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Everything posted by dlish

  1. What's this place like? The owners are buying a friend of mine's club out here, where I promote a night, in Los Angeles and are going to remodel it and open up Moomba West. Just wanted to get the 411 on what type of club/music/crowd, etc. Grazi.
  2. dlish


    Have you started taking anti-depressants lately, Zoloft, Prozac, etc. or Zyban to quit smoking or any medications? I know that certain medications, especially anti-depressants can make it hard for females to have orgasms. Or maybe you're just not into him anymore...do you get annoyed with him easier these days than you used to? Maybe it's time to move on. Actually, who knows...the human body is a complex machine that breaks down from time to time with no reason.
  3. dlish

    For everyone!!!!

    Well, being a, not ugly, single male, I'm having sex with someone new all the time. It feels great everytime and I love and respect each and every girl (in a way nobody probably could understand)when we each let down our guard and give each other pleasure. I like being with new people, female friends, etc. and that's what's fun, every girl is different and it takes time (foreplay) to understand what each girl needs...but, someday I'll meet "the one" and settle down...till then, it's the variety pack.
  4. Well, I just had my first experience with this a few weeks ago and I can say I will never do it again. Talk about not wanting to make eye contact with someone and my roommate at that (goofy bastard). We didn't get into that double penetration/dick rubbin' shit, but the close proximity of another guy was uncomfortable enough. But, I can now say I've tag teamed a girl with one of my friends and will never to it again. Now, two girls, that's a completely different story, I've done it a dozen times or so and once with three. There is nothing better in the world than bringing two girls to orgasm at the same time. Ahhh, now my life is complete. Women are wonderful and I love each and every one of you.
  5. dlish

    please help!

    Wait, I like the eggplant idea...or how about a huge cucumber or a zucchini? Something about girls and fresh vegetables...talk about tossin' a salad, whew. Or maybe have your best friend fist you or something. Girl, what the hell are you talkin' about, hump the guy, never see him again, go through a month of kickin' yourself in the ass for doing something stooopid, then meet someone you really love (or like) build a relationship on trust, caring, and friendship then do all sorts of fun and kinky shit with him...or forget about this Brazilian fool and do the later of the above and have your first time mean something to you and be a positive experience. Just my 2 pesos.
  6. That is the reason I was put on this earth...why do you girls have to be sooo tastey?
  7. dlish

    Lights on / Lights off

    I guess it depends on who you're with. I'm glad the lights were off last night (no I take that back)...Candlelight is the best.
  8. dlish

    w/ a condom

    You're not missing much, because condoms do suck, but are necessary and should always be used, especially in instances of casual sex. You've never used one?? How old are you? I take it this is your first girlfriend and your first sexual encounter/experience, to not have ever used one.
  9. dlish


    Not even if a guy you like is using one on you??? I have my own bag of tricks in my closet that I use (a few vibrators included) on girls. It just makes it a little more interesting that straight sex.
  10. Am I going to have to reply with a "brunette" joke again???? Why all the hostility towards blondes? Did one steal your boyfriend?
  11. Gotta watch my fellow blonde girl's backs.
  12. Ohhh, how I love the girls in Argentina, so tan and moist and tasty and spicy and good in bed. I especially love the blonde's. Damn I wish I still lived in my old building, it was packed with Argentine women like a snickers is peanuts. I miss the rooftop pool smoke outs and hot tub sessions.
  13. That was hilarious...kind of like the breathalizer joke. Here's a few counter jokes to side with the blondes out there. Why are brunettes so proud of their hair? It matches their mustache. Who makes bras for brunettes? Fisher-Price. What do brunettes miss most about a great party? The invitation. What's a brunette's mating call? "Has the blonde left yet?" What's the real reason a brunette keeps her figure? No one else wants it. What do you call going on a blind date with a brunette? Brown-bagging it. What do you call a brunette in a room full of blondes? Invisible.
  14. I love to eat at the rainforest cafe!! This seems to be one of those energizer rabbit topics, it just keeps going and going. And, once again, I'm the only one that's down with the 70's dew down there.
  15. Yep, that's a new one for me too....funny shit.
  16. dlish

    Mile-High Club

    Spring break in '93 on my way to Jamaica...shit, it's been that long since I've had a girlfriend?
  17. I totally agree with you. I think the word "slut" is used by girls that don't get any to try and put down those that do. There is nothing wrong with having sex just for the pure enjoyment of it, safe sex of course. Guys really don't call girls sluts, to us you're called angels.
  18. Of course it helps when a girl makes an aggressive move. Don't worry, it doesn't take the mystique out of it, it just clues us in and I think girls definitely get props when they make a move. If a guy says he doesn't like it, he's either lying, gay or has some serious sexual disfunction. Hell, there's been times that I've woke up naked next to a girl and I still didn't know her name yet.
  19. dlish

    fave magazines?

    Maxim definitely gets my vote. In addition to having the most beautiful women on the cover and inside, there are hilarious articles and even sometimes educational ones. I read about Absynthe for the first time in Maxim and actually found some and tripped balls. FHM and Stuff (same people as Maxim) is good too, but Maxim is the best.
  20. Oh come on people, if both of you can handle having casual sex with no strings, go for it. I've had a number of flings with co-workers and they've all been beautiful experiences. I know it can backfire, but when you see someone everyday and become friends, then one day after work, happy hour, a few margarita's and BAM!, tearing each others clothes off in the parking lot, trying to drive to whomever lives closer for a night of meaningless, passionate, animal style sex...ahhhh, bliss.
  21. dlish

    Pussy Farts

    Ok, where did you get the flower scene? That is tooo hilarious. And, back to the topic I'm down to roll around in bed, laughing and giggling, making "pussy fart" noises with any one of you fine ladies. An ex-gymnist? Wow, the fantasies I'm coming up with now.
  22. What you need to do, is come out to Cali for a vacation and get some strange...us surf cats love you east coast girls and will guarantee to make you wet.
  23. dlish

    sex addiction

    So this is where all the fine ladies hang out? Well, I know something about sex addiction since I'm in S.A.A. right now and they can't do shit for me. But, maybe some of you can.
  24. Oh yes....large lips are the best, otherwise it looks like a little girl. But something that is controllable that makes it all good down there...ladies let the 70's come back in style down there...no more mohawks or bald eagles.
  25. dlish

    Pussy Farts

    These are definitely something that makes you laugh your ass off (hopefully both of you)...we always called them "queefs" though...pussy fart just doesn't sound good.
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