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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by bobadrinker

  1. time to share my $0.02 on Marco... Got to the door just before 11:30, all the while expecting a long snaking line. But was surprised to see virtually no one in line. Well, it was short by Spundae standard. And even though I arrived after 11, the guest list was still in effect (Special thanks to Alex). Guess it was a slow night due to the holiday weekend. But I knew it would be all good as soon as I got my love from David Cole - he is the freaking trademark of Spundae, if there is such a thing. Before midnight, the filler DJ was spinning some wack track that just did not do it for me. So I stayed out in the patio, filled up on the free fruit, got drunk, made a shameful attempt at talking to some girl (her bf wasn't too happy about it ) and went back in as I heard the amped up beat. Marco's beat is indeed energetic. But for some reason I just couldn't fully get into it. Perhaps I was burnt out from seeing Ferry the night before at HOB, which was a rocking set in itself. It felt like Marco's tracks were just all over the place. No setting of the tempo or pace at all. Ran into some faces I haven't seen in a while. Shared a few laughs, freaks, and posed for some kodak moments. All in all, a good time nonetheless. Left around 3ish to beat the crowd, and braved a hot dog from the street hot dog vendor. Although I questioned the food's sanitations, it was OHHH SOOO GOOOOD. All the fat and grease and cholesterol thats oh so bad but put together, taste oh so good. The next morning, I had diarhea.... So in conclusion, Marco gets a thumbs up in my book. Alex gets two thumbs up
  2. or just do what I do - surf and print stuff out at work :D
  3. will there be hula girls doing the belly dance?
  4. will there be hula girls doing the belly dance?
  5. I tried Perrier once, and got sick. Never tried it since.
  6. my opinion is biased since I don't do SD at all...but I say LA's got the best promoters in LALate & Alex. These kats have hooked me up with many a good times. Not sure if that makes them promoters..? hehe
  7. oh...no I dont know about that. Good to know its around. Same 11pm cutoff time, I assume?
  8. no I dont know about this all night/ day long bash. Care to enlighten us?
  9. As far as I know, the latest round of virus does would not cause a problem like disconnection of service. The peeps at SBC must've been smoking some good shiet...lol. Good to have you back Wey Wey. The board wouldn't be the same without ya
  10. Just want to get a quick poll on who's going to Spundae to check out Marco V this Saturday? Also, any feedback on Marco's style and what not would be appreciated. Much love...
  11. So...live to regret choices made, rather than regret choices not made? hehe
  12. for those of you that flies the friendly skies... A mother and her son were flying Southwest Airline from Kansas City to Chicago. The son (who had been looking out the window) turned to his mother and asked "If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don't big planes have baby planes?" The mother (who couldn't think of an answer) told her son to ask the stewardess. So the boy asked the stewardess, "If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don't big planes have baby planes?" The stewardess responded, "Did your mother tell you to ask me?" The boy said, "Yes she did." "Well, then, tell your mother that there are no baby planes because Southwest always pulls out on time. Have your mother explain that to you."
  13. my sentiments exactly...
  14. there is an OVERWHELMING supply of info on LA clubs and such in the first 3 stickies of the board. I know its a lot of reading, but take a glance atleast. And if you have more specific Q's, holler back. Just a FYI - for trance clubs, Spundae in Hollywood is the place to be. check www. spundaela.com:cool:
  15. ahh...nice. Not that I swing east that often, but good to know my resources are for a pimping good time. In the mean time I'm still waiting for OCLate.com, and a night life in OC in general
  16. awesome! you come up with one cool party after another. I'll need to hit the gym double time before headed out though...
  17. yeah...for once I like to see a young man in his primes with grand plans to spend the money, actually win it. Someone like me
  18. btw, what is the big announcement already??? the grand unveiling of OCLate???
  19. hehe..I wouldn't know. I keep her occupied with 2nd, 3rd, 4th servings of the main course
  20. either I'm stupid or I'm stupid, but I totally missed the punch line in this one:confused: :confused:
  21. hmm..how about the long drive to the clubs, or the traffic you fight through to get there, or the impossible to find and ridiculously expensive parking. Maybe its the insanely over priced beverages. Oh wait...these are reasons NOT to go clubbing. For me its all about the music. Voluptuous, scantily clad women come and go. The music will always be there. Awwwww yeahhh
  22. Two major announcements...argh!!! I can't take it, the anticipation is killing me!!! I want it all and I want it now!!! Damn it!
  23. Just want to give props to Alex for the hookup :alright: Gotta admit that even as I walked up to the door I had my doubts as to whether the guest list would come through. But after a 10 min wait, the bouncer door guy eventually let me in (he had to make people wait outside to create the illusion of prestigiousness of the venue ) But anyway, the venue is great. Good size outdoor patio for all you smokers, and a decent size indoor area with a cushy upstair, for when you want to get intimate with your hookup. And the bathroom - the guys and girls bathrooms are seperated by a semi transparent glass wall, so you can get your flirt on even when you get your pee on Too bad I had to leave early...but had a good time nonethless
  24. yeah..caught a sample of the cd and it sounds like it was a hell of a party! Only makes me regret not going even more
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