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Everything posted by cazz926

  1. Is it this: or just something made up from a k-hole????? :confused:
  2. Yeah, you kind of are, but that's ok, it's almost "Suicide tuesday" I fell ya! LOL. My mom can't really tell if you have Klinefelter's unless she does a karotype,so that's why I had to ask.
  3. I'm sorry. I'm being childish and rude. So is that a 'yes'?
  4. Settle a bet. Alpha says you have Klinefelter's, but I say you're just a late bloomer. Which one of us right????? --------------------------------------- Feel the bass. SETS OF SEVENS COMING TO YOUR TOWN. LOCK UP YOUR BICEPS.
  5. Trance it up and trance it out!!!!I almost SHIT myself when that track came on!!! Oh darlin! Save the last trance for me! Thats my homboy/nigga Mosley standing in fromt of my stage. Where everyone FEELS THE BASS.
  6. At the Knights of Columbus. The paneling really made me hit my peak:horns: and the lemonade that Mom made really hit the spot after we 'stomping' for hours!!! LOL! I love you guys!!! No one. But NO ONE 'figure 8's' like I do.
  7. What legion hall did this 'party' take place? Is the average age 17/? What's the deal? Give me all the info.
  8. Stop skirting the issue. Are you and sexxxybabyd gonna make up or what?
  9. My Beloved MAW was played on z-100 AND KTU this weekend. The last thing I need is you people coming to their shows. Thanks.
  10. Trancing to the beat Workenonlife Feeling the bass ....
  11. Sets of Seven will rip you up. Especially if you are cycling like a mofo and your ass looks like a pincushion. Close this thread because it's NUFF SAID
  12. I've got a GREAT idea. I think she is perfect for you, and there seems to be an opening within her circle of friends. GIve it a try . P.S. Do you read Stephen Hawking? You guys have the almost EXACTLY the same writing style AND in the back of his books, he would also give a 'sneak peak' at the LoveCrank (if you know what I mean!.
  13. AMEN!!!! I went to classics night, which was an incredible night, thanks to musical stylings of Danny. However Danny has been leaning toward repetitive boring beats as of late, GUSH GUSH GUSH with the exception of that night. Nothing as fantastic as old Vinyl Fridays lasts forever, and I'm happy to have experienced it while it was there.
  14. woooops! Of course I meant Deep Dish. I'm too upset to type properly. Besides the fact the half board would just sit and drool and have their head explode at an actual speliing bee
  15. It seems they were detained by the FBI..that's all I heard, will post more when I hear it
  17. Reading people's inane scrawls over their pictures in the high school yearbook?
  18. Now I understand why you didn't like the par-tay
  19. What kind of parties do you usually go to? (what DJ's do you like?)
  20. Figures you would repy to THIS!!! Have I become so predictable? *sigh* Back to impostoring I guess.
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