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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. hear here! AGREED: he was da man! RIP master. ------------------ i love music!
  2. yes. yes, you do. get there ASAP young lady! ------------------ i love music!
  3. #5 is prob true. i always hear arm chair doctors giving advice like that. i actually had to take dimetadrine (sp?) out of someones hand who was trying to force it down the throat of a chick all G'ed out in a K-hole. i was like "dont you think what she needs now is *less* drugs, not *more* drugs?" duh! ------------------ i love music!
  4. sirdante


    when she comes, she will feel like shes never felt b4. she will be mellow, relaxed, and satisfied. she might feel a bit self conscious bc she wont believe that you made her feel sooo good. she will have visions of candyland dancing in her head. she will enjoy a big hug from her big studly man. she will be so wet that a hug will turn into intercourse and hours later-- oops, i keep forgetting, we r not talking about me... i mean minutes later, u will probably be back down there to start the whole cycle over again! live, love, learn, and enjoy. i am *almost* jealous. you are exploring such undiscovered territory! woo hoo. hoo ha. *slurp* ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 09-26-2000).]
  5. sirdante

    Need Advice!!

    thank you. thank you. *shameless bump* ------------------ i love music!
  6. dude, dont b lonely. the gods r watching. get out there and be a good pagan! carpe dium and all of that. u already party enough, now sieze the day, relax, and stop worrying about what the ladies think. -sirdante BTW welcome to our board. ------------------ i love music!
  7. *pant* *pant* *pant* ------------------ i love music!
  8. this might b a hoax, but it is founded in truth. every so often, a senator or some other clueless bastard in DC will bring this up. i watch c-span once in a while and ive heard it. the gov would love to do shit like this, but its a logistical impossibility. dont kid yourself into thinking this stuff will never happen. as the conglomeration of servers and providers continues, soon there will be more potential for regulation. ------------------ i love music!
  9. sirdante


    oops, it is just a coincidence that we both mentioned licking ice cream. i posted mine b4 i read yours. sorry, i agree with what you mean, i just dont like the word choice. i would hate to think of inexperienced young men running around trying to slurp up women like sloppy dogs. there is a basic level of style that must be attained b4 doing anything remotely sloppy. not trying to contradict you here. i like what u said. ------------------ i love music!
  10. sirdante


