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Everything posted by bobadrinker

  1. if your man has a teenie weenie? what are some of your strategies/ phrases to reassure him? I'll be damned if any of this sounds familiar to me
  2. I hear ya evovr6(?) I was in the similar situation...or still am sorta. I just dont know how to deal with it. We've had a lot of history together...lot longer than 3 years I tell ya. And what she did really hurt me. Even though this was done after we broke off it still hurts and I just dont know deal with it. HELP!! anyone?
  3. bobadrinker

    she knew...

    There comes a time when you have to accept those changes as a part of who that person is. Then you'll have to decide how comfortable you are with that and take appropriate firm actions. Stop making excuses man, it'll only get worse. Save yourself while you still can.
  4. OK...after hearing testimonies of all you people I still dont know how it is a pussy can "fart" I've just never enocounter it before!!! How is it possible??? It's just mind boggeling!!!!
  5. Just an observation: seems that women are loved irregardless of their boob or booty size, yet men are judged and criticized for their penii (penis plural) size - reverse sexual discrimination???
  6. Thanx y'all...this girl I'm seeing is tight as a knot! Guess I got my work cut out for me
  7. bobadrinker

    Who likes....

    There are reports of hidden erogenous zone in the anus area somewhere. Requires some probing I guess
  8. seeks advice on getting dirty first time...so to speak. What to use, how to use, preparation work..how how how???
  9. yes, I realize that. looked all over for that post and can't find it!!!
  10. bobadrinker


    My girl's wet a few bed sheets before...(though she insists it was me) Gotta say I love that wet & moist feeling. But I believe the female cum is white and gooy...atleast the one I've elicited....mmmmm, memories
  11. although it makes sense and gets the point across, the words "fucking" & "bored" should never be right next to each other
  12. bobadrinker

    she said...

    Good as a reason as any!
  13. and reactions to them...share the wealth y'all!!
  14. Damn you Pheonix!!! Had to elicit my conscious!!! Not hurting anyone...just dred the moment when I have to make a choice...aye!
  15. Aries...we just love to ram
  16. Assuming this girl of yours is not playing with ya...then it sounds like she has feelings for you but can't act on them cause of her current bf. Try doing this: drop her some of these hints (like she's done with you), this way she has an idea of how you feel for her. But don't make a direct move while she's still with the guy. Try opening up the topic (of her and her curent relationship) and see what her p.o.v. on that is...very tricky times this is.
  17. bobadrinker

    Is it wrong...

    to have feelings for more than one person??? And to act on those feelings?
  18. Great that all y'all are eager to advice the girl on the subject...but haven't noticed her response to all this. Any updates? decision? I suppose her decision is her privacy, but seeing how all these people care so much about her, it be nice to know...
  19. The last time I had sum lovin was back in June. Haven't had anything close to that since. I'm going through the Dust Bowl of dry spells But the last time was great...wild uninhibited sex all night looooong. I need a girl! Anyone interested in all nighters??? Apply within
  20. bobadrinker


    I remember my first time like it was yesterday...wait..err...haha. Ok, it was a couple years ago. She was my first and we were together for a looooong time. We talked about and the consensus was to wait. Well we held out till we reached 21. We were each other's first. We were messing around and it just kinda happened...It was definitely a passionate moment. I don't think neither one of us regret it...perhaps because we were truely in love. I took it real slow with her cause neither one of us was experienced. It was great though. Wonder if I'll ever have sex again, AYE
  21. HEYYYY!!! Always wanted to try it but a lil concerned...for her that is. How does one get around the more delicate areas? I'm just afraid I'll cut her Any help? tips? anything???!!!
  22. Just our of curiosity..are there any preparations needed to engage in anal sex? I mean should you clean out the area and maybe the colon?? Just thought that sounds logical..wouldn't wanna be diping in feces now
  23. Now taking suggestions for clubs or events in Aug...anywhere in Downtown or nearby vicinity! Please write!!!!
  24. My my my...you boys and girls are at it again? Back to basics indeed...I would think you ppl would have already covered this topic already. My most erotic exp. was in the dressing room of a retail clothing store (Name of store with held to protect the party involved) It wasn't even sex, just made out sneakingly But it was pretty exciting Ideal setting would be to do it in the nude on the beach just before sun rise when no one's there...hmm, does that sound familiar? Or perhaps out on the mountain top somewhere...guess I'm a nature boy. Roarrrrrrr ------------------
  25. The thing that gets to me is how ppl can get into one relationship/sex partner and move on to the next. If a relationship/sexual act is suppose to be sacred and special, then how is it that ppl can get involved with others so so easily. Maybe I'm just old fashioned or conservative. Maybe I just need to get out there and try new things...but the idea to me right now, is beyond me In a way, I kinda envy you ppl that have meandered and are able to find that special someone. Here's to all you special couples. ------------------
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