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Everything posted by momadance

  1. On the way out of the staduim, i said 'this is gonna be on classic sports network, it might even be an instant classic'
  2. i just goy home from it and it was the best match ive ever seen in my life, there were no service brakes the whole match, none, just 4 tie breaker sets. truly a shame someone had to lose
  3. lava lounge just changes its name, decor & a lot more. its now called 'eden'. deffinatly worth checking out
  4. I have been watching it pretty much non-stop for a week now, Ive been twice, and i'm going again tommorow night for aggasi v. sampras (got ticktets last night on ticketbastard, should still be some).
  5. Arent you the same one who had never rolled at home??? either way, you NEED to expand your horizons there a little man. there is plenty of rock that is rollworthy. Anyone who limits themsleves to musical genres is just limiting their own musical appreciation potential. if E makes bleeps and boings sound like music, immagine what it can do to real music
  6. the decor in there is awsome, its kinda like the side room of spa, with the circular couches for tables. lots of light blue and white, its a really cool space. looks like THE spot to hit up for the 10-12 pre centro-fly drinks, or for the luckyones of us, a nice neighborhood bar
  7. DONT fly national airlines, they are the absolute worst ever. I went to vegas last weekend, and not only were both the flights delayed, they dont even fly into the real terminal in vegas, so you have to wait for the mover to bring you to the main terminal. if you think it takes a long time to get there, then get comfy waiting for your baggage and listening to the same 2 advertizements over and over again (plus they lost 2 of 5 of our suitcases). oh, and i almost forgot, when we landed in vegas, we had to wait on the plane on the runway for 45 min- with no air, thats right, national airlines has no air above your seats, so you get to sweat for 5 hours there and 4 hours back. the flight attendents were so rude to so many people on the plane, it was like nothing ive ever seen before. I would continue telling you about our return trip, but you probably get the point, so i dont need to relive the tale by telling it again. NATIONAL SUCKS, we overheard another group on the way out that summed it up best by calling them 'never again national' the time inbetween the flights was awsome, so at least i had a great weekend.
  8. i was in vegas last weekend and it was crowded enough, I can only immagine it this weekend (plus a hugh convention is there this week durring the week) Have fun waiting on long ass lines everywhere you go
  9. Are you relly that stupid? nazis killed anyone and everone who was not of 'pure arian blood' there were just a hell of a lot more jews, and they were easier to identify than others (except blacks, but there wernt to many in europe then)
  10. thank god everyone is smart enough NOT to respond to this NARC
  11. what the post left out, was that PHISH will be in the marijuana episode, with speeking parts!!!! and Conan has written a lot of episodes, it used to be his job
  12. after last night, i am offically done with the 'real world.' why would i want to watch a show where two egocentric bitches are constantly maen to everyone in sight with no remorse, and the sadest part is they are ALWAYS 100% wrong, and no one has the balls to say 'shut up bitch, dont you realize how rediculous you are?' PS. if you think lori is that hot, you need to see some more women out there. she's ok, but nothing to post onto the internet about every week.
  13. madonna was deffinatly the worst concert ive ever seen in my life. i feel really bad for anyone who paid money to see it. ps is madonna actually going to be at this party or is it just an after party for her concert? gotta love hype!!!
  14. they are worth as much as someone will pay for them. try searchin for what you have on ebay, and see what kinda prices they get
  15. If only you all knew all of the phish references.....
  16. nope, but props for any jamband mentioned on clubplanet. 2 counting the new deal, who will be at the wetlands before they close the doord there for good
  17. tie: the 138th episode spectacular, and 22 short films about springfield
  18. i just got into morphums too, I had been using winmx, which is easier to use in a lot of ways, but morphus is better for the actual download process. i will keep on using both
  19. stright outta the ny post gossip pages, of all places, which actually had a role in finding the dog. read the story here: http://www.nypost.com/gossip/cindy.htm
  20. dogs actually should not have any dairy. have fun cleaning his liquidy poops
  21. "Did you know that disco record sales were up 400% for the year ending 1976? If these trends continues... AAY!"
  22. you people dont seam to understrand that not everyone who went to twilo went every wek, or even every month. and whats more than that, is that some of these people actually had other interests, and did other things with their weekends and lives. this kid was just asking if it was still open, true it has been about 4 months, but dont tell him to go back to sleep, or insult the poor kid, thats not the love twilo was all about, but further such insults from the 'twilo community' will hinder its immage in the future. so for the sake of twilo's momory, be friendly to people who will ask you questions about twilo and let the fond morories live on!!!
  23. you should just wear a shirt that says 'bust me, i'm rolling'.
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