum, and since it seems that p00h is now your sidekick, (which coincidentally is not a tag i would like to be labeled with), i propose that the two of you come up with some better material. one more thing, F-Pox. thank you, the voice of reason has now spoken ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  7. watch out for that fucking 'fun love' pc virus folks, i dont recall opening such a message but tech support tells me it is responsible for the demise of my computer as i once knew it. hope i can save my biz software files... enjoy, and dont forget to make backups!!! ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  8. Casey... right on. trippintrance, i have a hard time agreeing with you on this one, because if thats the way you feel, then you truly take this message board far too seriously. if you lead your life worrying about what everyone thinks about you, you're letting much valuable time slip away. be cool ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  9. danny don't spin in the dungeon at sf on saturdays my friend, which is the only place you will find mr. cazz. look for him *uponclevelandsdick* there are much more qualified tour guides available. this has been a public service announcement ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  10. holy shit, you actually made me laugh out loud for real with that one... thanks, i guess you would call that something like, "touche", ehhh?? *smileyfaceflippingthebird* ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  11. i find some humor in that, mr. but mainly im posting in response so you don't fall into a complete depression, for the fact that nobody pays any attention to you. el oh el *hopethismakesyoufeelbetter* au revoir ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  12. at the ripe old age of 28,(note the sarcasm) i find that i didnt miss a day of partying in my earlier years. weird??.... without question, but that has nothing to do with why i still go out. truth is i don't party like i used to, i would say half of my nights out these days are totally sober, and i over indulge as i was prone to do when i was younger. i think i have found a happy medium, with one thing that remains constant... i go out for the music, bottom line. stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  13. i got to vinyl late on friday, about 4, and i thought danny was a little off, by his standards of course. the place was def packed and had some kind of traffic problem which got in the way of dancing, but that soon cleared out and the sounds were top notch as usual, ultimately. we stayed till about 9:15, what time did danny stay on till? i think something you have to keep in mind is the fact that diggs comes around once a month makes it easier to to have a drastically different show if need be. where danny is there every week, and the changes seems more gradual at times. but like adam said, it was a two year anniversary party. one other question, i thought twilo was the house that Junior built, am i mistaken? be cool stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  14. why not just have a 'sword fight', that might settle it safely for everyone. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  15. im impressed, you are posting controversial issues under your actual screen name for once. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  16. el oh el... bitter coffee is one way to stay REGULAR. *ifeelyourpain* ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  17. well, i opted for the constructive side of things yesterday, instead of saying something to the effect of: lets see, Twilo is known for, especially as of late, for bringing in top notch talent, why would they bring in Boy George if he sucks? Not to mention the fact that music is something you should make decisions about for yourself, so knowing that twilo brings in mad talent, just go and check it out, tell us what you think. which response do you prefer? ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  18. i don't see why not, under the right circumstances anything can work i think. you people that jump up quick to bash any kind of music should think before you speak. country music is the father of rock and roll, and although it's not my personal favorite class of music, i wont discredit it. you should think about what people like hank williams and johnny cash to name only two have done for music. listen to guys like chuck berry, buddy holly, elvis... their roots are country, blues and collaborations of the like. groups like the Eagles made their living off of turning country music songs into rock and roll, (if you want to call it that) the grateful dead started out as a bluegrass band, and there are elements of it in their music from start to finish. this is a short history, but once you get your way to the sixties and the psychadelic age, you see groups like the beatles and the dead, the who and pink floyd all using electronic sound. all things are relative and should be taken into consideration. just because you dont prefer something doesnt mean it's not any good, or takes no skill, or is not art. when you strip down trance, the underlying has classical music elements. would you say classical music sucks too? although you wont catch me in the near future dancing all night in a country joint, im willing to bet that those who do dance as long and hard as some of y'all in your clubs. food for thought, be cool stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  19. right on brotha..... ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  20. save your racial slurs for a less caring community Penix, or Ye shall surely be muerto! ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  21. yeah, and this Destiny's Child nonsense... is that really R&B??? birfday is tommorra, fanx. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  22. you can check him out every saturday on live webcasts from radio one, ive heard him on numerous occasions and he's got what it takes. mostly vocal house, and garage type stuff lately. judging from the broadcast tho, he has a lot of fun and interacts with the crowd, he says some funny shit too. i'll get the info on how and where to listen to these webcasts, it's either radio 1, or power fm, but i cant recall, my girl will tell me and i will relay the info. this way you may be able to decide if its for you or not. be cool ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  23. nope, sure didn't. Hex won. i take nothing away from Hex, but i personally thought deep dishes should have won. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  24. get off my preverbial dick, dirrrty.... i feel like Little Louie when cazz is in the house. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  25. DUST takes the cake, just say no to that shit. heed my warning ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
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