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Everything posted by nickijay

  1. omg, i can still do Rubik's cube!! (Without removing the stickers!) ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  2. I have a typewriter, hee hee, and I totally relate to your dilemma b/c I needed one to fill out applications for teaching certification a few years ago. If you have no luck finding one you are welcome to use mine, but you'd have to come and get it... ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  3. OOOHHHH, I've seen that look that you shoot those horny guys!!! Hee hee!!! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  4. There're 14 lbs to a stone so that would be 21 lbs!!!! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  5. 69 is fine doggy any time!!! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  6. I share you birthday....but if I'm older, maybe you share mine!!! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  7. Wow! Wow! Wow!! I bow down to you!! I'm 32 and was with a 22 year old....you are my hero!! I love to read posts from people who are over 24, 25 b/c when I go out I sometimes feel like these young 'uns wonder what the hell I'm doing, but I just can't help myself. I don't ever see myself growing out of this phase. I just keep getting worse as I get older. Whatever...it's all good! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  8. Divalicious and and this here geriatric have decided to head out to the Hamptons on Sat. instead of Fri. so we will be at Vinyl on Fri. I'll leave the walker at home!! Yay, can't wait....where do you guys usually meet up?? PS - there's no age discrimination with me. I love everyone... ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  9. Leather pants are great, but not for a night of dancing. I made that mistake once. Too sweaty. Anyone see that episode of Friends when Ross's leather pants were stuck at his knees? Hee hee! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  10. yay! i'm 32 going on 12 and i'd love to hang!!! i'm going to be in the hamptons this weekend and next but would definitely like to meet some new people to party with.... the more the merrier!!! i was beginning to think that the club crowd retired after 25, but since finding this board i realize that it's just not true!! i made a really good friend (for life) from one of these sites and we have a blast together. i'm hoping to meet more friends like her since all of my old friends have taken the "traditional" route and married themselves off and had kids (eeekkkk, scary to me...) we usually go to exit on a sat. pm, and tried vinyl for the first time this past friday, but everyone knows what happened there. hope to hear from you all!!!
  11. I'm from England, so that explains the uk part. I live in NJ and my initials are NJ so that explains the NJ x 2! I have to say that people are very creative with their names!!!
  12. To play with: Dark hair (Italians are good!),not too tall but not too short either, hat, no shirt, nice body, knows how to dance, couple of tatoos thrown in for good measure...... To get serious with: all of the above with the ability to hold an intelligent conversation.
  13. ok, it'd better be sunny this weekend b/c divalicious and i will be at neptunes ready to party!!! can't wait....
  14. The same thing happens to me too. I put in my user name and password and the screen refreshes. It's a pain in the ass!!!
  15. I think older guys like young girls more than they like girls their own age. I don't know, maybe age IS just a number. I raised the question about younger guys and older girls b/c the last few guys I've dated have been way younger than me. I think I'm just really immature for my age and I don't want to grow up and a guy younger than me is awesome, but a guy who's in his mid to late thirties doesn't appeal for some reason... Yep, I guess it's a state of mind and it depends on what you're looking for !
  16. Older boys are good too, but I don't know where they are all hiding.......They seem to fall off the face of the earth when they hit 30!! I don't know, young guys.. I just want to grab 'em and squeeze 'em and....
  17. Just wondering b/c being somewhat older than most who enjoy this scene, I only meet a lot of young guys and I love them!!!! By young I mean early to mid twenties, and I'm in my early 30's....Problem is the young guys tend to think that women in their thirties just want to get married and have kids which is so NOT true (in this case anyway) and some even ask me what's wrong with me. Well if going out to dance and hear good music means there's something wrong with me, it means there's something wrong with everyone else who's doing it too. I've got a few good years left b/f I retire from this scene.......
  18. I've done a house in Mount Snow twice and will prob. do some winter house this year, but prob. Killington. It's a long ride, but worth it for the fun, however in Mount Snow don't be expecting any kind club scene b/c it doesn't exist!!! It's still fun, though, and comes highly recommended. This is coming from a summer chick.
  19. ok, trying this for the first time. my very good friend, divalicious has her pretty pic up. wanted to see if i could get mine up too. Added a more recent pic from Neptune's this summer. The dude is not my b/f but he certainly is yummy!!!!! [This message has been edited by uknjx2 (edited 10-01-2000).]
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