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Everything posted by bobadrinker

  1. Yes, I know the feeling Niki. For the first time in 10 year (count them, 10!!!) I'll be Valentineless. On top of that I'll be spending it away from home..in blizarring Chicago. Oh where will I go, what'll I do, and who will I make sweet sweet love to?
  2. I hear ya Niki. This'll be the first time in...let's see....about 10 year! I'll be Valentineless for the first time in 10 year!!! AIYA!!! But where will I go, what will I do? how will I live, and who will I make sweet sweet love to?
  3. bobadrinker

    I need

    I need a spirit who will touch my life, I need a voice that speaks the truth. I need a soul who will be by my side, I need a hear I'll never lose...someone like you.........
  4. Yeah..hate when girls treat me like a slab of meat. It's always Wham Bam, thank you man. We have feelings you know!
  5. I did hold on that ideal at one time...long time ago. Then I just kinda lost my head. The thought of my girl (also a virgin) losing it to someone else just drove me nuts! In retrospect though, I don't regret it one bit..perhaps because we were in love
  6. Here's my contribution to the laugh bin. It's an oldie but goodie. Hope you all haven't heard it yet.. A desperate drunk pleads the bar tender:"Please bar tender, give me another drink. I'll do anything!" The bar tender pondered for a while, sympathetic to the drunk he offers the proposition: "Ok, I'll give you a drink only if you do something for me." The bar tender points to one room in the corner and says:"In that room, there's a crocadile with a bad tooth. I want you to go in there and pull out the tooth. In the next room, there's an old nun that has never gotten any her whole life. I want you to go and give her the time of her life. Do those two things and I'll give you the drinks." Without hesitation, the drunk goes in the room. There was rumbling and raucaus, noises of furniture breaking. After 20 minutes, the drunk comes out of the room and asks: "Ok, so where's the nun with bad tooth?"
  7. I was 21 and she was months away from 21. We were just caressing and rubbing at first, not daring to go further. But one thing lead to another and things just...fell into place It was an indescribable experience that lasted less than 5 minutes but seemed like an eternity
  8. bobadrinker


    You horn dogs out there ever notice a change in hormonal activities with season? They say people tend to be hornier durin summer because its hot, and the reverse for winter. Personally, I'm an all season lover. Long as I'm not in extreme temperatures How about the rest of ya?
  9. it doesn't pay to be nice...good guy always finish last...if at all
  10. And where's that pic of you? The ancticipation is killing me!
  11. bobadrinker

