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Everything posted by dlish

  1. Hey B2B...does your name have anything to do with or were you down with James Bratton's crew back in the day??
  2. dlish


    check out www.pillreports.com They have info on all kinds of pills, broke down in the regions that they're prevelant.
  3. Check out http://www.dancesafe.org They have the best info about all drugs, drug related questions, etc.
  4. dlish


    What no response or smart ass comments by PhOeniX???
  5. dlish

    Read this.

    That was beautiful and enlightening...too bad the people that need to or should read it never will.
  6. It's actually a song by Black Legend "You see the trouble with me", it's not a remix, but it has a Barry White vocal sample...I have it, it's a sick 12". It's already sold out on the west coast.
  7. That's cool, where'd ya get it?? Too bad it doesn't have the elements. But, it's a sick pic...I should use it on a flyer.
  8. If you ever have any questions about e or any other drugs, go to http://dancesafe.org Based out of SF, they're down with keeping clubbing a safe environment. Here is what they have to say about preloading 5-htp: Preloading is the practice of ingesting vitamins and other supplements prior to taking Ecstasy. Many claims have been made that certain vitamins and amino-acids, if taken beforehand, will reduce MDMA's potential neurotoxic effects, or will enhance the desired effects of the drug. We have consulted with some of the top neurobiologists and MDMA researchers in the United States to find out the truth about these claims. Here is what we have discovered about three common pre-loading ingredients: 5htp. Vitamin C, and L-Tyrosine. The amino-acid, 5-Hydroxy-Tryptophan (5htp), has been shown in animal studies to slightly reduce the neurotoxic damage caused by MDMA. However, the theory as to why this happens suggests that the best time to take 5htp for its neuroprotective effect is on the come-down rather than beforehand. This is explained in the slideshow. Bear in mind, however, that 5-htp has only a very minor neuro-protective effect in these animals, and no studies have been done on humans. It is unlikely, therefore, that 5htp provides any kind of substantial protection against potential MDMA-neurotoxicity. I know it doesn't say much about increasing the effects, but I've heard that it really doesn't and can cause irreversible damage to serotonin receptors...it's best to take it after you roll to allow you to roll more frequently with better results. [This message has been edited by dlish (edited 07-21-2000).]
  9. dlish

    keep your hair...

    Damn, I guess I'm the only guy left that likes it 70's style. Nothing better than a jungle to explore in.
  10. Yea, the powder I have is stored in capsules...it was prevelent for a while, but now it's gone. I've noticed though, lately there has been a higher percentage of MDMA around...from like '93-'97 I could rarely find it...too many bathtub chemists making whatever they could sell, one time I got a pill that had a half dose of LSD in a meth pill...no good. But now, 90% of what's going around LA is MDMA, but then again I have a good connnect. Good luck.
  11. dlish


    Did anyone here take Human Sexuality or anatomy in College??? Or even go at all? (not a diss, just a question) Yes, the Sphincter Vesicae is the muscle that contracts, both in males and females, to stop the flow of urine during climax. The muscles of the urethra run continuous with the bladder, like a sheath. However, sometimes, upon orgasm, the Sphincter Vesicae starts pumping with the contractions of the muscles surrounding the urethra and the bladder, causing sometimes squirts of urine or a complete release of the bladder...other possibilites are the excess release of vaginal fluid, but that wouldn't produce a "gushing effect" only excess moisture, which can be somewhat excessive, but not "gushing. But, I was under the impression that you were talking about a huge amount of liquid... quote: "she'll begin to orgasm and up to a quart or more of "cum", with the consistency of almost water and the warmth of a bath will come out of her" --what does that sound like??? Now, if you were exagerating and it was more like a a tablespoon or two, then it's most likely vaginal fluid. The only reason I know this, is when I was in College, a girl "came", or actually squirted, in my mouth, and it was a shock and it tasted like hell...I asked my Human Sexuality instructor at the time what it was and got the above answer. It's definitely not what I wanted to hear or was expecting. Originally posted by Ph0eniX: no, you're wrong! ...it's not urine ...obviously you're an unexperienced youngster here not unexperienced by any means and not uneducated, even though college was a blur...had to throw break ins and move a grip of e back in the day to pay for it.
  12. So, what kind of pills are going around right now back east??? Do you have the purple peace signs?? They've been all over out here and they're good...a friend of mine hasn't rolled in a while and she drops every weekend and these nearly floored her. I still think pure powder is the way to go...still have some in the freezer for a few special occasions.
  13. dlish