    cunnilingus is an art form. u will not master it in a day. u will not master it in a decade. u will not master it in a lifetime. u will be 90 YO licking the ladies at the nursing home and u still will not have mastered this most difficult of art forms. physically, every woman is like a unique flower, with exotic petals and uniquely formed delicate parts. mentally and spiritually, they are the yang to your yin. nothing i say here will give you a complete understanding of the most intricate, beautiful, and complex creature in the world. now, i will try to help u since *i* am a master of the art of cunnilingus. notice, i said *you* will never be a master. i, however, have mastered all sexual techniques involving myself and a female or two, so i am qualified to give u advice. k? lets start by analyzing the scenario: you and your lady r ready for some exploration into that most mysterious of realms known as the female orgasm. hopefully, b4 u try some tongue-foo, you have already been able to work her to climax using fingers and deep penetration. if neither of these r working, you and the girl have some other issues to work out. if she does have problems reaching orgasm with you and/or herself, let me point out that there has never been a woman studied clinically who could not reach orgasm using a vibrator. according to masters & johnson and other clinical sexual-psychologists, vibration will work, even on women who have *never* achieved orgasm. i will assume that you dont have these issues and move on. lets also assume that you know how to kiss. i dont mean you know how to mash lips and drool, i mean that you know how to *kiss* like a good lover-boy should. you can assure yourself that you know how to kiss when, for example, your kissing her makes the passion level rise, her breathing becomes heavy, and her chest begins to heave. you know how to kiss when she tries to breathlessly beg you for more, her mouth open wide, her lips succulent and irresistibly red and full. you kiss her and her lips become swollen, her nipples become erect, and her mind becomes submissive to her own secret fantasies. you kiss her and her flower gets wet and swollen and you know this because your playful fingers have *somehow* found their own way towards her gentle, sweet spot. when her vagina is not just wet and ready, but throbbing and inviting you to please her, my friend, you are *kissing*. proper kissing is the first step towards good cunnilingus. the second step is to get naked. the third, and most important, step is to make sure that she wants you to go rooting your snout around down there. first, let me point out that if you have your finger down there and you feel a string or a cotton plug in her sluice, then this woman is *not* ready for cunnilingus. women are unfortunately cultured by our society to feel *dirty* when they r having their period. with proper hygiene and tampons there really isnt anything dirty during this time of the month. however, your lady wont feel 100% confident. chances are that the women you meet will prefer it if you didnt make her feel self conscious by sticking your nose down when she is bleeding. k? bsides, there r enough changes for you and your lover(s) at this/these time(s) of the month, so you shouldnt mind waiting for a few days. with her period and all of the other not-so-fresh feelings that your delacite creature must face, its up to you, lover-boy, to instill her with the confidence that everything is ok. this should be easy, cause i am a man, so i know guys, and i know that when it comes to sex, men are so single-minded as to be almost unstoppable. buuuuutttt... here's an expert tip: b4 you go down, and after you get your finger wet, *secretly* catch a whiff of your finger. there r many ways to do this, but it is important that you catch her scent without her noticing you do it. there is the possibility that the smell is *not* to your liking and that its repulsiveness would cause you to lose your all-important self confidence. if this girl is one of your regular lovers, just switch gears and try the cunnilingus on a better day. if shes a new lover, do the same, but also pray to the love goddesses for help cause there is the possibility that this girl always smells that way. it is natural for all women to smell different (and believe sirdante, they do), and what smells unpleasant to you might smell great to another guy. there r many reasons for this, but forget about it. i assume that your lover is attractive to you, so lets get back on track: now that she has been kissed properly, her clothes are off, and the sweet smell of nectar is driving you wild, it is time to let her know whats up. the kissing of breasts, followed by the kissing of her delicate midsection, followed by a few kisses lower, lower, lower, should be giving her the idea of your intentions. it is at this point that she might stop you. there are many reasons why she might stop you. first, as i mentioned above, there are those time-of-the month issues. directly before and after her period, as well as around the time of ovulation (midway between bleeding cycles) she will have a different smell and this might make her self conscious. she might have to go to the bathroom, she might be craving your other body parts, she might... well you know how complicated women can be, there are a million reasons she might not want it then. dont take it personally. if however, she doesnt want you down the because she thinks you dont want to do it, then its time to communicate, with actions and perhaps words, that licking her box is something that drives you wild and you want to do it-- you really, really want to do it (and if you dont, send her my way, cause i do!) if she stops you, give up and move on. if she doesnt stop you, lets go. as you are kissing her tummy, your crafty hands should be caressing her sweet inner thighs. now is a good time to leave the vagina alone. a good lover pays attention to the woman and knows that *not* touching her is as important as actually touching her. your southward kissing technique, combined with the cessation of stimulation of her vagina will get her mind involved in this process and will be a kind of tease that will drive her crazy. now that shes going crazy-- and you know she is loving it simply cause she has *not* stopped you, you can slide your whole body down so that youve got this girl spread before your happy little face. this is the most sensually pleasing position any heterosexual young man will ever experience. forget an ocean sunrise or the mountains in autumn, bc the sight, feel, sounds, and scents of your lady in heat is the grandest vista you will ever encounter. now you should picture this presentation as an painter visualizes a blank canvas or a chef sees an empty plate. this is the cunnilingus masters workspace and you need to get busy. now that you havent touched her for what to her must seem like an eternity, you will have to approach her pubic area like it is a wildfire. it will feel hot to the touch and she will be very, very sensitive. you should, by now, have read my post on using your fingers, so use those techniques now. gently touch her close to her clitoris, and do it with style. dont be sloppy. all you have to do is apply the later steps of the fingering method to cunnilingus by substituting your tongue for your fingertip. gentle stimulation with your tongue in a press-release fashion (or possibly in a gentle circular pattern) will be the trick that gets her off. your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body, so you will have to practice to learn how to apply this muscle gently. dont lick her like a big ice cream cone. thats silly. the pubic area has several distinct erogenous zones and if you're working on one zone, say the clitoris, you must not keep jumping around to other places. once you begin gently stimulating the clit, let your cowgirl ride your tongue. you must make her feel like she is dancing. a cunnilingus master will dance her whole squirming, writhing body around with about 1 square centimeter of his tongue for as long as it takes to make her have a beautiful, powerful, and loud orgasm. as with dancing, the subtle moves take practice, but anyone can at least get the basics. as i said, dont be sloppy. be gentle and be persistent. the hardest part of cunnilingus is that every girl is totally different from every other girl. some are quiet, some think they cant come, some have a hard-to-find clitoris, etc. you will encounter all of these eventually, but your confidence, and the advice of sirdante, should help you overcome any obstacle. finally, dont forget your hands and lips. you can use your fingers to help *gently* spread the area near the top of her pubis so your tongue can access the clit. be careful not to let those rough fingers get in the way of that soft tongue! once she is *very* wet (and she will be if you follow my methods) you can use your fingers to touch her slot. dont shove your fingers in her as soon as you get down there, however. wait until she is really getting into your tounge and then gently begin a stylish and sexy exploration of her nether regions. if you dont know the difference between inner labia and outer labia, you should probably go to a library and check out some books on anatomy. the vagina is a flower and it has more than just two petals. knowing how to work your finger into these regions is what separates a sloppy boy from a skilled master. listen to this simple rule: the dryer it is, the less you should touch. wait unil shes totally hot and wet before getting your hands in too deep. once, however, shes going strong, feel free to go as far as you can. if you use your tongue to give her clit all the attention it craves, and you behave gently, and you possess some style, you can enhance her orgasm by adding your hands. depending on the girl, and her mood, manual contact might be anything from a little bit of touch to in-and-out finger-fucking. some girls like anal contact too, yet some dont. eventually you might start introducing your fingers to her bunghole, but not now. u r still a newbie, so wait until youve gotten good at everything else first, k? some people dont like things in their ass, so pay attention to how she reacts and make all of your moves with baby steps, prepared to stop at any time. thats the key: be prepared to do anything and learn how to ease these things into the dance, but always, always, always, pay close attention to her and how she reacts. finally, if you r not 100% into giving her oral pleasure, then you dont belong in the game. do it right or dont do it at all. [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 12-01-2000).]
  11. Q. what do rednecks do on halloween? A. they pumpkin. ------------------ i love music!
  12. darker. tribal. primal. its where the music has gone, with good reason. its raw and accessable but still unacceptable. its too sexy for mainstream society. with everybody on the "techno" bandwagon these days, there is the danger of mainstream cheese invading our party. fortunately, the underground *will* live 4ever cause it knows how to adapt. with more and more average kids getting sucked in by our coolness and our wicked, mind-altering drugs, the only thing keeping the scene real is the music. mix it darker. mix it sexier. make it sound dangerous. our world is not for the timid. some average betty or ned doesnt want a mind-fuck? then they better stay away from us! ------------------ i love music!
  13. ok, let me make sure i have the right facts: - Twirl is a lounge at 23rd & 7th/8th - opens at 9pm - there will b DJs and booze - lots of peeps from CP r meeting there b4 going to S&D @ twilo QUESTION: do we have specific stay-at-twirl-until-... time? i wont be in NYC until midnight. im bringing some friends along. will i still find folks at twirl around 12? i think prob. right? ------------------ i love music!
  14. sirdante


