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Everything posted by bobadrinker

  1. I guess you can say I skipped a grade cause I've never been to a rave. And from the sound of things, per weyes, I didn't miss out on much. Still every now and then I ponder what its like to see teen boppers get wasted and make an ass of themselves in public:laugh:
  2. this is obviously some insider joke, cause I'm chinese and I don't get it either... Anyone care of explaine?
  3. Time for a blond joke...hope it doesn't offend anyone A blond and a brunete are in a swim competition. The brunete wins the race by a large margin. After long, the blond finally finishes her laps and begins to complain. "Thats not fair...she was cheating.." the blond porclaims, while gasping for air. "Well what do you mean? How did she cheat?" asked the judge. The blond replies " Well this is a breast stroke competition right? Well she was using her hands!"
  4. Hellz yeah! That shot of burning 151 got me buzzed for good while. while I was stumbling around aimlessly, people mistaking me for a dance guru. lol...I love the spundae atmosphere:laugh:
  5. lol..yeah, it was a car accident. the fool just swerved right into the pole. He had a blank look on his face as if no knowing what had happened...sigh..kids these days. And whats up with rumors of Spundae banning cameras? I left mine home with that in mind, only to see flashes going off all over the place Think I might have accidently jumped into some people's kodak moments. So if you see a dorky asian guy with face red as a lobster making a unwanted cameo in your pic - I appologize
  6. Alright, another late post... What did y'all think of Armin's performance? (for those that went last weekend @ Spundae). This being my first Armin gig, I didn't even realize he was on until much later. But he droped some wicked tracks. Oldies...but DEFINITELY goodies!!! A quick re-cap of the night: -arrived ~11:30, and had to park 5 blocks away in some alley across the street I suppose I should be lucky just to get in at all -started the night off with a Heiny and the nastiest Bacardi 151 I ever had -got a good buzz going and started to boogy -swam my way up front to get a glance of Armin, and take in the hypnotic music -shaked hand with some random chick while making my way upstairs. weirdest thing...if I wasn't drunk outa my ass, I would've followed up with a "How you doin? " -stayed till the lights came on. Stumbled my way to my car, and witness some ass smash into the telephone pole All in all, it was a good time
  7. Curious that there are no mentioning of supplement drinks to boost you through the night. I'm not talking about your plain ol coffee. I mean good ol Red Bull, and other highly caffeinated drink substances (Jolt, Mountain Dew Code Red, etc) Sure they are high in sugar, caffein, and other artificial ingredients that may lead to impotence in men amongst other things. But if taken at the right time, with right dosage, it'll get you through the night. Ofcourse when you wake up the next night, you'll end up looking like Night of the Living Dead...:goofy: In short, only resort to this on a need be basis. For example, if PVD, Tiesto, AVB, Ferry, and Oakie are spinning consecutive nights. Ya dig???
  8. I think Alex90028 was the original promoter of the event??? Oh Alex90028...where are youuuu?
  9. those ar free??? well spank my horse and call me charlie I'll be buying girls fruit slices instead of drinks then
  10. No I actually preferr heat..hotter the better. But lately its been nothing but overcast And usually by this time of the year we're hitting the 90s. Oh well...hope the cooler climate will help prevent them rolling black outs from re-occuring
  11. I live in the suburbs of LA...waaay down south closer to OC. Plus I work in Newport. So we get a lot of ocean front over cast. Yeah its been better the last couple days. But you gotta admit, nowhere near the intense heat usually associated with this time of the year. I mean, temp in the 70s & 80s...what's up with that?
  12. This is such a cool and relevent topic. Its a wonder its never came up before. But here are some observations from my limited days of partying: *Vitamins: in addition to the party supplement favorite - E, stock up on other letters of the Alphabet like C, D, B and so forth. I usually just pop a multi vitamin like Centrum to cover all the bases *Music: another way to pump up the endorphines is by keeping the sure fire favorite tunes at hand. You know, the ones that always fires you up and gets you ready for more. My current favs are PVD's Creme @ Ibiza live set, and Tiesto's club space live set.