    How's the 18th Street Lounge??? Crowd, vibe, music? Do the cats from Thievery really spin there or are they too big now?
  14. dlish


    Well youngsters, I don't mean to "rain on your parade" excuse the parody, but when a girl "gushes" like that, it's urine. When a female orgasms, sometimes the muscles contract around the bladder so hard that it will shoot out. This happens with some more frequently than others and has to do with the amount of urine in the bladder at the time. I've had this happen a few times, once I got shot in the mouth and it wasn't too tasty. Don't freak out about it, it's not a bad thing, it's actually good, you're giving your girl some strong orgasms brutha...keep it up and enjoy.
  15. Everything in moderation is the key. I used to go richter when I was young, but now try to keep it under control. Life is too damn short not to expand your mind, with a little help. Has anyone else noticed the resurgence of coke? It's like the 80's all over again, minus the fucked up hair and clothes and meaningless promiscuous sex (I know that's still around, but not like it was). E is always good, as long as it's E and not some bathtub chemists cocktail. Good pills seem to be in abundance lately, is it the same in NYC? Herbs and shrooms, should be legalized, they're natural damn it and you never hear of people killing anyone or stealing to get it. As long as you do drugs and not let drugs do you, it's cool.
  16. dlish

    Vote Fiscus

    Yo, B2B, what's up with all the negativity in the other cities message boards? This music, this culture, is about love, peace and unity and yet so many people just want to put people down. I thought this message board was about bringing people together that have similar interests and a way to make friends, contacts, etc. We've got to school all these negative people on the way it is brutha.
  17. Damn!! What's with all the negativity? I thought these boards were to bring people together with common interests? Not put each other down for having common interests. Arguing "whose the best dj?" Genre bashing, racial slurs...It doesn't matter what genre of music you like...one's not better than the other, it's only personal opinion, which everyone has a right to and shouldn't be put down for...same about dj's. House music is about peace, love and unity among all, regardless of where you come from, geographically, financially or racially. It should bring us together, not tear us apart and cause all of this hatred and negativity. I used to give NY props for it's club scene, music, people, etc. I thought you all had class and culture and common sense. Listening to this just makes me shake my head and makes me glad I'm on and from the west coast. Maybe you all need to roll a joint and chill at the beach and get your head on straight. Can't we all just get along?
  18. Got it, see sometimes, the time in question, I put the dj's on the stage and when that happens, they can't control the montitors with the mixer, the sound guy does with the master board. When they spin in the dj booth, they have control. About the dj's, my residents have been spinning in clubs or undergrounds for an average of 6 years, some more, some less. The guest dj's have been John Howard, Juan Atkins, Jason Bentley, Steve Loria, etc. and more on the horizon like Stacey Pullen, Eddie Fowlkes, Dan, Farina etc. So, it's not a rookie problem, I think the monitors were just cranked. But, even at home with my shotty monitors, it's hard to hear. I'm gonna try that test you said to see. Thanks again
  19. I knew she was gonna blow up back in '90 when she was playing in AZ and I was throwing underground break ins there back then. She is definitely one of the US's best trance dj's. She can even drop a phat house set if she wants...she's a funky ass soulful sista.
  20. Thanks for all the replies. Since it's mainly for the dj's that spin in my club, they all use different headphones...one was using the silver Sony 700 series and he had a hard time hearing over the moniter. This weekend the dj said it was ok, but I was only using one moniter this time. Maybe we had the moniters cranked to high the first time...I'll probably pick up some headphones that pump out enough sound...so the Sony 700 series is the way to go it sounds? I heard the 600's have more bass output, which is what is lacking? Anyone else hear this? What's up with the Technics? I get Technics equipment through work at 10% above cost, so that might be the way to go. Thanks again for all the responses...NYC gets mad props on the 411.
  21. Anyone use a Vestax out there? If so, have you had problems with the headphone levels? Is there anything that can be done to get more sound or headphones that have their own amp or something??? Or, am I gonna have to break down and buy a Rane? FYI-I'm a club promoter in Hollywood and bought a new mixer and turntables because the club I promote for uses shotty equipment and I was tired of the dj's using crap...but this headphone volume issue sucks too. It seems like NY is more involved on this message board than LA so I thought I'd get some good replies here.
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