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Everything posted by b-side

  1. Nice Work.... good to see you out the other night too..
  2. When I did a walk through i was completely impressed with the amount of sound they're brining in esp since the all the rooms have low ceilings The main room has a mini amphitheatre layout with VIP cruving across the back. Dance floor size is adequate for the room size and so are the bar locations... Most Importantly the DJ Booth is where it Needs to be in both rooms!... I can't wait until i hear what it will sound like when all complete and the room is full of people. John, Gerry, Eddie & the entire team are doin this shit right. And with a great opening, Mark hasn't played here outside of Conference in ages!
  3. WOW i'm really impressed.. I like that shit a lot.... I'd recomend doing a time stretched delay decreasing in octaves for the last break of the hook (or maybe the first break before the raw acapella)... PM / call me if i'm confusing that's probably the only thing I would change (besides making a late night remix) what program are you using I'd love to F* that shit up!!!
  4. Best set for me there was Green Velvet !!! and I miss the fish tank too... i guess too many pervs got busted LOL
  5. Ohhhh shit..... this is gonna be Sawweettttt !
  6. So you finally put out the flyer... I was getting tired of people asking what's up
  7. I used to drum... and do a lot of percussion... but from DJ-ing so long my hands do all of the work, so Unless it's a Hand drum I need to pratice before I pic up any instrument... the other week i picked up a friends sax... big mistake I sounded like a Dying Goose... it's a shame how I let those talents go... Now all I can do is Play Keys (by ear), Hand percussion, and compose a little. But I defintely appreaciate how all the instuments gave me an ear for Harmoic Mixing!
  8. All this time I thoug U threw the parties and he was your groupie Happy Birfday In advance... I know houw U guys celebrate days in a row
  9. Rumors are that Lust4house & Aquabooty are cooking up something special All i can say is.... Well welll.... It's ABOUT TIME U FOCKERS!!! I've been praying for this for years Spill the beans Dammit when? where? whith who Bliss? Is Lust4Booty / M.H.A. finally comming to life ???
  10. > First Memories: 30 years ago playing with my show and tell, making the screen go back and forth as I moved this record: > First Influences: My parents were cool but dad was strict (Marine, Attorney & first to go to college in his family), Had actually owned a private recording studio (which I blame my obsession with musical gadgets) . Coming from New Orleans i can remember hearing everything thing imaginable everywhere you look. > Musical History: I started Blues & Soul, Jazz & Classic Rock: Then when early Funk & R&B: into 80’s, Disco & pop Somewhere I snuck in the origins of Hip-Hop while delving Reggae, Ska, then Punk.( I used to slam dance, skateboard and had a Mohawk). Then came back to Hip-Hop & then went early House and Breaks; while listening to Trip-Hop & Acid Jazz some Industrial & Goth shit along the way! Now i I used to play a lot of different instruments but gave it all up for the turntable Best thing is I have a collection of vinyl that has traveled 3 states and spans as far back as the 60’s. And I still have my original copies of Electric Company and Sesame Street on Vinyl (when it really was Vinyl) I pretty much can evenjoy any & everything except Modern Country/POP & Underproduced Trance. Now I love: Classic Hip-Hop, D&B, Breaks, House, Techno, Latin, Tribal, Prog, and curretly play them ALL
  11. What happend to the flyer.... or is it me ???
  12. Props on the gig man .... I'll have to check this out one monday... Sounds dope
  13. hit me up w/ a PM of Names and what style of music you prefer... at the begenning of the month I'll send you a itenerary of what's goin' on and I can put you down on a guestlist at just about any of the clubs you mentioned and more (except Mynt) >> But you have to follow Koky's instructions first
  14. for that much I would have bought my own Country / Island and built a indestructible Biodome!!! He got screwed.. the adverage Zillionare would have only paid 5mil for 20 Mil. he probably could have bought a Planet if he talked to the right person
  15. Looks like someone's jumping the gun and planning a hostile takeover Rumors also have that mister "Global Club Legend" senor LP has something up his sleeve too... Although it is a little early for WMC speculation in normal miami terms I sort of glad this is happening so early; hopefully bigger and better things happen, & in a more logical manner And the fun begins 8)
  16. is there a asian lady w/ a massage table behind the black door by the bathrooms ? just wondering' because we could all use a "Happy Ending"
  17. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh SHIT! IT'S ON!!! good job guys I've been waiting to hear back about this for weeks... glad it's finally going down...
  18. What took so long J.K.
  19. Hey maybe I'll get a 9-5 job now.... :lmao: this brings a whole new meanin to the term "smoke break" I swear tha day it is truly legal... I'll never smoke another cigarette.. ever!
  20. b-side

    Ok So Anyway

    Oh Danny..... bring me back some of that stuff i always love to get it down there, because its always much fesher than here last time i found it by Zona Roza.......... .................... near the club down the street from the park next to the ice cream parlor U Know Some ........................................................ PUSSY!
  21. Glad to hear it was such a good time... next time I just may have to join you, it's been years sine I've been to N.Y. Even better to see you doing proper gigs man... congrats C U saturday
  22. Nice flyer C U guys there ATTN SHELDON: How was Cielo i saw some of the pix but did you have fun... O.K. stupid question but I want details ... Cielo is hot shit!
  23. b-side

    Ok So Anyway

    That's what I miss most about South Am... here in the states hot women are the minority...... down there adverage women are the minorty and ALL the rest are Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru, VeneZ, and OMG BRASIL !!! OMG I think the best times of my life have been south of the border PUN INTENDED
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