  13. Sounds like you've had your share of mis-haps with Mapquest. I too, had my shares of frustrations with online map guides. I just know if I get a new car, I'm getting one with them in dash GPS thing....
  14. this is kind of a late post since the movie's been out a week now. But by now majority of the peeps should've seen it. What are your verdicts on the Matrix Reloaded? I though it failed to live up to expectations, partially because the original raised the bar beyond reach. The action sequences were cool, but nothing extraodinary or new. Only part note worthy is the freeway chase scene. And whats up with the rave like celebration scene in Zion? There are just too many elements in the movies that seem tossed in for mass appeal, but doesn't tie together. And dont get me started on the whole philosophy/ religion affiliation they tried to make. Maybe I expected too much going in
  15. hmm..chipotople guacamomo burger..there's a thought..mmm
  16. Too bad you wont be in town this weekend to catch Armin in action. Then again, it sounds like house is more your cup of tea... But yeah, Venice tend to get tourist filled. Then again, you are a tourist...why pass up a tourist attraction right? I definitely would not go there at night though. In addition to Santa Monic, there's also Manhatan. Hopefully mother nature will cooperate and provide some of that signature So Cal sun shine soon...
  17. dude...looks like you got the inside track on some of tinsletown's biggest bashes. How does one get the hookups on those events? They all looked like a pimping good time... :eek:
  18. welcome back to LA, RC. They diss and hiss, but in the end they all come back...hehe Yeah, Spundae's definitely one place to hit up. It should suit your palate but may not tickle your girl's fancy, depending on how high maintenance she is. If she's looking for the real high ends of LA (i.e. where silicones are the norm) try Highlands or Century club. Lalate's web site has detail 411s on them, so does the sticky post on the LA forum.
  19. Lakers' streak came to an abrupt end. Now I have nothing to look forward to for the next couple weeks. :cry: :cry: (Well, except to watch the Kings go down in flames and lose out on another championship.) But they made a magnificent run, through the most difficult of times. Thanks for the valient effort - let's restart the streak next year...
  20. what if the giver gives you something you gave them? Still need to show gratitude?
  21. Here's an old one.... A drunk runs ouf of money after drinking all day in a bar. He pleads to the bartender: " Please give me another drink. I'll do anything" The bartender ponders for a moment and said "Alright. There are 2 things that needs to be done around here. See that room in the east wing? There's a tiger in with a bad tooth. He's been in a lot of pain and is really viscious. I want you to go in there and extract the tooth. Then in the west wing you'll find a room with a 90 year old hag. She's about to pass, but is still a virgin. I want you to go in and best sex of her life. Do those two things and I'll give you your drinks." The drunk happily agrees, and wobbles into the east wing room. Rumble ensues, followed by growling and wreckage. Half hour later, the drunk walks out of the room, shirt torn, bruises all over, and bloody and askes the bartender " So where's the hold hag with the bad tooth?"
  22. the Judge is coming to Mayan this Thursday night for a limited engagement. I dont know how much tix are at door, but I hookups to some $20 tix. Judge Jule is one of the premier DJs of UK(?), and Mayan is one of the best venues I've been to. Quantities are limited, so pm me ASAP if you want to go. Aiiiiiiii:cool:
  23. they do it at Circus Disco - 6655 Santa Monica, in Hollywood The gig that goes down at Galaxy is Rubber/ Pimp N Hoe. They only happen every so often. That is a hot spot for some serious eye candy
  24. hehe..are they still around... :laughing:They're one of the biggest, if not the biggest venues in LA/ Hollywood. They have soem wicked DJs lined up for the coming weeks. such as AVB for 5/25. Check www.spundae.com for more. Or look around the forum for one of Weyes' or another moderator's posts
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