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Everything posted by mattyparsons

  1. where can i see 2/3 of the incredible tilt spin? fuckers didnt' show back in november......... ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  2. baby, come on over and help me get "better" ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  3. sssssssshhhhhhh!!!!!! don't let my secret out! there are some who don't know that about me yet......... ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  4. geeze, what the hell!!! now how am i gonna procrastinate?? ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  5. speaking of which, my gf can do the same thing.........hehehe speaking of which, it's almost time for me to go "tuck her in to bed" ......hehehhheehehee ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  6. woah, settle down saddle bags.... ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  7. does anyone know how i can have my roomate wacked, killed, smoked, etc.... this bitch reaaaaaaaaaaally needs to die. good thing i'm only with him for another month or so and next year is gonna be tight! but i figure i should kill him while i have the chance, as compensation for all his crap. ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  8. awwwwww has ooo got de sniffooooos? ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  9. who are you again? ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  10. just give me the $1.50 subway fare to get to twilo. ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  11. scotty! if you're not a troll, who are you???!! i dont' even know who you are anymore! *sniff* ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  12. it's old news here too, diggers dropped it back in october. ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  13. the best is the completely random shot of the breakdancing indian guy ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  14. i think a better title to this thread would be "everyone look at how cool my signature is" ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  15. i kidnapped him digweed is next......... ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  16. yeah, it's a pc..... the one drawback is that i'm not what you call "smart" when it comes to computers, so user- friendly ......slash that, moron-friendly programs would be highly appreciated. thanks in advance ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  17. just for that, you get no digweed mix! disclaimer- i never said the mix given to the winner of our little contest would be free........... ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  18. ok, i got a cd burner recently, and i want to burn a few of the mixes i have, can someone recommend me some (free) programs i can download where i can make cuts in the mix so it's not burned as one continuous track? whoever gets the right answer will get a digweed mix (don't hold me to this) ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  19. gravity, you lost this fight the moment you mentioned exodust. she's got nothing to do with this little battle, but you were immature enough to bring it up. ie- you're very immature ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  20. good looooooooooooooooord!!!!! it just doesnt' get any better than this. -matty"keepinghisfingerscrosseddigweeddropsbedrock-beautifulstrangeonfriday"parsons ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  21. i dont' think my body will be able to handle another danny marathon. after pres day (closed) i was very very sick for about a week and a half, and i was having really bad back aches for about three weeks... shit, but those basslines........ *ding ding ding* the winner is danny by a hernia! ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  22. *sizzle* look out lizzy, she's hitting you with some seriously witty retorts. ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  23. yoyo, remember me? *white shirt, and beard* pleasure making your acquaintance ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  24. oooh baby, hugh, you know what i like to see! *running to the bathroom with bottle of baby oil* ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
  25. there are also other things you should never do, mainly, dont' ever post on deanna11's computer because she'll snag your password and have some good clean fun with your screenname. hehe ------------------ underground will live forever baby, we like roaches, never die, always livin'...
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