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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. democracy? anarchy? doesnt matter to me. i *am* the high priest no matter what. ------------------ i love music!
  2. actually, i want to retract that a little. i understand that sometimes people do these studies to help get laws/policy changed. so, perhaps the lengths they go to arent always "stupid." i do think its stupid if people flash theories around as fact. ------------------ i love music!
  3. perhaps the prob here is that we should be discussing labels. "gay" "straight" "bi" are all words and we can argue over semantics with any word in the english language. academics love to do this, but a guy who likes his dick sucked shouldnt really worry about the fine shades of meaning in the words. obviously he didnt worry. he just did it. i wouldnt do it. does that make me "straight" or "homophobic" or "closedminded" or a "ladies man?" words make the communication of thoughts easier, but they make action harder. dude, who cares if people on this board think your a "fag" or whatever. do what you want. if you worry about hostility, then dont tell anyone. as for the whole B2B argument and church propaganda and all the rest of that, well, its like any good controversy. there are studies for and against it. with the "what makes you gay" issue, everybody is really trying hard to prove that god/nature says its right/wrong. its all fucking stupid. who cares. if getting head from a guy makes you happy, go get head from a guy. why do people want science to make them feel better? if gay people (or anti-gay people) piss you off, get pissed off, dont go flashing half-baked studies around to back you up. BTW, i recently read an article about a study connecting the length of your ring finger to homosexuality. i think its a perfect example of the stupid lengths that academics go to to back up their emotions. ------------------ i love music!
  4. i think this belongs in the sex forum ------------------ i love music!
  5. i think this belongs in the sex forum ------------------ i love music!
  6. its a fucking sickness man. we r sick. sick sick... and damn happy about it. ------------------ i love music!
  7. its all bad. wheres the love? we r all just a bunch of hairless apes anyway! ------------------ i love music!
  8. LMAO. is that dumb shit throwing his racial slurs around again? what an insecure loser. hey souvlaki, why u want to hurt peoples feelings? cant u get down with the love? racial slurs r a pussy way to talk. be nice or STFU. ------------------ i love music!
  9. sorry, *dude*, i wasnt put here on this earth to please men. and shaving off my secondary sexual characteristics would challenge my pagan beliefs. especially since i only have hair in all the right places (head, arms, legs, and that place that sweet miss smileygirl calls the "love trail"). no ape-man here. just a sex god, boy-o. ------------------ i love music!
  10. damn! dont i deserve some sort of pimpin fee for getting everybody all hot n bothered? now theres gonna b a thurs orgy n i dont get into the city til friday! hrumff! and i on-wy wanted a widdle wuv! *sniffle* ------------------ i love music!
  11. i like alot of DJs, but one thing i really like about S&D is that theyre *always* good. there is *no* excuse for not going! BTW-- *everyone* is *welcome* to come back to my place. but whos up for a 3 hour drive to a shit-hole city in the middle of massachusetts? um... i guess not huh? ------------------ i love music!
  12. brandie, pls b happy. ur friend did what he wanted to do. in the most bizzare of ways, suicides are now in a happier place. its times like these that make us strong. dont let it stop u. now more than ever, you need to celebrate life. enjoy what you have. enjoy the sunshine. enjoy your friends. make love. be alive. the spirit of every passed friend lives in the hearts of the survivors. pass their spirit on. in this way, the world renews and none of us ever really die. *hug* peace, -rick ------------------ i love music!
  13. NM. just thinking of you... *bows* may i b ur boy? ------------------ i love music!
  14. sirdante


    yes, sweet thing... anytime. anyplace. but *not* anyone-- i have good taste ------------------ i love music!