    dude, i will help ya, i will help ya... just give me some time to get something done here at work. i will tell you wha you need b4 the end of the day... if you need something until then, check out http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum20/HTML/000217.html later, -sirdante ------------------ i love music!
  15. CADDYSHACK!!! CADDYSHACK!!! CADDYSHACK!!! dont forget - the princess bride - full metal jacket ------------------ i love music!
  16. she needs to work it out amicably if there is any hope of her keeping that car. if its leagaly his, he can get it any time he wants, doesnt matter who makes the payments. i am not a lawyer tho. if she wants the car, she has to b nice. if she doesnt want to b nice, and sounds like she shouldnt, give up the car and take care of the SOB by whatever method u prefer. ------------------ i love music!
  17. bc some girls think its fun to act like sluts. they figure they can get away with it if BF and ecstasy r involved. ------------------ i love music!
  18. 1) my 1st BJ. 2) my 1st 69. 3) every other BJ i got in the 80s. lol. ------------------ i love music!
  19. just trying to fill my role as the high priest of the party. that was my sermon for this weekend. it had a happy ending didnt it? maybe i shoulda put a warning at the beginning. sorry, i didnt mean to bum anyone out, i hope it has the opposite effect. i want everyone to learn what i learned without having to go thru what i went thru. ------------------ i love music!
  20. lol. ------------------ i love music!
  21. my friend got an exam and the doctor told her to push like she was having a BM. she said that when she did, his finger slid right in. ------------------ i love music!
  22. thanks. u2. remember everyone: - b safe - b - b urself! and if u r then b groovy. ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 09-22-2000).]
  23. thanks. it was ur post that got me thinking about it. thanks. i always wanted to be a writer. i made it as far as editor of my college newspaper, but have never published anything for $. ------------------ i love music!
  24. thank you. i am humbled, honored, and at your service, my lady. ------------------ i love music!
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