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Everything posted by bobadrinker

  1. bobadrinker


    Alright its about 2 wks till New Year. Wanted to survey what the peeps have planed for New Year's Eve. Those that have actuall purchased ticket for the event, that is...The event promoters get more creative with the venue and activities - it gets harder to not go each time....argh:mad:
  2. I'd have to disagree with you there, Weyes. It does get hot and stuffy, especially when the crowd start migrating indoors. Or I'm just an odd ball like Blue? I usually dance up a sweat regardless
  3. just a FYI - on a big name DJ night its generally recommended that you arrive before 11pm to avoid the lines. I don't know what kind of pull Glaude and D:Fuse has... No nearby bars or pubs or restaurants. But the hotdog stand right outside at the corner has hotdogs that are to die for - figuratively, and literally
  4. got some crack right hea - :bootysha:
  5. Gasp! you're going away??? NOOO!!! The world's coming to an end! Grown men will jump from buildings, women and children will ensue, chaos will break loose creating massive pandemonium!!! Oh wait, I've never even met you... Have a blast nevertheless. I shall continue the quest to meeting all you awesome CP LAers when I return in December.... p's out
  6. how about you be my personal dancer? I can't pay much, can't afford benefits, but I'll keep plenty o alchy and munchies on hand
  7. woo...could this be my chance to finally see Oakie?
  8. I was at Garden of Eden but didn't dress up. There were some scandilous costumes though...wish I had my camera with me
  9. well..not all of Asia Flying to Taiwan, Thailand with a short stop in Malaysia. So I'll be on a hiatus for 2 weeks (not that I've been all that active as of late ) Sure am gonna miss the great DJs and parties lined up for Turkey day. Will miss you all...keep the dance floor warm for my return, aiiii?
  10. well, not all of Asia. Specifically Taiwan, Thailand and Malaysia (Penang). Anyone has tips or insights on places to see, things to do, and night life guidance, please share. Much appreciated.
  11. dang...you peeps are charting the course for NYE eh? The gig that Giant is throwing is a bit questionable - first off, not DJ line ups. Second, inside one of LA's landmark hotels? Don't get me wrong, the Bonaventure is a classy place (not that I've stayed there ) But I just don't see Giant's groove jiving with Bonaventure . And what happen to the traditional outdoor theme? Although it was freezing a couple years, it was a good time. Gotta hand it to Dave Dean though....he's got some pull to get the Bonaventure to agree to this. That, or the Bonaventure's just desperate for some business I've been a devoted fan of Giant's NYE parties for the past 3 years. PvD has yet to wear out on me, but some new sound wouldn't hurt. Any other NYE gigs floating around? I remember Spundae did some crazy 12 hr shit on NY day last year, headlining AvB. Any alternatives?
  12. umm..I was kidnapped by aliens, and they did all kinda of unspeakable act to my a-hole It was horrible!!! Actually, I just got a lil too smashed at the wedding - what can I say? I'm a sucker for free booze. By the time I sober up and headed home, it was close to midnight Sorry I missed you all. Also sorry I missed Armin - bah!!!! We definitely have to do this again. Perhaps just meet up at Spundae or something? I'm sure we'll cook up something.... Think I'm too old for Monster...but you kids will have a good time. I'll probably just sit at home and give out candies. If anyone want some candy corn and gin & juice, come on by
  13. I too will be running very late, as I have a wedding reception to attend. Hope you all will still be there, and sober enough to understand the words that are coming outa mah mouth I'll probably be the most formally dressed, for the reason mentioned above. If it were up to me, I dawn on the leather chaps, wife beaters, and feather boas : Ok that just sounds tacky... :D
  14. I'll be drinking....umm...what else? a tequiza Guess I'll just look for the happiest bunch in the place?
  15. wish I can go - instead I'm buried in work. Represent CPLA now, Weyes & Blue
  16. sigh...kid n play - there aren't any class acts like them anymore:tongue:
  17. its ok. You're our dork Lets get this on like Donkey Kong!!!
  18. yeah...LA (So Cal in general) is known for its snobby, pretensious people. But Arnold will change all that....yeah, riiiiiight:rolleyes:
  19. I will definitely try to make an effort to get there...been dying to meet all you party peeps.
  20. :cry: Waaaaa....Now I can't make it. I'll be stuck at a stupid wedding reception. Waaaaaaa. Maybe I can try to sneak in a few mins before or after the reception:shaky:
  21. Welcome! I just went to Sugar last weekend. Its a nice cozy place to hang out. The kind of place where the music isn't blaring loud to the point where you can't hear yourself think. Should be a nice starter spot for a newbie to meet people. Just don't know what goes on on Fri nights...
  22. I'd love to see Oakie and check out the newly decked out Avalon. But pre-sale tix are all gone, and I just know capacity is going to fill up in a snap. Plus I'll be in OC's Shark club - I know...it pales in comparison. But atleast I'll get in
  23. dito what Blue said...19th....actually either fine....but sooner is good.
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