    Again! :(

    I don't know..this sounds pretty bad. Us guys HATE being deceited. You just may have to put out to smooth out this one...hahaha
  12. This is mildly crazy: Changing room of Timberland retail store, by window of hotel in NY facing Time Square. Want to add clubs and beaches to the list though...mmmmm
  13. Gotten back with an ex? I mean after a brea-up, after some time, then gotten back together? How was sex like? I'm not talking about post-break up sex or makeup sex. But how it's like knowing he/she's been with others and vice versa. Would this even be possible? Extremely curious...
  14. in Chicago these days? I'll be in Lincolnshire (about an hour away from Chicago) in the middle of February. Any good people to guide me through the club scences of Chicago or great metropolitan cities? I'm into trance, techno-ish stuff (PVD, Paul oakenfold) and such. How's the club culture like? dress code? hours? All/any info appreciated
  15. Chest guy here...any Hair ladies out there? When you step into a shower, which part of the body do you washfirst? Chest, Face, Armpits, Hair, Privates, Shoulders, Others. Now scroll down and check what/who you are > > The following describes your character:> CHEST: > > You are a practical person, straight forward and do not > > beat around the bush. To you, convenience is of > > paramount importance. You hate to be distracted > > when concentrating and are impatient with people > > who do not see things your way. You are a good > > sex partner and willing to try new things.Your best > > partner in life will be those who chose HAIR. FACE: > > Money is important to you and you will do anything to get it. Integrity>and > > dignity is not important. You feel that friends are there to be used and > > life is one big hassle. Other people find it hard to understand you but>you > > are not concerned as to what they think. Very self-centered person. > > Below average sex partner as too selfish and tend to be absorbed in self > > pleasure at the expense of your partner. Your best partner in life will>be > > those who chose PRIVATES and OTHERS.> > ARMPITS: > > You are a dependable and hard working person. > > Generally a very popular person as you are very > > down to earth and willing to help others. Tend > > to get yourself into trouble as you cannot tell > > whether people are genuine towards you. Trusting > > type. You make very poor sex partners as you are > > the working type with average talent. Do not always > > consider your partner's needs. Your best partner in > > life will be those who chose SHOULDERS.> HAIR: > > Artistic, creative, caring type. Positive thinker. Day dreaming is your > > hobby but you can achieve what most other people cannot! You will work > > tirelessly towards goals which are to your liking. You are able to see>and > > understand things others don't. Money, material possessions are not > > important.> > Friends and family are important. You make the Best sex > > partners. You are most willing to explore. Especially warm > > and sensual lovers. You love to please your partner. You > > value intimate moments with those you love. Talent, > > intelligence,loyalty, kindness, intuition are > > your main strengths. Your best partners in life will be > > those who chose CHEST and PRIVATES.> >> PRIVATES: > > Shy type. You lack self confidence and tend to > > be misunderstood by others. Find it difficult to share > > yourself with others. You do not have manyfriends as > > others sometime find you boring unresponsive. Perseverance is not your > > strength and you tend to give up easily and at the first opportunity. > > However, you make an above average sex partner. You are able to show>your > > true emotions to very few people. But, in sex, you find your inner > > strengths.> > And you find sex a safe avenue to share your true > > feelings. Your best partner in life will be > > those who chose FACE and HAIR.> >> > SHOULDERS: > > A born loser. You fail in almost everything > > that you do. People dislike you and you tend to > > spend your time alone. Your type have been known to > > be heavy gamblers and drinkers. You see the world > > as a living hell. Money and power are also important > > to you, but your luck will always fail you. > > You make a lousy sex partner. You will find it difficult to find a partner in life. Those who chose > > ARMPITS are your only chance.> >> > OTHERS: > > You are a very average person. Undoubtedly, you have your inner strengths but people find it hard to see. You must learn to be a littlebit more adventurous and sell your potential. Deep down, you are a very Likeable person with very few faults. However, the key will be to makeyour strengths stand out and not just hide your weaknesses. You are anaverage sex partner. You have greatfantasies about different techniques but unfortunately are not brave enough to try them out. Your best partnersin life will be those who chose FACE.
  16. Apparently I have that affect on girls..the kind of kiss that melts her body. But the one girl I want to give it to is not available. Hate to think I'm gonna take this with me to my grave...if only there's someone else out there...WHERE ARE YOU!!???
  17. bobadrinker


    I'm talking about the act, not the group. I'm sure amongst you freaks there are those who's part-taken in it. How was it like? How was it arranged? Share the wealth! For our purposes let's define orgy as a group of 3 or more...
  18. bobadrinker


    Who's got it? I'm not talking about Monopoly or Scrabble or Playstation. You know what I mean...the skills to hook up and impress and get the girl/guy. Share some of your moves - not just pickup line, but the whole package. I know you all are out there...
  19. Funny as always...I've passed some of your jokes on to my friends and gotten great responses...Keep'em coming!!!
  20. bobadrinker

    O godddddd

    HAhaha...interesting analogy with the eggnog and OJ...makes sense though! Personaly I'm a alcohol person - ocassional and social On a side note, x'mas is around the corner. The wait will soon be over!
  21. Yeah!! There's that naughty element in sex with the ex (though I really detest the word. I prefer to say former)that you don't get with a partner. But it can be a tricky situation. Wonder what she's doing lately....hmmm
  22. Word of advice...if you ever become curious about his other experiences - DONT ASK ABOUT IT! For his and especially your own sake, don't!!! Like Mysterious said, what you have between the two of you is strictly between the two of you. Maybe it is something you'll understand after you've been with others. But by all means don't let that be the reason to jump in the sack. Be selective and make your relationships meaningful...somewhat atleast.
  23. Personally it's all good with me...cause I'd just reinsert myself all naturale! Nothing beats that!
  24. clamped you so tight that she takes the condom off you?
  25. bobadrinker

    sex lol

    Most of you are advicing her to wait...but only because you all have done it already!!! Think back when you were still a virgin - do you think you would've waited??? Hahaha
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