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Everything posted by momadance

  1. I couldnt beleive it either untill I remembered that most people are indeed morons.
  2. they will be at roseland next tuesday and wednesday,l but good luck getting tickets. for mp3's of the first night iof tour from seattle, go to www.parallx.com and click on 'now playing' then click on oysterhead. your welcome
  3. I thought you were talking about pipes and bongs
  4. Shit, I go to NYU midtown center at 11 west 42nd
  5. no, oysterhead: Stuart Copland (the police) - Drums Trey Anastasio (Phish) - Guitar Les Claypool (primus) - Bass
  6. i'm voting for green because bloomberg pisses me off claiming 'he's a business man not a politician' but if that was true, 1. we should use sterotypes to elect a man who will be mayor of the most diverse city on the planet? 2. than why the hell does he have commercials that say how bad green is, and not how good he himself is. sounds like he's become a politician real quick and he's not even elected yet. 3. if he was a business man, not a politician, once he gets elected mayor guess what, hes now a politician. also, he really pissed me off by taking greens quote about doing a better job than guiliani way out of context, and paying rediculous sums of money to air it every night of the world series.
  7. more than 3 years, they have breakfast club in there for god sakes. this movie looks like it wioll be either one of the funniest things in a while, or one of the stupidist
  8. I hear ya, I'm not one of those who can go out every night of the week anymore. even though i'm seeing oysterhead next week, but thats different, that a once in a lifetime thing
  9. first of all, you dont have any idea who paid for his trip, second of all, most cities do pay for their mayors to go to sporting events in other cities and to be ambassadors there. third of all, rudy was in AZ on satuday, flew back for the marathon, then flew back to AZ for sundays game. I went to college in AZ, and anyone who does that flight 3 times in 2 days doent deserve any greif from fools like you.
  10. WOW, other people at clubplanet have some other tastes in music, and the jamband scene nonetheless!!!! project logic is sweet! Rock on!
  11. one time in college I was 'in action' when a fire alarm went off, but we didnt go anywhere. now that i look back , it was not worth the risk, but then again, its not the stupidist thing i did in college
  12. centro was really really sweet 2 years ago, but its been on a steddy decline downhill. there is still the potential for good nights there, but its deffinatly past its prime. for special events tough, its a random crowds too, so it might be alright. be sure to let us know....
  13. the old lava lounge is now called eden. its right around the corner (20th x 5-6th) they have a really cool decor, good music and a full menu too if you like.
  14. get a pop up killer, go to download.com and search
  15. i will be home asleep so that I can actualy function this year. after all that has happened I think it would be way to disrespectful to show up to give thanks all twisted from the night before. I can wait until the next night.
  16. jet lounge is a closet, there is no way s & d would ever spin there.
  17. sorry to hear that, best of health to you.....
  18. controll yourself man, there are only like 3 billion others to choose from.
  19. I got home at 415, perfect timing to sit down and pack it up
  20. there is no siesta in Mexico, youre thinking of Spain
  21. yea, and they are distributing it at the mall on 10/31 right?
  22. Right on bro, i couldnt agree with you more, ive thought of her as an attention wanting, low self esteem person before myself (who else calles themself sexy in their name). and your very right in that most of her posts have something to do with how cool she thinks she is. Sorry baby
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