  15. agreed. and if you get a bottle of beer for say 3.75, a quater is an acceptable tip, but a dollar is always well appreciated. its also ok to round off the tip to a 5-spot if you get a handful of drinks and 5 bucks is approx. 20% of the total. same goes for $10, $20, $50, and $100 tips. when cashing out a tab, use the 20% rule, or apply the buck or two per drink-- mixed drinks should get more if mixed properly. and never forget to give extra if you asked and received something special. *do* overtip when the bartender is obviously hustling and do *not* overtip when they are obviously slacking, especially if u r overtipping only bcause u think the slacker is cute. and *only* stiff someone if you are truely unappreciative of the service theyve given you. after all, even a half-assed job earns some appreciation if you walk away with what you came for. ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 09-26-2000).]
  16. i have walked in their shoes. as a service professional, i know it sucks to get stiffed, but thats part of the job. all that matters is the total amount you go home with at the end of the night. a good server will get more over-tips than stiffs. a tip is a token of the customers appreciation, nothing more. you make your living by serving customers. those that dont appreciate can go fuck themselves, but theres no reason to respond to some rude people by being rude to other people. its simply unacceptable. if you cant handle both the ups and downs of the job, you r in the wrong profession. if u dont like the tip game, u cant just change the rules. ------------------ i love music!
  17. that happened to me for the first time last week at a bar here in MA. WTF?!? that is one of the most impetuous things ive ever seen in my life. i dont know the guy, but fortunately i know his sister. im gonna tell her to tell him that that was an asshole thing to do. if he gets stiffed by other people, thats not my problem. i know how to tip. jeesh. ------------------ i love music!
  18. i didnt mean to start drama. the whole idea of "token of appreciation" however is very valid. i did not intend to indicate that it is OK to stiff a server. i meant it demands a certain ettiquette from bartenders and others. they work for tips and they *will* make tips, but not bc they complain about assholes who dont tip or because they pull that old "you need this more than me" line. servers make bank bc they work fast and efficiently, not because they are too cool to put a small tip into their pockets. heres a story: my father has owned bars, clubs, restaurants, and hotels. when i was a kid, my dad was behind the front desk at our motel. some snotty ass fool came in and began giving my father a world of shit cause a light bulb was burned out in their room. my dad had every right to throw the fucker out into the street (which is where his stupid family would have had to sleep on a holiday weekend on cape cod w/out a reservation). instead, dad apologized and sent me to change the light bulb. "dad," i asked when i returned, "why are you so polite to these people. we all know the type they are-- miserable, cheap, whiney." and he said "because thats one person. every other room here tonight is filled with good people. once in a while you get someone like that. you just help them out and move on." so, a few summers later, i am waiting tables at a tourist trap. i got stiffed with $.50 on a $75 bill. i was home complaining to my dad, and telling him i should have thrown it at the bums on their way out. you know what he said? he said "take the money, put it in your pocket, and forget about it." simple words. good advice. life is too short to get pissy cause some bum chumps ya. REMEMBER TO ALWAYS TIP YOUR BARTENDER! ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 09-26-2000).]
  19. "do you mean that sexy line of black hair that i have leading thinly and provocatively from my chest, over my abs, and down into my pants?" there, i said it again. now, pretty baby, kiss me everywhere! ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 09-26-2000).]
  20. thank you. the gods blessed me with a talented tongue ------------------ i love music!
  21. do you mean that sexy line of black hair that i have leading thinly and provocatively from my chest, over my abs, and down into my pants? ------------------ i love music!
  22. sirdante


    thank you ladies. *bows* i am honored to present myself at your service. ------------------ i love music!
  23. well NYers, sorry. i forgot who i was talking to. up here where a quarter still means something, its fair to leave a quater tip at a cheap beer place. here you can still get a 12 oz bottle of beer for $1.75 and a draft for $.75. u guys r right, now that i think of it, i dont think ive ever left a quarter on an NYC bar! i stand corrected. BTW, anybody who gets insulted by a small tip is still an asshole in my mind. its not proper ettiquette to demand a token of someones appreciation. as i said in the other tip post, if you r a bartender who doesnt like the tipping game, then you r in the wrong business. it only matters how much $$$ you bring home at the end of the night. ------------------ i love music!
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